tl;dr on why this game failed to live up to expectations?
Tl;dr on why this game failed to live up to expectations?
Does anyone even played the game? Seems like everyone stopped caring about it after the beta and the delay.
it's shit
They made the game for non-gamers, like this woman.
I love that game.
For startes it should have made people aware it was released.
Wait, it's out?
Waiting for the price to drop significantly like it did for Battlefront. I loved the first one and this one looks like it'll still scratch the same itch. I've no doubt that I'll enjoy it but why pay a premium when you can wait a bit and get it for much cheaper right?
breast reduction?
Do your own research and come back when you actually want to discuss the game you fucking faggot holy shit what terrible thread kill yourself
It's out?
7 July
9 July
But it's June
terribly incompetent direction
Sorry, June. I'm a moron.
God damn kids and their time machines
..Different position and shirt..
>not a gamer
of course a tripfag posts this meme
The game is actually much better than the first one.
Only complaints I've heard are about the character not being sexually attractive enough and the artstyle using reflections too much, both of which are highly subjective and not related to gameplay.
If you are a real gamer you'll like it.
How about the skill tree? How about the open world taking away from the level design? fucking normies REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
not on steam
expectations were non existant
>failed to live up to expectations
Can't really fail when there was no expectations to begin with. This game was doomed from the start.
We all knew that hooked nosed Jew Anita was involved and its EA. If you expected anything you're the moron here
The skill tree is pointless. Story progress will unlock shit for you automatically (so even if you invested a point in it), half the stuff is unlocked from the get go and the rest is kinda useless.
The open world is there for the side shit. The main story missions are set in unique and new locations that are actually designed, same as in the original.
>Only complaints I've heard are about the character not being sexually attractive enough and the artstyle using reflections too much, both of which are highly subjective and not related to gameplay.
Nah. The story is absolute garbage and actually worse than the already terrible story in the first game, the level design is a lot weaker, the combat is an ass, the skill tree is needless and tacked on.
In general, it feels less tightly designed then the first one and failing to actually fix it's major faults.
It's not a terrible game, it has the same strong point as the first game - the movement still feels good and the aesthetics are good - though not as good as in the first game, but it's definitely not the refinement that everybody was hoping for. The ultimate feeling one carries away from ME2 is the same that one carried away from the first game: it feels like a proof of concept for what could be, in theory, a great game, but that the devs really did not understand very well themselves.
Yeah sure shill. Think I'm gonna believe your shitty lies? Get our normie.
It's really obvious that you don't know anything about the game and are just saying words.
Everyone that's played it knows 2 things.
1. The combat is just lame as fuck(except for taking down enemies from a parkour move and continuing your run)
2. This is literally more mirrors edge. This is like dlc priced at 60 bucks. It feels slightly different for sure but that's really all this game is, MORE MIRRORS EDGE.
Maybe we expected too much from the game. I thought it was going to be a refreshing experience. Having played the original mirrors edge a few days before release and then going into this game,it felt like a continuation sorta.
Anyway, it was apparent the game wasn't meant to be that big considering the lack of marketing for the game. Just the week before, I didn't know the game was releasing this week. A friend actually told me he can get me a cd key for it. I was confused because I thought the same game was releasing later this year. So yea, terrible marketing. Only people that even know about the game are the ones that stay up to date on video games and the fans of the original. Games not that bad though so I give it like an 8...if I had to pay for it, I'd give it a 7.