What are some games that I can play with my daughter Sup Forums?

what are some games that I can play with my daughter Sup Forums?

Wait a second. This isn't a Loli thread is it? It better not be one.

answer the question

gonna need a sauce

That's indecent ojisan.

Dads who have daughters with benefits are repugnant.

The twist is that it's actually shit coming out from a man's ass.

The man needs to go really bad but the little girl is taking longer than expected to tinkle, So the man decided to shit down her throat instead.

Quit loli gagging and get to the point, OP.

Judging from the picture you're not a good dad.

Any game that will teach her how to frag. If you're gonna teach you'r daughter vidya, better take it from the start.

Why did I read this in Cr1tikal's voice?

So the plan is you put your boner between her legs so you can pee while she takes a dump?

At that point you could just pee in her mouth so she can pee out your pee. Still disgusting though.


from the start eh?

Cave Explorer

>excited loli

Droooopped! Naive loli who is a bit nervous and has no idea what's happening or bust!

I refuse to believe people get turned on by this. I can sort of understand a loli, but this is fucked. That's a fucking toddler man. You can't be that fucked.

Why isn't that man picking up his phone!?

It's just a cartoon.

Changed baby diapers before. I can already smell that weird baby diaper smell.

>I can sort of understand a loli, but this is fucked

Yeah like you have any moral highground you sick fuck.