Bloodborne > Dark Souls III

Bloodborne > Dark Souls III

Absolutely no question about it. Bloodborne is far superior and currently the greatest game Miyazaki has ever made. Better world, better aesthetic/art style/atmosphere/graphics, better gameplay, better weapon balance, better lore, better level design. Bloodborne is one of the greatest games I've ever played and I've been gaming since 1990. DaSIII was very good but unfortunately it has a very rehashed feel and its world looks really horrible.

Let it die you cuck

I genuinely wonder what Sonyggers would say if BB wasn't an exclusive.

>how to spot a falseflag

You've outed yourself as a cancerous fanboy that shits on a game just because he can't play it. Pathetic. It would be more interesting to see what decrepit neckbeards that can't play this game would say if it was multiplat, instead of being an exclusive. You are a sad pathetic creep desu.

>a cancerous fanboy
Have a 360,ps3, and pc m8.
Looking to get a ps4 and wii-u when they're at their absolute lowest.

have another sage (You)

>I have all these platforms that can't run Bloodborne
>I'm shedding an opinion on a game I haven't played
hahahahaha wow you sure showed me. scurry along now in your basement you sad ugly bastard

Dark Souls 1 have better map.

Bloodborne is also Dark Souls 2 tier level of difficult as in not at all.

>muh difficulty
irrelevant when deciding what a good game is. btw all the games are easy if youre not a retard. as it goes however, bb is much harder than DaS1. DaS3 is comparable to BB. It generally has harder standard enemies but BB generally has much harder bosses than DaS3, especially the CD and DLC bosses. DaS3 doesn't get anywhere near those at any point in the game.

They both suck.
Shitty combat, copy and pasted enemies, lazy level design.

Only with DLC, user.

BB+DLC > DaS3 > BB = DaS > DeS > DaS2

If DaS3's DLCs are going to be as good as TOH DaS3 will be superior.

what games don't suck?

The only reason I bought a PS4 over a Xbone is because of Bloodborne. If it hadn't been an exclusive, I'd be a completely different kind of faggot right now.

I have a feeling this is a pc user just trying to stir up shit
no one would try to shove their opinion down someone's throat this hard

Lazy response for lazy bait, enjoy your (you)

DaS III combat has more depth.

I agree about most points except the greates game Miyazaki made.
That will forever be Dark Souls 1.
And that makes me sad.

The only part of DaS3 that looked really bad for me was Irithyll past the Pointiff. Somehow it felt really unfinished, the textures were somehow worse than everywhere else and there was that literally untextured castle on the mountain opposite the fight club balcony to top it off.

I genuinely think DS 2 was better than BB

jesus fucking christ

Gibe reasons.

As an idort, I'd prefer it on PC if only for the performance. People don't like the game solely because it's exclusive, it's just a good game.

> Presenting a subjective viewpoint as fact

>bb is much harder than DaS1.


>People don't like the game solely because it's exclusive
Try the framerate for starters.
Also the feral sonyggers constantly shitposting about it doesn't help.

Hope the inevitable ps4k version runs better.

>buy PS4 and Bloodborne
>start the game
>dat 30fps

holy fucking shit
it took me like 5 hours to get used to it

still not sad horrible as the FFXV platinum demo
kek ps3 graphics at 20fps

truly the best of japanese geniuses

I have friends that played through all the Souls games solo yet can't finish Bloodborne. I don't personally think it's harder, but I also don't think it's easier (well, it is now, but my first run felt similar on both, neither were my first Souls). My challenge runs were harder on Bloodborne though, even compared to recent DaS runs, it has some really difficult segments.

i went

DaS 1 -> DeS -> DaS 2 -> Das3 -> BB

I had struggles with DaS 1 and 3.
The other 3 especially BB and DaS2 felt EZ mode.

I honestly feel Bloodborne was just a better game than Dark Souls 3 overall, that's not to say it doesn't have flaws, however I wish people could play both to understand why it has nothing to do with exclusivity, and everything to do with the fact that Bloodborne is just an extremely well crafted game with amazing art and gameplay and level design, etc. It's an extremely fresh and unique spin on the souls series and a game you shouldnt miss out on.

Dark Souls > Bloodborne > Demon's Souls

The demos are pretty shoddy but duscae even though its upscaled played and looked awesome.

Bloodborne is only praised as much as it is because it's a PS4 exclusive. If it was on PC and Xbone then it would be considered one of the weaker Soulsborne games.

DaS > DeS > DaS2:SotFS > DaS3 > BB > DaS2

I played them in release order, and only DeS was difficult for me. The games lose a huge portion of challenge after your first run, so I can't really judge the difficulty fully, but I'm 100% certain that my BB challenge runs were the hardest so far. Even outside of the challenge runs, Defiled bosses can be really difficult to deal with.
That said, there are easy modes to all the games. Certain playstyles are gonna have a much easier time. Play quick and aggressive in DaS and it's probably the easiest, because nothing can really react to that playstyle.

DeS is only praised as much as it is because it's a PS3 exclusive. If it was on PC and Xbox then it would be considered one of the weaker Soulsborne games.

the only reason you think that is because it was your first souls. if you played it after das3 and the others you wouldn't think so. das1 has aged like shit. its pve combat is pretty much broken its so easy.

If that's true then I'm afraid to play Bloodborne because DS3 combat was fucking shit and easily the worst out of the 3 games/DeS

>The games lose a huge portion of challenge after your first run

that is very true

though, anyway by saying that BB isnt the hardest i just wanted to point out that, because i see people screaming BB is the hardest shit ever

I do agree about BB being the best one
it just sucks that i have to play it at 30fps

thats only reason i'd would want it on PC.
otherwise i dont give a shit, i always have a PS next to my PC for console only games

>the greatest game Miyazaki has ever made.

Not saying much considering guy has never made a game that sold more than a million copies on any system.

>DS3 combat was fucking shit and easily the worst out of the 3 games/DeS

i`ve played every Souls game and all i can say is that the game i had the most fun with was indeed BB, not because it`s a exclusive like all those "pc gamers" claim. No it`s because the Setting is much darker. You have less Npc`s to talk to, the Monsters are really "nightmarish", every music track gives me shivers and it IS way harder than any previous games or DS3. But thats just my personal preference

>Also the feral sonyggers constantly shitposting
Honestly, it seems like there are more anti-sonygger shitposting than actualy sonygger shitposting on a ratio of 4:1

Because the best strategy for practically every enemy in the game was to wait for them to get in range and then stunlock them. The enemy speed/aggression/combo length made mindless r1 spam the best option and dodging the past resort

I imagine BB is the hardest for them, the same way some people find certain bosses hard, bosses that you might find easy.

Dark souls 3's combat is a cluster fuck. It's running on Bloodbornes engine yet utilizes shields which defeats the purpose of having a fast mechanic.

the combat is neither defence based or offense based, it's like a hybrid of the two that doesn't work and deviates from the formula set by souls and the formula set by Bloodborne.

Dark souls 3 should've been a souls-based combat game but it wasn't.

Bloodborne isn't hard in the sense that if you didn't play sword and board for all the souls games then it will probably be easier
I generally love all the games. They've all got their strong points and weaknesses
Except dark souls 2, don't know what it is about it but it feels like a shitty bootleg with an ugly art style. Just wasn't fun and halfway through it was a chore to finish

why are they all wearing black all the time everytime in the sun? That has to be uncomfortable both in looks and in physical conditions.

I hope Fromsoft drops the multiplat meme and goes back to being Sony-exclusive devs. Notice how their Sony exclusives are top quality (Demon's Souls, Bloodborne) while their multiplats (Dark Souls) arent as good?

I hope they spend less effort on multiplat and stick to PS4, thats where they shine.

what crack are you smoking? Demons Souls, Dark Souls, Bloodborne and DaS3 each sold over a million on PS consoles alone.

and if sales are reflective of game quality then blops 3 is the current game of the gen. A filthy neo Sup Forumsagina like yourself probably thinks that as well though lol. disgusting.

no i dont notice

BB > DaS1 >= DaS3 > DeS = DaS2

I put DeS a slightly higher than DaS2 because it doesnt have fuck ugly art design and graphics like DaS2

BB targeted the teenage audience who like edgy shit and fast combo gameplay.
For anyone else the Souls series is better. DS3 is a piece of shit solely because they tried to force BB-like shit into it.

Eldritch horror = edgy

If lack of sales are a mark of quality to you then Dark Souls is the biggest thing since the Neo Geo, an underage sperglord like yourself probably really thinks that. LOL disgusting.

shit ass opinion. das1 pve is fucking broken. whole game is easy parries and backstabs. there's absolutely nothing to it. das3 was much better and is far more engaging.

Lovecraft is a Sup Forums-tier edgelord

shhh, its ok kiddo. you got btfo and thats fine, youre anonymous. run along now and play some halo you'll feel better

At least you had to vary your playstyle up between stunlocking trash enemies, backstabbing enemies in groups and parrying silver knights/darkwraiths. DS3 is just 0 poise and R1 spam the game

Edgy != Bad if it's done right.

Although I agree DS3 borrowed too heavily from BB.

I'm hoping for your sake that you are being ironic when bragging about the "success" of a game that cant even outsell Splatoon.

>If lack of sales are a mark of quality to you then Dark Souls is the biggest thing since the Neo Geo

>casual sells shit more than horror


>that obvious af samefag

No unfortunately for you Alien Isolation sells more than Dark Souls too, thus proving your statement false.

>If lack of sales are a mark of quality to you then Dark Souls is the biggest thing since the Neo Geo

Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are 2 of my favorite games of all time.

I didn't particularly care for Bloodborne, as I felt it wasn't different enough from Souls.

But I agree. Bloodborne is superior to Dark Souls 3.

Bloodborne at least feels somewhat fresh. There isn't the same content bloat that Dark Souls 2 had, and the areas feel more diverse. There is a lot more emphasis on verticality and multiple shortcuts to a single bonfire. The secrets are more interesting, and while I wasn't a huge fan of the lore, it was nice to actually have something that wasn't

>le cycles
>le gwyn and the 4 great souls
>le curse of the undead

I think the DLC elevated it significantly, as it added 3 really good boss fights and a bunch more weapons which really cater to Bloodbornes strengths.

Dark Souls 3 might get better with DLC, but I was so underwhelmed by it I probably won't even buy it.

DaS3 would be miles ahead if it wasn't a bastardized mix of BB and DaS pandering. Also fix your fucking game and flip the switch on poise From.

>still samefagging

nobody said lack of sales are an indicator of quality, as pathetic as that strawman was. you said souls havent sold more than a million on any platform which is obviously bullshit, and since you got btfo'd you've nothing left to do but samefag with your epin reaction folder. sad stuff kiddo but hey, carpe diem :^)

Poise is cheap retarded shit. Good riddance.

>year of our Lord 2016
>not owning a Neo-Geo

What are you some kind of faggot?

Your butthurt is palpable spergie.

Dark Souls fans are truly worse than even Sonic fans.

Yeah why don't they also remove magic and shields and just about everything that actually adds build variety to the game too because they're easy mode. Fuck off

The same. I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and my laptop isn't capable of running DaS2 at a decent performance level but I still wouldn't mind if Bloodborne and Demon's Souls got ports. BB is genuinely the best of the series and it'd be great if people got to play it.

keep crying halo babby :^)

t. Estoc user

Have you even -played- Windjammers?

When will the SotFS meme die? It didn't magically make DaS2 any less shit. In fact it made a few areas worse like Iron Keep.

>says the mouthbreather posting in a thread for games he doesn't like
You lead a good life m8.

Removing poise literally destroyed any build that wanted to use heavy armor or didn't want to be staggered by a straightsword in full havels with 55 Vit. Fuck off retard.

I hear it all the time.

People spouting "THE DLC IS THE BEST PART"

I don't care. The least white part of a moldy dog turd is still a fucking dog turd.

Dark Souls 2 is fundamentally broken. It's the fucking engine. It's buggy, it feels and looks like fucking garbage, and the whole way the game is built is terrible.

I just came to laugh at the words
>the greatest game Miyazaki has ever made

Because that really is a fucking laugh on par with imaginary statements nobody ever said like,

>Ubisoft has really outdone themselves this time
>Bethesdas engine never ceases to impress
>The level of innovation with this CoD has never been replicated

Yup, you truly do lead a good life m8 ;)

your post has been upvoted. :^)

There are countless amazing games built on awful engines, are you retarded?

He's right though. DaS2 is trash and a fundamentally broken game with ridiculous hitbox. Stop memeing it already.

You are an idiot. A rabid fucking idiot. The dude did not state an opinion.

What's broken about it besides the occasional shit hitboxes which by the way is nothing unusual for any kind of 3d action game?

>fundamentally broken

lol das2 hitboxes are unusual you faggot. they are horrible, period. its also shit that they actually tied i-frames to a stat while keeping the animation the same. then the combat itself feels ridiculously sludgy and unresponsive compared to the previous games. das2 is trash and there's absolutely nothing you can do or say to change my mind, so go ahead and keep crying about it faggot.


It's that unquantifiable "game feel"

Everything is slow, but also floaty. Tying ADP to i-frames is fucking garbage.

Everything feels sluggish, chugging estus takes an eternity, and it is by far and wide teh worst game for eating or delaying your inputs.

That's "fundamentally broken" to you? I swear you faggots have lost the ability to speak without ridiculous levels of exageration

Also DS3 is far worse with its awful input buffering

>lost the ability to speak

>with its awful input buffering
Dark Souls 3 has it's own issues, my biggest one being it's janky as fuck camera.

>Dark Souls 2 is my favorite, why does everyone hate it

Listen kiddo, Dark Souls 2 is a bad game. It was a bad game at launch, and it's still a bad game. It doens't matter how much DLC gets released for it, it doesn't matter if FROM "fixes" the lighting engine, it's a shit game.

wow you got me user brb killing myself

Iron Keep is better in SOTFS. You can wait near the beginning of each section and the knights will come to you one at a time. Compared to the base game where the only way to not fight 6 guys at a time was to spam poison arrows like a bitch, it's a huge improvement.

>Everything feels sluggish
Depends entirely on your build.
>chugging estus takes an eternity
That's intentional. Look at DaS3 where Estus is practically instant and every invasion turns into a tactless chugfest.
>worst game for eating or delaying your inputs
I'd give that to DeS and BB because of the unavoidable framerate drops. In DaS2 the input buffer for queuing up actions after a roll is shorter, but you can learn to account for that.

dumbass :^)

Who are you quoting, dumbfuck?

I hated bloodborne since it wasn't dark souls
but I hate dark souls 3 more because it's too much bloodborne yet not bloodborne.

Dark Souls 1 > Demon Souls > Bloodborne >Dark Souls 3 = Dark Souls 2

Not him but, the playing the game does feel like sucking shit through a straw
If you think SoTFS magically made it a good game it speaks wonders about the base game. More hollows with claymores but with bloated health bars and more dps
all in all shitty game that I regret buying
Was disappointed in dark souls but this is just the fucking red headed step child of the series

this nigga right

lol that we still have das2 shitters on vee

Yeah, and Dark Souls 2 basically removes Estus from the game because it's faster, and easier to just pop life gems.