>want to make a new Animal Crossing town
>can't think of a good name
Want to make a new Animal Crossing town
EVERY time.
That's what I always name mine
S. Hitown
That one's too long.
I just name it after a city in Warband. Currently veluca
I made up a town name and now I use it as my main password for some accounts.
The Hood
thank me later
I want to fuck that dog's throat and make her gag like a little slut until she throws up
Meme City
New Rapeville City Harbor
you should call your town Nigger.
>now I use it as my main password for some accounts
One letter too long.
Pound Town
if nintendo were half a decent company, your new leaf name should mean nothing soon anyway.
we'll see.
Sup Forumsentoo
If Nintendo were a half decent company we'd have ACU last year and not shovelware garbage.
Get out.
>implying Animal Crossing doesn't work better as a handheld title
I named mine Funshine
>not naming your town iwBtvb151
>Implying the Wii u will ever see a proper AC gamr
Let go, user.