DOOM is easily the best shooter in recent years

DOOM is easily the best shooter in recent years

>balanced weapons
>enemy variety
>minimal story/cutscenes
>intense action/pacing
> the chainsaw gore
>great soundtrack
>rewards exploration/aggresion
>no health regen
>customised suit/weapons
> gorgeous frame rate

What's not to love?

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Too short foir $60.

Looks bland and boring as fuck. There's no variety. No way am I dropping more than a tenner on it.

I loved the singleplayer part.
Multiplayer? Not so much.

>the best shooter in recent years

Thats R6 Siege.

I really liked Wolfenstein The New Order and The Old Blood. I've been looking at this game a lot and it looks like I'll enjoy it just as much. Is it worth full price even if the multiplayer is shit like everyone says it is? I like Halo multiplayer a lot and people have compared DOOM's MP to it. Is this an accurate comparison?

This don't make it actually good.
A less smelly shit is still a shit.

It's a cinematic shooter for brutal doom kids, fuck off.

>Too short foir $60.
>There's no variety.
These. Both are easily fixable, the core gameplay is basically perfect for what it wants to be. It basically just needs to be longer, and stop keep locking you in monster arenas.

Increasing the number of spawned enemies would also go a long way towards making it better.

You might like the multiplayer briefly but it just gets boring quick.

It's a great game that everyone should play, but I don't personally pay $60 for games any more when I've played less for games I got 200 hours out of. I got it for $35 at a key reseller. Most certainly worth that.

level design is total garbage

literel reddit the game

Its pretty boring after awhile, area after arena lockdown some shitty bosses and utter shit ending but great pacing, movement and weapons with the glorykill highlight turned off it looks much better . Its a great snack something to nibble on here and there but there isnt much meat

Thank god the shilling died out so fast.

It's popular and it's not a carbon copy of Doom I, I am also no longer a kid/teenager playing it. I am a cynical jaded fuck who refuses to find any enjoyment in anything any more.

>monster arenas

These were good and bad for the game I think. I love entering an area and just trashing super hard for like 5-10 minutes through tons of shit, THAT was what was most fun for me. However, everything else in the game became a bit barren because of it. They need to populate the other areas outside the arenas too, but still keep those places where the music kicks in and it's time to fuck.

Basically the game just needs MORE. Kinda glad it ended on a cliffhanger and sold well, makes me hopeful for a sequel

I'm just waiting for the steam summer sale for it to be $40

I noticed games with Denuvo get generally more praise.
It's like excluding piratefags out of a game automatically kills all the excessively negative and toxic opinionsol out of the way.
Turly piratefags are the biggest shitposters on earth.

Yeah I could write an essay on why d44m is trash and a retard like you will still come around and say that him hating on in just because it's popular and I'm not a kid anymore.

Does the plasma rifle have a use apart from the stun mod?

Either that, or people who spent $60 on it are less likely to shit on it.

>what's not to love?

it's not doom

It's a single player shooter
seriously wtf, 2016 anyone?

Glory kills are good, at least the really fast ones, but stunning isn't.

Casual, repetitive, health regen is exchanged by constantly gaining health from glory kills, cutscenes up the ass.
It's shit.

The constant crashing.

the shockwave is super fucking strong and dosent use ammo, so yes

I remember when people made similar claims about the New Order

If I spent 60 bucks on a turd, I would be very pissed off and not be afraid to say it.

Do you agree with this chink?

Haven't played it yet because of all the shilling. I'll stick to Doom 1 and 2. I still have a ton of wads left to play. How many wads/mods does D44M have?


>what's not to love
Way too easy even on hardest
The same 4 animations to cinematic take down as enemies that swarm is only something like 15
The story is extremely poor, should have removed completely
Too few enemy types
Too short
Rpg elements of suit sucked
Weapon mods were interesting but far too limited
Rune challenges were shit

I love this kind of shooters, arcade ones with a big focus on videogamey gameplay. D44M, Wolfenstein The New Order, Shadow Warrior, The Darkness 2, Destiny, shit like that.

It's a shame that most of them have really glaring flaws.


What no, I was being serious m80, it's why I shitpost on a used nokia cellphone repair forum all day instead of actually playing video games.

>people actually buy new games for 60 dollars
what losers, am I right?

The experience from set to set is indistinct, owing to the ignorance of the developers as to the importance of silhouette, as well as aesthetic beyond a consistent style and every graphical touch a AAA budget can buy. This, combined with the arena hopping direction as a replacement for traditional exploration, delivers a game far less riveting than it could have been.

I went back to replay Doom 64 and Doom 3 after this, and I now firmly believe the universally regurgitated pandering-born praises surrounding Doom 2016 will be proven overblown as the years go by.

Turn down your virtual texturing page size

Is that in the advanced settings?

Yeah, seems to have something to do with vram; once the game uses too much, it crashes with no warning.

What do you mean with there's no variety?
You even implied you haven't played it.

noice game

lol this sounds faggy af t b h

This game is the manliest game I've played in ages.
I feel like shit for pirating it.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Robot Brain Spider the same final boss as the first game?
I remember being very confused upon beating the original Doom.
Expansion WHEN

You can't pirate it.

It's code for I had to rent it on console since I don't currently have $60 because I'm moving to an apartment

Why don't just say you rented it.


>console war shitters have been bringing Sup Forums down since this place became Sup Forums 2.0
who admits to that shit anymore?

>press r to win

There's no shame in saying you rented it.

yet pcshits beg for console ports all the time
you're making this place even worse

>consolecuckie gets triggered

I'm making it worse by not acknowledging the console war and just going with the flow of the thread by saying I "pirated it"?

>chainsaw is a scripted event ammo dispenser
>music isn't all that great
>RPG upgrade bullshit
>no modding

Still great and my favorite shooter in years, but there are definately some flaws with it

You're making it worse because everyone knows you can't pirate it so it you're starting off a greentext story with a piece of blatently false information. That's what lead to this in the first place. Saying you rented it doesn't make it worse.

I did not post a greentext story because I'm not a wojackposter and nor is this a Red Dead thread.
Good day sir.

You're right, you didn't. But the quality of your post was so bad that it might as well have been one.
>Good day sir.
And you've the audacity to claim anyone else is shitting up this board.

People will generally place a higher value on things they've actually purchased. Personally I've found I put more time into listening to albums and hence get more enjoyment out of them if I've actually paid for it. Same thing goes with videogames, if you don't pay for it it's easy to dismiss it as shit or not invest any time into it.

>chainsaw is a scripted event ammo dispenser

I feel like I'm the only one not too bothered by this. I just remember the DOOM 1 and 2 chainsaw as hold W+M1 down until the pinkie stops stuttering in it's animation.

Hell, this was even faster in some cases.

serious sam is better the new doom is on par with the shadow warrior reboot imo feels a lot shorter but also doesn't drag like sw did in the middle
>balanced weapons
>enemy variety
>minimal story/cutscenes
>rewards exploration/aggresion
>customised suit/weapons
all of these things were done really badly
> gorgeous frame rate
thats a high kek right there
yeah TNO was pretty bad

> Hear about the Rune that gives infinite ammo if you have above a certain amount of armour
> Focus on upgrading armour capacity as much as I can, in preparation
> get Rune
> Upgrade Challange: Fill your armour capacity 12 times

If I still had 50 I could do this in a matter of minutes, but trying to reach 150 armour is nearly impossible, let alone 12 times. Should I just go farm a Mega-Health pickup?

Shadow Warrior is complete trash, it's an insult to put anything on its level. DOOM is at least a 6.5/10, and so is TNO for that matter.

Shadow Warrior shouldn't be called a fucking shooter the guns in that were pathetic

Get to a level with a megasphere, then just keep reloading the checkpoint and keep getting it, that's how I did it

I really like the arenas, but there needs to be way more fighting in between them.

Multiplayer and Snap Map are shit.

>I love entering an area and just trashing super hard for like 5-10 minutes through tons of shit

I wish that was true. At first, I felt like that too, until I realized that those fights are closer to 2-3 minutes, and you never fight more than a handful of enemies at the same time.

also, more enemies only spawn in if you kill all the current fat guys. I tried several times kiting a big guys like hellknights or cacodemons around, and nothing new spawned until I killed them.

you have this rocket launcher with extreme blast radius, but remember a moment when you killed 20 imps at the same time with it? no, you don't, the most you will encounter at the same time seems to be a number around 10, and even then all the enemies are usually nicely sprinkled across a medium sized arena.

it feel like painkiller, but with less enemies and a bit more exploring.

It really is an issue of just not enough enemies.

Bigger areas + More enemies would make this all so much better.

>I noticed games with Denuvo get generally more praise.

Yeah right.

>no variety
I hate it when people who haven't played the game post about it.

It's a modern FPS modelled in the vain of classic FPS games. There are also boss fights, tons of collectibles, challenges, weapon customization/upgrades, character upgrades, and badass ultra-satisfying combat.

Every weapon feels completely different from one another and every weapon has its own use in specific situations.

By all accounts Doom2016 is by far one of the best shooters in years along with Wolfenstein.

If you are a fan of classic shooters like Duke Nukem, Blood, Doom, Quake, etc... you will love this game.

>is it worth full price - yes
>is it fun - yes
>is the multiplayer good - most would consider it mediocre

I've personally had a great time with the multiplayer because all the CoD babies and battlefags don't know how to play arena shooters. It also feels refreshing in comparison to what we have become used to over the past years.

Overall this game is a solid 9/10 in my books.

I don't understand why people complain about variety in FPS games, but not variety in say, driving games.

>Every weapon feels completely different from one another and every weapon has its own use in specific situations.
>best shooters in years along with Wolfenstein.
>If you are a fan of classic shooters like Duke Nukem, Blood, Doom, Quake, etc... you will love this game.
>doom multiplayer
>arena shooter
no. you have to go back to where you came from

>dead bodies disappear
>12 monsters max

1990 version didn't have such limits

That's why I'm going to buy it for $5 in two years, when the price has dropped to $20 and Steam has a 75%-off sale.

Wow, great arguments!

>level design is garbage
You clearly haven't played the game.

>Rune challenges were shit
Sorry your bad bro

>I don't make an effort to explain in detail why I disagree with that persons viewpoints

now that you say it you're right, it does sound a lot like painkiller. I think I should replay those games..

>people aren't making $45K a year
What losers, right?

weapon balance is homogenised across the board rather than tiered
wolfenstein is fucking awful, just another by the numbers linear setpiece modern shooter
It only pays lip service to the old shooters and plays absolutely nothing at all like them
same with the multiplayer, it's just fucking irredeemable trash
make an argument yourself

>need to make 45k a year to buy video games
If you think you need to make 45k a year to buy a video game then you're a completely ignorant fuck who needs to get his shit together. You obviously haven't heard of budgeting and not wasting money.

No I haven't played it. Of course I havent. I dint like the look of it. Gameplay may well be solid but it doesn't strike me as interesting, and it certainly isn't something that will keep me going for 2 months to get my money's worth.

>I argue with retards on the internet because it makes me feel smarter about myself than I really am

Did they totally rework it after the initial reveal? Because I remember everyone thinking the initial several demos looking like garbage.

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Doom or Wolfenstein, it's clear that they are a step in the right direction for first person shooters.

Sorry you're stuck in the Stone Age and can't appreciate a fun game because you're jaded and apprehensive to change.

The game looks fantastic.

Also all the hate on the multiplayer was because they included shit game modes in the beta. Best game mode is Domination and actually a lot of fun to play.

they removed the piss filter

I'm not talking about the multiplayer, and I don't care about your opinion on the graphics.

You need 50k

You asked a question about how the game looked and I gave you an answer. Why the fuck would you post if you weren't looking for validation or an answer.

Get the fuck off my board.

A game looking like shit is not purely a matter of graphics, you millennial retard.

>What's not to love?
Godawful multiplayer
Bland soundtrack
Heavy assault rifle is pointless
Hell is generic as fuck
Piss filter
You'll end up using only one weapon mod per weapon
Glory kills are just messing up the flow

>Bland soundtrack
??? Try listening to Gore Nest, BFG Division, Dark Interval, Flesh and Metal and Rip & Tear.
It's not really that bad. It's lackluster, sure, but some people have made some good levels
>Heavy assault rifle is pointless
No. Do you have the upgrade that lets you shot rockets?
>Piss filter
'I am VEGA' is clourful as fuck. Have we played the same game?
>Glory kills are just messing up the flow
They're only a fucking second long.

>piss filter
Yeah it's been gone since the demo
>heavy assault rifle useless
Clearly hasn't upgraded the mini missiles
>snap map
If you don't like it, don't use it.
>hell is generic
Fire and brimstone
>Bland soundtrack
Just because you don't like the music doesn't mean it's bad
>bad multiplayer
Go back to CoD
>Glory kills are just messing up the flow
Have you actually played the game? It adds variety to combat and the faggots saying there are only four animations, this is wrong, there are five different animations for every single type of enemy.

Sick of these memes.