Why do girls like Zelda?

Why do girls like Zelda?

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Because the guy in charge of it is as casual as they are.

because is popular and its really easy games.

Why do you like massive throbbing futa cocks?

Why not?

Because they look at a list of names of games and pick the one with a female name

What went wrong, Sup Forums?

It's popular and accessible

>best games are the ones he had the least to do with
Coincidence? I think not.

because it's easy

same reason they like animal crossing, LoL, CSGO, OW etc. they're popular and casual. and most girls are pressured to be social more so than young men so they usually don't have that much time to spend hundreds of hours playing games

because it's easy to pose as a fan, my brother's gf is a zelda fan that doesn't want to play older zelda games and has only finished like 3 zeldas, and I know a girl in chargue of a comic shop who wanted to put in the shop one of those portals from spirit tracks, even if most of fans would agree that the ds games were some of the worst zelda games.

He has a TeamSpeak?

lmao I bet she didn't expect to get murdered for liking Zelda

- it's easy
- it's well known
- there aren't too many plot details so they don't actually have to pay attention
- they get favorable male attention

>they're kawaii
>they're easy
>they make you feel clever
>you can transpose yourself onto the characters easily
>there's a huge fanbase of casual bros who play
>merchandise is everywhere

Also should add though that they only actually play or acknowledge OoT, MM, WW, and everything after that. I've known girls who've played Triforce Heroes, Warriors, and LBW, but that's it. If I mention the NES games, Oracles, LttP, or LA, they get confused and start shooting sparks out of their mouths because I'm calling their gamer girl cred into question.

post the bottom half


all zelda games are "PRESS X TO JASON" tier difficulty

Girls don't like Zelda.
They like wearing symbols from a well-known franchise to make others think that they like Zelda.

Some people might say this sounds like a "fake geek girl" accusation, but it's not. Because there is no such thing as a "geek girl" to begin with. If you feel the need to tag your gender onto your hobby, you're into it for all the wrong reasons.

>tfw you will never cum on a cute girl's Triforce tramp stamp

RIP Christina

he said "lmao I bet she didn't expect to get murdered for liking Zelda"

A Zelda fan shot her and then killed himself. She's dead.

is there an article somewhere? whats her name?

when was that

Zelda has soft gameplay, good art and pacing that works for almost every player.

Plenty of casuals love Zelda games. Why make it a gender issue?

>they usually don't have that much time to spend hundreds of hours playing games
That's a choice they make. Don't make excuses like a bitch.

christina grimmie

So that's what they call two birds with one stone.

seriously though, details. Did she call Link, Zelda?

This morning after her concert

>its a Gerber baby episode

>>>Sup Forums

She was at a concert signing autographs and a man shot her 3 times

Are we doing the "her/she" thing ironically in this thread? Because that thing looks like a boy.

Surprisingly intelligent post

>Why make it a gender issue?

Then again it seems like you don't know what board you're on

>signing autographs
What the fuck for?

>This morning after her concert

I'm sorry, is this supposed to be someone? Seems like a literal who to me.

Imagine being her brother, can you imagine the fucking pain of seeing your sister just disappear before your eyes?

She was a low tier celebrity

Would have been much better to see her slowly turn into a horrific monstrosity warped by the music business and drugs like Miley Cyrus, right?

Well i like it because i grew up with it. LA is my favourite.

That's a man

Apparently she was a winner of one of those TV signing contest things. She was signing and selling stuff at the merch table when florida-man went in for the kill. Boggles me as to how she taught having a concert in florida was a good idea.

Some kid who placed high in one of those American Idol knock offs. Seems like she had a bit of a following.

She's a d-list singer from a reality show.

Some psycho shot her and then himself. What a fucking loser. At least take out Mikey Cyrus or Rihanna or something. Not some literally who

Fuck off back to
Christina was a brave WOMAN that defied all odds and dared to play Zelda games fully aware that it might one day cost her her life. Misogyny is REAL.

>Christina was a WOMAN
I don't believe it.
> fully aware that it might one day cost her her life
In that case nothing of value was lost.


I fucking knew it, every time weird shit happens it's here

Imagine being so tried of brainless teenybobber pop shit that you're willing to take your own life just to take one of the drones down.
What a god-damn hero.

I would bang her

its their go to video game to pretend to like to be a GAYUMRRR GRRRLL

because its the only game they know and know other people know

>taking down a d-lister
>not Mikey

If you took out Beyonce it coukd, no joke here, spark a race war.

you're dead, will.

He could've done so much more than to kill a literal no one.

They are way too well protected and would only martyr them. If you take out the drones it might discourage others instead.

Isn't Legend of Zelda that game where there's a woman called Zelda and a man called Link, and the woman tells the man to do everything like Foley ordering Ramirez, while she sits back doing nothing like Foley ordering Ramirez? Then I'm not surprised that some particular kind of women like it.

Man, I literally didn't know of her existence until I heard this news. But hearing shit like this just makes me mad that there are shitholes like that in the world.

I mean, what the fuck does it matter to do ANYTHING if you're just going to kill yourself in the end? It makes no difference if you end yourself now or decide to end someone else's life and yours immediately after.

>Florida gun laws

Photo of the gunman when?

Wow... what the fuck. I just looked her up and its true. She is dead.
I was never a huge fan of her but I liked some of her stuff and she seemed like a happy person. Christ. Right before I have to go to work too. This is actually hitting me a little.


Not to get sappy but I always really enjoyed this song by her. Rest in peace.

I remember back when it was Kingdom Hearts.

Come the fuck on, seriously.

Skyward Sword has a cutscene where Zelda confesses and apologizes for using her pussy powers to get Link to do her bidding.

fuck off edgelord

ANd since he offed himself we will never really know why HER. What made him so angry about specifically her that he went through with it.


>Be Nintendo fan
>Get shot
They just can't catch a break, can they?
At least she won't have to suffer through their shitty E3 direct.

If white, we should have photos in a couple of hours. It might take longer than that if non-white.

What are you going to do, cry at me and whine about "edge"?
"Bohoo someone died. It hit me so hard, I'm literally shaking guys, why does things like this have to happen".
You kids have no perspective, two people die EVERY SECOND and you don't cry for them.

But you do if it's a pop-musician nobody who "seemed nice"
Pull your head out of your asses.

Keep your tears for people who matter, like your own family and friends, not celebrities.

>If her Youtube name was PlayStationxlover94 Sony would have picked her up on their label
>She would have been hugely successful
>Sony would have given her bodyguards
>The bodyguards would have shot her killer
Where was Nintendo when she needed them?

Nintendo, not even once...

cause it's casual shit for casual shits.

>people die all the time, therefore you should not be sad about anyone besides people who are close to you

Spoken like a true 15 year old.

Sitting in their Japanese garden sipping sake while messengers bring them rolls of code from the dev studio.

I could almost hear your trenchcoat dramatically flapping in the wind

Which demographic does not like Zelda?

Only a true bitch mourns someone they until a moment ago didn't give a shit about because they think it will make them look good in the eyes of others.
You are a true bitch and you should go back to facebook.

Is that actually Adam? Like have I missed something?

Maybe when you grow up you'll be able to put things in perspective instead of reacting like a toddler.

Elfphobic scum

That sounds incredibly reasonable, and I've heard of that happening IRL, albeit very rarely

so then why do you care about this person all of a sudden?

so you can feign grief for the brownie points?

i mean we should all be so lucky to not see it coming instead of waiting years and years and years feeling every inch of decay setting in until your body finally gives out in a pile of rotted flesh

im more concerned about why it happened than anything else

bows & arrows against the lightning, man...

That's just it, they feign sympathy over people they don't really care about to make other people like them.
It's grotesque.

No, that's a famous male porn actor that does BBW and even some tranny stuff...`Forgot his name... think it was Christian.

What does TS stand for? Is it traps?

Because Zelda is fucking awesome. I'm legitimately glad that actual game playing girls tend to have such good taste that they like the best game series over whatever the latest thing 'bros' like to play is.


Leddites come here hard-wired expecting to get imaginary internet points for saying nice things. This is nothing new

why is everyone named "chris" always turn out to be such degenerates

>not are you squidding me.png

Fuck you, us bros also play Zelda. You'll never meet anyone who doesn't play or at least enjoy Zelda.

>Because Zelda is fucking awesome
Why aren't all gurrl gamerz playing Nethack, then?

RIP she was a qt

fuck you filter cunt, I almost went blind trying to read that 風のうりゅりゅ 航海記


Christian is cool man

Because Nethack isn't as awesome as Zelda. And I supposed horses, music and cute elf boys appeal to them way more too.

>she was a qt
Not really.

Why isn't EVERYONE playing Nethack?


American gun laws suck

>making fun of Trump