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>Some billionaire just woke up and said "I'm gonna fucking KILL this company!"

Yeah okay.


>publish articles that fuck up peoples lives
>ignore a court order to take down a sex tape
It's a conspiracy guys!

Wasn't it the Hulk Hogan Erosion Explosion that fucked Gawker up?

Yeah, but it turns out that a huge portion of the funding for it came from Peter Thiel, a rich scumbag that the Gawker network had personally pissed off.

It's kind of an odd situation. On the one hand Thiel is a shitbag targeting people over vendettas. On the other hand Gawker is so shitty that it really does feel like they've totally asked for this. It's kind of a "whoever wins, we lose," situation.

Hulkomania ran wild on them, brother.

Him italicizing kotaku pisses me off for some reason

>Chapter 11

Fucking great, they'll be fine and still exist under a new owner.

Why couldn't it be chapter 9, truly end this shit.

why do you call Thiel a scumbag?

Apparently kotaku is being bought by ign which makes it worse

>Chapter 11
>tfw nothing will change if the wrong owner buys it

No. It's whoever loses, we win

>Yeah, but it turns out that a huge portion of the funding for it came from Peter Thiel

And? Isn't it more telling that in order to beat a media company (owned and run by millionaires) publishing a video of you fucking, taken without your consent, for profit is to have an even richer person help your legal costs?

They've already got an offer for $100m from Ziff Davis, the owners of IGN and ExtremeTech.

They'll likely get higher offers during their protection period, too.

What about the ones worse than Kotaku like the main blog or Jezebel?

Their offers are to buy Gawker et al, that includes Lifehacker, Jezebel, etc.

Whoever buys them will likely keep all of them active because that's exactly why these companies would offer to buy Gawker in the first place even with a $140m creditor pursuit. They will want the combined assets and market reach of all their sites.

Kotaku was bought by IGN owner or something, hopefully he will fire everyone there.

>they're trying to sue Thiel back

I'm more surprised Thiel didn't hire someone to kill whoever made that article.

>w-we lost because a meanie millionaire funded the trial
>not because one of our jackasses said he'd publish child porn of four year olds
why are they so retarded
Every single one of them. It's not even most of them going "why did that idiot fuck it up for us", no. They actually think they're in the right and that everyone else is wrong and biased against them, that they're victims of an unfair system rather than their stupid mistakes. They are actually all retarded.

>why are they so retarded

They got away with their shit for years and even won many lawsuits in the past. They believed they were invincible.

Gawker has been known to ransoming CEOs and celebrities with "dirt" that they either force them to pay Gawker to keep quiet or go public to expose them with
Theil was still in the closet at the time and they were gonna either force him to pay to keep his secret or expose him so he came out of the closet to give the finger to Gawker
But yeah, Theil's a scumbag for helping Hulk win a case that was clearly Hulk's deserved to win, eat my shit

>Gawker is currently fight 5 seperate defemation lawsuits right now

you'd think they'd learn by now

>Gawker network had personally pissed off.
You mean the one they blackmailed?

>not because one of our jackasses said he'd publish child porn of four year olds
I'm pretty sure it's also refusing to take down the video twice on top of taunting about it in the articles, slander against Hulk Hogan by calling him a racist, breaching of privacy to get a snippet of Hogan telling his daughter not to marry a black guy INSIDE his private property, despite Hogan's workers saying he wasn't racist during his career. I think I forgot one or two more but that's enough to validate Hogan suing them.
>"The judge told us to take down the video. We won't!"
Don't fucking say shit like that when you're going through legal heat.


I'm amazed that fucktard is gonna buy that site, Hulk's lawsuit would open up the opportunity for more celebs and CEOs that Gawker tried to blackmail to sue the remains, throwing money at it would just be putting it in a hole

>inb4 Peter Thiel sues them for defamation

>We are not going anywhere
>The site and company will have a new owner
Yeah, keep telling yourselves that....

They outed him as gay years ago without his permission, this was nothing but revenge. Sweet, sweet, revenge.

Half life3 ?

They are actually trying to sue Thiel, that's gonna go real well

I bet they think they can just simply refuse being kicked out.

>He beats your ass in a proxy war
>Try to start a real war with him


He did though whats funny is that it's was a gay which they love to defend and yell about needing inclusion so much that shut them down

If IGN actually buys them does that mean they're the ones that will shoulder the fines?

>They outed him as gay years ago without his permission
And this is from the same webpage who tells people to check their priviledge and how sexist and homophobic they are for not buying EA games?

Gawker hurt Hogan, who is Thiel's friend.

I guess that hurt his pride, and it doesn't look like he'll let it slide.

It doesn't matter, Nick Denton was for years the sole owner of Gawker and he's pretty much responsible for their editorial standards, without Nick Denton Gawker will never be the same thing, be it better or worse. Their unique brand of blogging is dead. No matter how they try to spin it, it's a loss.

>Internet jokesters founding a loudmouth website try to fuck with an actual entrepreneur CEO billionaire.

Lemme get the popcorn.

>On the one hand Thiel is a shitbag targeting people over vendettas
How is he a shitbag for going after a company that published information about him that could've potential destroyed him without his permission? And even more so how is he a shitbag for funding a lawsuit of someone trying to protect their image from a video of them fucking that a company published without their permission? The only shitbag in this situation is gawker and they got what they deserved.

I hope they do so that he take whatever they have left

>Thiel is a shitbag targeting people over vendettas
Hey Gawker, maybe publishing people private life for clicks was a fucking retarded idea in the first place.

No even better, people who just lost $140M after defying court orders and committing contempt in court are actually going to try suing someone, thinking the court won't automatically fuck them in the ass

If I were Thiel I would offer to buy kucktaku just to lay off everyone

>Their unique brand of blogging is dead
It's like the death of a school of philosophy

>Their unique brand of blogging is dead

You mean click-bait trolling?

I'll never forgive them for their awful network wide layout scheme to get more page views before they became more click-bait focused.

My sides. Holy fuck they are idiots.

Also, doesn't he have another lawsuit against them going by proxy?

Peter Thiel would often fund lawsuits, who's offenses Thiel knew wouldn't be covered under Gawker's legal insurance

Whoever is buying Gawker will want those standards because it is what appeals to the worms that visit their blogs.

Remember when Gawker got hacked and they didn't even send out a fucking email to their users?

They earned this.

and it's worked so well for gawker that whoever is able to buy them is now able to buy them because of it.

Has there been a concrete suit filed yet?

>Sup Forums is celebrating billionaires being able to sue and bully media organizations for reporting stuff they don't like

Jesus Christ, what a bunch of boot lickers y'all are

Why are you saying what Thiel did is a bad thing?

Read this and learn why he helped.

>doxxing some one is and posting their sexual orientation or private videos of them is ok
nah go fuck yourself

>Their unique brand of blogging is dead

What was unique about it, though?

I'm actually not even asking just to be snarky here. I'm asking because I've never read Gawker. It was never a thing in Europe.

Must feel so fucking good.
Scumbags out you, so you fucking bankrupt them. Who says you can't buy happiness?

Not yet, Gawker is thinking about doing it, we should encourage this suicide

Don't you have four year olds to seek out?

>bully media organizations
It's a case of terrible people coming down on terrible, shitty idiots calling themselves "online journalists" for being morons.

If you try to defend anyone in this you absolutely HAVE to go kill yourself.

You're a moron. Kotaku is a profitable website. There's a reason why Gawker changed none of it.

You really think Kotaku's new owner will give a shit about what we think of their retarded journalism? He'll keep things as they are so he can continue gaining money.

>Abide in the blackmailing and outing of a billionaire.
>He actually fights back


The fucking hubris of these idiots.

There are no fines for Kotaku. That's on Gakwer. It's why they're selling Kotaku to begin with.

>user is trying to spin this into a story about the little man being stepped on, and tries taking the high ground



>we have been publishing the kind of stories that we believe people who love this stuff want to see

>We will continue to try to put the best possible gaming site out there.
Then please delete your website.

They're just pissed scared because between this and Trump, the end of liberal clickbait media is nigh

Let me make this real simple for you guys before you go around celebrating.

Gawker is going bankrupt, Kotaku is an asset of Gawker. Gawker will sell Kotaku to someone else.

In other words: Kotaku will barely be affected by this.

So, please, stop saying stupid shit like "hahaha those SJW's are out of a job now", because those faggots will continue to work for some new jewish overlord.

Their particular brand of click-bait trolling was unique due to their disregard for any kind of privacy, decency and laws, while still managing to not sound like a parody site like salon or buzzfeed due to their typical liberal arts major tier of elitism. It was pure shit, but it was also their own thing and this was purely because Denton managed to be the sole owner for such a long time, they had no one to answer to except themselves. Now that they are selling, the "gawker style" of blogging and reporting is dead, no one will try to pull this off again.

What was the story, exactly?


Remember to thank this man when you get the chance

>Violate the most basic right of privacy for clicks
>Act like the victim

> ironically imitating neogaf posters

the meta has gone too far

To be fair,Gawker and Kotaku are different sites.
Gawker is the hub,the glue that kept it together.
Kotaku was just one arm of the monster

I'm pretty sure they published fappening pictures on deadspin before they took it down to save face.

If Gawker can't sell Kotaku then Kotaku will eventually go under.

It's not going to happen.

Some faggot like Notch will buy it.

Actually, that would be amazing if Notch bought it and just disbanded it.

Oh. So it's still a good thing.

We're not mourning the loss of something unique and special.


They're being sold to Ziff Davis (IGN), who will tolerate them as they are for about a year at most, before they kill the site off or fold it into IGN.

Kotaku talking about journalism gives me PTSD

and so it was predicted

>Peter Thiel, a rich scumbag that the Gawker network had personally pissed off.
Man, you fucks bully/harass people into shit like being gay/coming-out, and then bitch when someone rightfully sues you for it instead of bending over.

>targeting people over vendettas makes you a shitbag

That's one of the few justifiable reasons to target someone.

I already thank him on a regular basis.

Without him, Paypal hadn't been successful, the sale hadn't been as grand as it was, and Elon Musk wouldn't be able to build space crafts and electric cars .

What did he mean by this?

Americans deserve everything they get

Yeah, i was arguing with the people that think that the fact that Kotaku and the other popular sites will live on means gawker didn't lose this, but they did since the new owners can and will change many things. Nick Denton is probably eating his heart out right now.

What I love is because Gawker was always considered one of the "Good Guy" sites, people are okay with them outting a gay guy because he's a Billionaire Libertarian.

If say, Breitbart did it to someone, the people defending Gawker would be demanding blood.


Sounds like a gore site

>Elon Musk
You think he's been bullied over his last name?

I doubt they'll stay independent for long if they're being sold to someone else if an existing gaming site acquires them they they'll most likely be pushed into that site in the same way massively and wow were folded into endgadget and just given a unique tab to separate their articles and part of the site.

I always forget Musk's fortune came from Paypal

Jesus, is fucking everyone that founded that thing mega-rich?

It goes to auction, not to a buyer. Peter Thiel could buy it if he wanted.

He's from South Africa, I think he's had worse shit to worry about.

I already expect that to be their plan anyway. Take Kotaku and try to redirect its audience to IGN.

I doubt they have any interest in having both Kotaku and IGN simultaneously. It seems like more of a buyout for the audience base rather than the actual site.

I like to think people attempt to be wittier than that. Can never go with the obvious answer

>Able to sell
>Implying the buyer won't get fucked over in the end