Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw Timesplitters 2 also does this

I have nothing to contribute but love technology threads.

>Its got a level of oil
Holy shit.

>wasted resources thread

Oh I'm sure the 4 KB of memory and 3 picoseconds of processing it took to keep track of the oil completely destroyed the game's performance and production schedule.

This game has some nice destruction.

What games are these?



and what about the manhours it took to make?

Fuck, the one time I completely ignore filenames.

Thanks user.
Still trying to figure out the first one, title says "AD 2002"

All one of them?

Medal of Honor Allied Assault

I bet it took literal days to write that code, feat of engineering if anything. Literally 20 programmers at it for weeks, 250K+ spent on that feature no doubt.

Cool, thanks user





I always thought the water in Resistance 2 was way to dense, seemed to have the consistency of oil more than water

I agree but for a 2008 console game it was impressive.

>a few lines of code to simulate real-life related rates
>don't even need actual calculus to make it convincing

This one feature alone probably delayed the game for years. What in the fuck were they thinking

Is this why HL3 is never coming out?

Yeah true, Resistance did some neat things. I think I remember the original one having some neat shattering glass.

It's actually old Sony tech from the PS2 days, Ratchet had this kind of water, Baldurs Gate had it, and then later God of War used it. R2's just adds refraction to the water

Iirc it was part of the tech demo examples that came with the PS2 SDK so thats why a lot of Sony games had it, I cant remember if the PS3 sdk had that but I'm sure you could port the code pretty easy if you wanted to

Also Unreal Engine had something similar

Unreal Tournament 2003 had the same water physics meshes, albeit lower resolution because of hardware at the time.

Don't know if this counts but fuck it

Get out

Why did they bother with that? It adds nothing to the game, but it looks like it consumed a lot of valuable time.

Are you stupid?

>enemies hit you in a random pattern that looks like it is synced
I don't think so, soulsfag.

Yeah, I also remember that. My mind was blown back then. I recently replayed TS2 and I found it completely shitty, worse than Perfect Dark on the N64. It doesn't even have reload animations. What a piece of shit.

Same here, still cool though.

Is there any game besides Witcher that has beard/hair growth? I've seen people say GTA V but it's total bullshit.

>water doesn't pool on the floor

total trash

It looks really bad when the enemies just keep swinging after you're dying in slow motion. It just looks so off.

Completely your fault. I saw that R1 you fool

Can you dodge or block those attack, or is it a complete stunlock

Deadly Premonition

That's not synchronized it's a random clusterfuck you see in every single game if you get surrounded.

And if you don't wash and change clothes you start to smell bad, people complain, you get flies around you and they start docking your wage.

>follow an eccentrically dressed couple behind a gothic nightclub
>the chick starts blowing the guy

>random pattern that looks like it is synced
>frame perfect jumping attacks from the two in the back
Not me, too much of a toaster to run DS3

Before they start jumping you can see he tries to swing, he should have rolled instead.
Blocking wouldn't work because you can't shield both left and right, unless you started blocking when facing the single guy.

Of course if only poise worked we wouldn't have to think about this stuff

Also, some more fun

The enemies do try to synch up attacks in ds3, if you aggro two at the same time, just watch them, one of them will almost always hold off on attacking you until the first one has to time the staggers.

That said, I wouldn't really call something that basic 'technology'

I saw blowjob in Chinatown and I felt jealous and shit

Fuck video games.

Arkham Asylum

Which doesn't really make much sense since the game takes place in one night.

Wait, seriously? Screenshot?


This is no TECHNOLOGY. It's just a cool moment in a game. It's like calling that moment in the first BioShock "TECHNOLOGY" when instead it's just a cool, well implemented, scripted moment:

Maybe he grows a beard really fast? There are some really hairy people in the world

>headbutting his pants for half a minute

I appologize to all other anons for a slight off topic post.

I was super emotional, depressed and certain I'm too much of a freak, nerd and an introverted mess to ever be with a woman. My depression lasted for years, would get jelaous of every sex scene in a movie so much I'd stop watching it.

Turned out that for some time a young girl was adoring me from a distance, even doing some light stalking. Felt like she fell from the sky, I would have never guessed such a cute girl would be into me.

The point is, I was very pessimistic and it happened to me, so it can happen to you too user, and it probably will, when you least expect it.

wheres the TECHNOLOGY?

>Not me, too much of a toaster to run DS3

ps4's are $200 used brehskie + you'll get the other souls game

cool blog fucboi

Not technology, just a prepared jumpscare
It would be if it actually showed a real reflection of you with the monster behind

>playing the game like that
>not taking out tall guy first
>full YOLO
jesus christ

Start watching from 3:30

Cute story Senpai


thanks YIFY

>t. buttmad console cuck

Are you ok user?

I've seen some bad players, but holy shit that guy needs to read books and hope he doesn't set them on fire.

Goldeneye and Perfect Dark have more technology than most pc games

nice blog, i mean it

The Division is the ultimate technology game

It's relatively subtle, though.

it seems you're in the wrong thread. This is not about games being graphically downgraded, this is about games with lots of nice small, but technically impressive details


Maybe Bruce just has fast metabolism.

It takes days for me to get a stubble like that but I know guys who get a 5 o'clock shadow for lunch.

Watch Dogs is the ultimate technology game

Fable will have some of the best technology ever guys, I promise!


>guns unable to penetrate a street sign

Thats actually pretty technology because it takes hundreds of bullets killing people in the divison.


You could've went for a good pun there you fucking faggot


What game is this?

Because it makes a game feel more polished.

That definitely did not take a lot of time to make.


>uzumaki naruto rendan



>you'll get the other souls game
I can play 1 and 2 just fine.
Not too well versed but i don't think that the PS4 with backwards compatibility can play both demon and 3.

sauce is xmoon production
look it up
they deserve at least a few shekels

So, can you fuck?

Dolphin porn

While it does look kinda cool, it's not very TECHNOLOGY-worthy IMO.
Even Mario 64 could do that shit.

>they deserve at least a few shekels
Fuck no, alt least not until they put out an actual game and not this tech demo, lazy cunts.


So do you play as a serial killer in this game?

So I wasn't crazy.

According to the torrent at KAT there's two story modes and a dungeon mode.



Not finished.
They also STILL haven't ported the two other stories from the 2.x version of the game.

tip top kek, friend

Any time I'm searching movies I always add "-YIFY".