You're getting TMS#FE, right?

Are you excited for it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just a head's up, someone is looking into modding the Japanese version and maybe doing it for the English version of its simple enough.

There is zero romance development in the game between the MC and anybody. So if you are in it for the girls, don´t. Is one of the main reason the nips hated it. FE would never be this big today if they removed the romance.

Is the usual "idol" must be pure thing. Thank heavens for Persona 4.


Gameplay is okay.

>Male protag
Atelier Sophie, Odin Sphere and Guilty Gear Revelator just came out. Why would I play this garbage?

>There is zero romance development in the game between the MC and anybody

Already got it.

Why should I be excited for a game heavily censored?

Gameplay and cute girls

Makes me feel bad for not learning japanese

You know it is never too late to start, right?

No doubt there will be more censored games in the future.

No real romance relationship at the end of the game.

It's implied in that scene and the DLC. Nothing concrete sadly.

>censored eop cuckalization

If you have to do the whole thing in your head, is nothing. The Japanese really disliked it.

Only Odin Sphere and Guilty Gear are good from the 3 you listed though

>game doesn't offer you choice
>jams one girl down your throat
>same girl is painfully boring and has the depth of a kiddie pool
>it climaxes in absolutely nothing at the end
The inability to date characters is what got me the fucking maddest out of everything. Elly was just asking to get romantic with her partner support events and tsundere personality.
I'm glad this will fail, even if I never see that Fire Emblem Musou because of it.

>already have the JP version on my loadiine



Why have something you can't read?

>The inability to date characters is what got me the fucking maddest out of everything.
>Sup Forums ACTUALLY cares about fucking dating sim elements in a video game
Don't you have VNs for that?

Someone will probably mod either version. There's already someone planning to on GBA Temp.

FE is known for romance option and nothing else champ. Not him by the way.

>Best girl gets nothing
>Main girl is super shit but pushed really fucking hard to the MC
>Ends with absolutely nothing at all
Is like they don´t know their audience when they made this.

No. I'll only buy gotm this month.

>take one game with romance
>take another game with romance
>smash 'em together
I don't understand.

>You're getting TMS#FE, right?
Only if it's going to make me feel loved.

Is there a Death Grips crossover?

>Tin Megami Sensei

If you are not in it for gameplay, avoid.

>its also releasing on the same day as Future Tone


>JP and digital only

Nobody cares about miku anymore.

is that why its featured on the psn store? coulda fooled me.

If I was "in" vidya for gameplay, I'd stick with Quake 3.
It's all about escapism and them feels nowadays (and by "nowadays" I mean "fort the last decade").

The game will not deliver you any feel or escapism. They fucked up with that, and is the one reason why it bombed in it´s native land. Trust the Japanese on this, they want escapism more than anyone.
And that´s why I´m saying if you are not getting it for turn based gameplay, there is nothing here for you.

Pretty excited, actually.

Not for me, then.
Thanks for wasting your time with me. Have a nice day.

So what I am getting here. The story is shit, the characters are shit, no romance and no dating. This is a JRPG right? Who would want this game?

for an unbutchered version hopefully

>Story and characters
>Romance and dating

I uh

Not only that, but
>Fire Emblem
In 4, 13, and 14 sure.

>It's implied in that scene

No, that scene is before a boss fight in mid-game where they're literally acting a couple. There is no implied romance, just friendship stuff. Although it's heavily implied that all the girls want MC's dick if you do their sidequests.

I can't in good conscience buy this game and support censorship. So, I'm going to just pirate it kek

>no romance
I uh

>Inb4 Persona is not SMT game
I swear he will do it mate.

This project is pretty much an Atlus own made game with some nintendo assets. I will buy it on that premise.

> buying censored games
you guys deserve the hijabs in the next game

I don't get why the boobs and bikinis are censored in some scenes and not in others.

Persona isn't SMT

Ask Atlus

Persona isn't SMT
>inb4 you pull up the american box art
How about you pull up the american box art for 5 senpai, see SMT somewhere in there ? :^)

Of course I am.
I love Eleanora!


Yeah nah, fuck you.

I'm sure the cucks that appreciate the censorship will surely buy it though, right? :^)

>Half the appeal in FE is the shipping
>Japan literally goes beserk if even IS trying to make some pairings canon, especially with regards to FE4
>Persona is massively popular because of the romance
>TMS ignores the one thing that could have salvaged the game besides using an SMT battle system

What Fire Emblem games does it reference? Is it just Awakening or the whole series?

>You're getting TMS#FE, right?

Nope. No Wiiu so no SMT x FE for me

>>game doesn't offer you choice
>>jams one girl down your throat

and it's usually the worst girl. Like in FF8

>people have played only awakening and fates
>people think fire emblem is about romance

Is that what all the normies think?

>Is that what all the normies think?

sadly, yes.

Anakenia and Awakening. Nothing else.
This thing failed so hard in Japan that even Quake have more R34 than this.