God damnit, I didn't know I wanted this and now I do
God damnit, I didn't know I wanted this and now I do
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are anime fans so fucking dumb?
Who the fuck above the age of 12 thinks this is good in any way?
Whos the shoen lead that becomes op at the end?
I have no idea what that means
They actually did a pretty good job. Could have chosen a better song though.
If overwatch was naruto whos naruto?
>english voice song
I'll give a medal to anyone who can watch more than 20 seconds of this without killing themselves out of sheer cringe
I never watched Naruto.
The one on the left.
Stop being a huge weaboo.
You don't want the game, you just enjoyed this edit.
how old are you?
Do they not have english lyrics in your naruto shows?
Can we stop with the overwatch threads already?
user you don't even have to have watched it to get that.
>whos this shows goku?
>whos this shows ichigo?
>whos this shows dr. who?
>whos this shows megaman?
This is so fucking cringeworthy, go comming death by dying you fucking anime loving faggot
>popular game comes out
>people make threads about it
Give it a week or two
>no shot of everyone standing in the rain
Genji then
>can we stop having videogame threads already
Let the new game fun wear off, you salty cuck. In less than a month your precious front page will be nothing but your favorite e-celebs, system wars, bait, and east vs west arguments, just how you like it.
It was heavily rumoured last year that Blizzard were apparently in talks with some anime studio for a pilot.
>Do they not have english lyrics in your naruto shows?
why would they?
too early for a cringe thread, OP
Tracer, obviously.
You kids care too much about what people think.
Hanzo cause he's suffering and shit
I cringed the second this gay ass music started playing, other people had nothing to do with it
Why are you speaking english and not your nip language?
>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.
What the fuck do people see in this shit?
These are some of the laziest characters I've seen, yet everyone tells me they're the best. I even watched the intro videos and they still look like shit. They don't even have good silhouettes and the game sells them skins that makes them unrecognizable.
Is everyone on drugs? Everything about the game looks bland.
>X should be anime meme
>generic anime opening theme song about fighting and never giving up
Why do anime fans insist on shoving this format onto everything?
This is what people like nowadays.
They're fighting and never giving up, obviously.
>I don't like fun
Yup, we're in Sup Forums
>Hey dude what if we have an MGR Raiden ripoff
>Alright what if we also have a WoW Dwarf
>Alright what if we make a Cowboy too
>Alright what if we make a guy in all black wearing skullz all over
>Alright what if we make a regular looking woman in a thick parka
Their designs are bland as fuck and they're also all over the place. Only thing that binds them all together is the style they're designed in.
Sup Forums's vehement hatred for Overwatch (And Blizzard in general) is straight up ludicrous.
They seem bland if you trivialize it to that degree.
>All this has happened before and all this will happen again.
Eating shit is more affordable if you like the taste of it.
Basically they've taken character designs from over 30 years worth of games and shoved them all into one gameWhat also helps is half of them are pretty girls.
Its Grade A generic slop which is what Blizzard is best at making.
Then they're happy and rich.
But Hanzo's the bad guy.
ctrl+f cringe
>5 results
It's bland, but its still fun to play. At least with friends.
>masked ninja
>samurai but the twist is he uses a bow
>robot guy
>Gandhi but if he was a robot
>angel girl
>nerd girl with glasses
>Gamer Girl on top of Mech Rider
>An intelligent Gorilla
>edgy sniper assassin
>ruthless killer
Majority of Overwatch's cast are almost copies of League of Legends characters
The only copies are the masked ninja, angel girl, ruthless killer.
And maybe robot guy if you want to go that generic with Blitzcrank
fuck off OP i thought it was hand drawn based on your pic
>MGR invented cyborg ninjas
>WoW invented dwarfs
I know Sup Forumsirgins like yourself only know video games, but your lack of culture is disturbing.
>Overwatch characters
>alln unique from each other with backstories found in pregame conversations and the website, cinematics and comics go further into character development
>Shit like Dark Souls
>if an enemy isn't a knight it's a dragon or disfigured dog thing. Oh maybe a rat here n there
>nearly impossible to find anything resembling a story unless you're a raging autist
Sup Forums can be retarded at times but when idiots say these characters are bland it's like they're showing they have no idea what they're talking about
ANd what you retards should take away from the success of this game and the failure of say, Battleborn, is that tropes are powerful fucking things. These characters are recognizable archetypes that are known to appeal to people for generations, they are not unique, but they stand out because of how closely they follow their tropes. Battleborn on the other hand went for wacky original designs and in doing so their game appeals to virtually nobody and their characters are unrecognizable.
Is this a fucking bait?
>I'm having a blast
>Its fun
>Its fun with friends
>X is my waifu
Every-fucking-time a new game comes out with huge marketing, its the same fucking shitheads crawling back in here.
What the fuck is it you niggers want to say? The entertainment you bought entertains you? I'm having fun hanging with my friends? How the fuck is that different from eating shit. All that tells me, is that you like eating shit. Even more if you have friends to join you.
>Randomly bringing up dark souls.
Don't do that, your casual garbage can barely hold up against f2p hat trading sims. Overwatch isn't worthy of being put next to the greatest franchise in gaming history.
You ever have sex before? From the outside it's just two bodies flopping around on each other and it doesn't look like much fun but ask anyone and they'll say it's great and fun and they enjoy it
Is sex shit too son? You're not a lonely virgin loser right?
>having fun is like eating shit
Your analogy is basicly that I don't play games and don't know what they're like.
Jesus fucking Christ. Go eat your shit on /vg/.
When I place a plate of shit infront of you to munch, all you can muster is "Its good". What am I supposed to take from that?
>I don't have friends
Gee, you don't say
That it's good?
Are we supposed to have a psychic link? Did I miss that firmware update?
Reminds me of this
Holy shit thats pretty good
Just because you dont like something it's not a fact that it's bad.
That you like eating shit? Yeah. I don't need psychic links for that.
What is so hard to understand here?
I see you niggers playing shit games, and all you can say in your defence is "but its fun". So its bland. So its shit. But its fun to you. Because you love munching shit.
The whole story is kinda centered around Soldier 76 and The Reaper.
And vice versa, wtf is "but its fun" supposed to mean then?
>overwatch fags are this fucking autistic
hoo boy
wow, the projection. reading into one post that deeply. your mother must be proud of you
Pls user, old as tropes get, 76 is the old master that's soon to be passed by the younger generation. His sole purpose is to job at some point.
>no interest in being part of Overwatch or its' shitty fanbase
feels patrician man
That many people are having fun with the game despite some lack of originality in the characters or flaws the game definetly has.
I take comfort in the fact that I know joys you cannot even comprehend.
What a sad little existence you have.
Says the niglet using virgin and no-friends as insults.
I merely noted those things applied to you, but if you think they're bad then well, who am I to argue?
This is the most retarded argument ever. It doesnt matter how shit a game is, I can make it fun when playing with friends. You people really need to get your heads out of your fucking asses.