It's shit...

It's shit. I've seen this game being shilled over the past few weeks on Sup Forums and decided to get it over Odin Sphere because I'm a damn poorfag but it's one of the biggest buyers remorse I've had since Awakened Fate Ultimatum.

Other urls found in this thread:

Obviously the game just didn't match your tastes. I've been enjoying it immensely.

Ateliers are good girls, you just have shit tastes.

Why is Escha so smug

Shallie+ in english when?

To be fair, you should have been cautious after seeing everyone constantly talking about how shit the two preceding Ateliers were.

Aren't both the same price?

Escha and Logy and Shallie are the only two Atelier games I've played and I enjoyed both of them immensely, I don't know what you're talking about.


Pick one. They are the peak of the series, gameplay wise.

I got the game today and can't even fucking play it. Did the start where you make Berg Medicine and as as soon as you leave the house I get hit by a loading screen that just never loads.

The fuck is up with that?

So the sole reason to play this game is just for girls? Because the gameplay sucks,characters are bland as fuck and the story is boring as hell. The only saving grace is the character design and the ost which I like a lot. I wanted to like but fucking hell man

>Because the gameplay sucks,characters are bland as fuck and the story is boring as hell.
You've never played the game.

E&L didn't pull me in but I thought Shallie was pretty good.

I guess it's just a game for waifufags.

Maybe the earlier games are vastly better and you don't even know what you're missing, then. Have you considered that?
Escha and Logy is really let down by the time system being so bad. It gives you vastly more time than you can possibly use so you end up needing to sleep because there's nothing else to do. Totally ruins the pacing.
I don't know if Shallie is good or not since I never played it, but popular opinion seems to be that it's bad too. I can believe that seeing how bad E&L was.

Escha and Logy was the first one I played, and I thought it was so great.
Then I got destroyed by the second to last boss and got too stressed out with the day limit to continue it
I loved Shallie start to finish though.
I know I'm casual scum,but I like my alchemy to be comfy

Maybe you should have done some research on the game before you bought it, ya dunce. It's a niche game for a reason

E&L has the absolute worst pacing issues, leaving you with nothing to do for months at a time, and the plot barely exists until you reach the end of the game. The battle system is great, though some of the balance for the superbosses is super whack, but the battle system can't save the insanely slow pacing that many people just found boring. I love E&L, and it has my favorite OST in the franchise, but the game has major issues.

Ayesha also set up Dusk really, really well, and a lot of people were disappointed with how hard the next two dropped the ball.

>Gameplay sucks
>Character design is good

I think you might have accidentally bought Shallie and thought it was Sophie.

Why the fuck is Logy in this one anyway?

Agree with op
Even Shallie kept me playing until the terrible ending, despite of bad characters and shitty outworld
Sophie is meruru level of pointless and forced fanservice, and even gameplay wise it's just plainly boring
There nothing good about it

Shit taste

New Pamella

Be real with me here Sup Forums I've only played Atelier Rorona on the Vita and I enjoyed it, it wasn't a masterpiece but it was a 7/10 for me.

Would I enjoy Sophie?

Well that's probably because you have no idea how much worse they are than the previous games, idiot.


Gameplay was good
Everything else was shit, after rorona+ there literally no reason to touch this garbage again

I thought Sophie sucked too. Way too much platforming.

Sophie is a pretty fun game.

>atelier games
cannot stop lmao tbqh.
never again will i fall for the atelier meme after playing the two *best* games in the series

Play Totori and Meruru first.
They're both great games. Plus they're sequels to Rorona

>Meruru and Totori
>two best games in the series

Don't respond.
Just report and ignore.

>It's shit.
Consider suicide my man.

I thought it was great, probably not the best in the series but easily one of the highest. You have shit taste.

I just want Ayesha atmosphere and world back
How the fuck it was even possible to fuck up 2 sequels so badly?

Yeah, but at least she is hot and a ghost.

That poor Puni Puni... ;_;

There's something very wrong with your ps4/vita. Try reinstalling?

OP is a faggot, should have pirated Odin SPhere

I know this is bait but, Gravity Rush Ys, nd FFX are good as fuck. Dragon's crown is objectively good as fuck.

This is a case of you only enjoying certain genres.

>pirating vanillaware games
What's wrong with you

That guy autistically posts that same shit for literally hours at a time with nothing but bait, don't reply to him

The pacing issues aren't even E&L's biggest problem, it's the shit world design where everything is just brown ruins and all locations branch out in 4 directions from your town so you're constantly going back and forth with no planning of your route for efficiency which is what made the world map in Ayesha and Totori interesting.

The mere fact that you think Celceta is good is reason enough for me to completely disregard your shit opinions.
Nobody in the Ys Falcom threads likes Celceta. It's by far the weakest game in the entire series. Even fucking Kefin is a better game than Celceta.

Don't respond.
Report and ignore.

Just play the Arland trilogy and then run the fuck out from the series.

>decided to get it over Odin Sphere because I'm a damn poorfag
But they're exactly the same price?
I'm starting to question your consistency

The arland games are worse than dusk though, and easily worse than sophie, just because you have ADD and dunning-kruger syndrome doesn't change it objectively

>past few weeks
>the game has been out for 3 days in the US and 1 day in EU

user, stop shitposting

>Ayesha had the best world and characters, gameplay was OK
>E&L had the most fun combat, Escha was super cute and the OST was okay
>Shallie had some nice colors, combat was okay, alchemy was okay, no time limit though

I think the Atelier games I've enjoyed the most were the ones that I had to do a ridiculous amount of planning even on the first playthrough, stuff like that made the games really fun.

Funny thing is Ayesha was the one that I had the most issues with time, since I missed one key event (a fucking spice quest from the bar) I was only left with ONE day with a lot of planning to make it work.

E&L on the other hand made it seem like you were in a hurry but once you streamrolled all of those guild checks through you were left with ~10-15 days per month of free time and around 3 months in the end of the game.

Shallie on the other hand, even though you had no time limits you could still mess around with the difficulties and alchemy, it was overall a pretty fun game.

cant say about Sophie but im not going to waste another dolar on atelier
objectively you are full of shit
Ayesha + runs like shit and E&L has horrible pacing and nonexistent story

also Arland has better music

so fuck off with your objectively opinions faggot

Ayesha only runs like shit on the vita and you literally just took that E&L opinion from this thread, you've clearly never played either
The flaws and archaic mechanics from totori alone were immeasurable compared to dusk games

Is this game still good if you're not a waifufag?

Do you have a ps3?
Try Rorona Plus first.
You can get it cheap.
If you like it play more Arland games or move to Sophie

Arland starts off slow because Gust were trying to remember how to make good Ateliers after the shitty PS2 ones, but it gets better with every game.
Dusk came out after Meruru so they knew what they were doing but somehow got worse and worse with each sequel. How is that even possible? Were they trying to do a bad job? Were they rebelling against TK buying them out? I don't get it.

Yes, just take it easy, make your self comfy and enjoy the warm story and characters bundled with a fun game play.

I've always thought Atelier games as the Aria of video games.

>Ayesha only runs like shit on the vita
And the PS3 version is dub-only garbage.
>and you literally just took that E&L opinion from this thread
It's a common sentiment because it's fact.

Depends what you mean by waifufag. Are you afraid of cute girls because you're insecure and underaged? If so stay away.
The gameplay is solid in itself if you enjoy what it has to offer.

Do you order these shitty weeb games online? Cause if I saw someone actually buying one in person I would make fun of them hard

These arguments holy shit
You can't actually offer any real criticism because you don't know anything about the games
The ayesha dub is alright, quit being a weeaboo faggot

>The gameplay is solid

You sound like you're 14 at most

>And the PS3 version is dub-only garbage.
Not with CFW~

hes not me, faggot.
I would post a picture of my Vita but im not going to get up at 6:40 am so fuck you
>archaic mechanics
sorry you were to dumb to figure shit on your own. glad they casualised it for you. I bet you enjoyed the no time limit on Shallie too faggot

>Defending a shit dub
>Defending a shit PARTIAL dub

For what it is, it's better than most
It excels in crafting and task-based gameplay

Unlike OP who is indeed a faggot, I'll be honest about Sophie. Game feels wierd as fuck after playing Ayesha amd E&L. Story is so-so, but enough to get me abit interested on what's gonna happen next. Time phasing is all over the place, sometimes feels inconsistent to the story since you need to do some odd jobs and research to progress and events can trigger whenever the hell you feel like it because theres no restrictions, ect.

Battle system is a letdown, too easy and straight forward. Game literally plays by it self. Blah blah blah pretty colors blah blah blah not much in character build up amd back story. Like where the hell does the blondy come from? Why is she a fencer in the first place? What's even her status? Why is Oska such a pathetic fatass?

>The Ayesha dub is alright

Fuck off, undubbed Ayesha was the ONLY reason I bought my Vita and later on a CFW PS3 just to play the game undubbed, the dub is fucking garbage.

Like two thirds of the lines that are voiced in Japanese are silent in the dub because they were too cheap to pay enough for the VAs to do the full job. That isn't exactly an indicator of quality work, dude.

>having less general mechanics, shallow gearcheck bosses that rely on things like block rng, a much more shallow combat system, and next to no inventory sorting
Golly so hardcore
I'm sure suckered by how they casualized the synthesis and combat system to be more involved

So... should I play atelier undub?

Stop buying shit just because you see it on Sup Forums. 5 minutes on youtube would have showed you pretty much all you need to see from the game.

They're seriously fucking boring, but I can see the appeal.

Why has Atelier been the target of shitposting the last couple days?
Because it's a ps4 game?

because sophie is shit?

If it had a PC version, something like croxlieur sigma, it would receive almost none
I wonder why that is

I can't wait for Firis. Going to buy Sophie one day along with Shallie +.

Stuck in EschatoLogy + right now because I find that I have too many days, no idea how to get weapon drops reliably and properties are quite confusing in this one.

Because neo Sup Forums is basically just reddit, and reddit hates weeb games

But it's not.

Most likely. The biggest shitposters are from ps4.

Because it's now on systems that isn't filled with circlejerking children who think every game on the vita is good, when in fact 99% of them are shovelware garbage.

Meruru kids and others neptunia fags who left series because of Dusk, returned together with English Sophie release

Kill yourself.

Just rest on the couch if you have leftover days after completing all your assignments and don't have access to lategame areas yet, it doesnt really matter what you do at that point.

When you get access to areas like dragons nest and lab of eternity you can start farming relics with endgame properties by activating relic change and using a dowsing rod with amazing relics and farming areas with relic objectives

I had high expectations for this series but it just keeps getting worse and worse with every installment

And what exactly is wrong with Sophie? Can you even name any problems that don't include the words "cute girls"?

Loving every lel


They're all dual-audio except for Ayesha PS3.

Where do I start with this series?

Characters do get more development as you progress (except that blonde dyke) and the combat opens up gradually, but i do agree that it feels weird. Late game feels a lot more like a tactical rpg than a standard atelier combat, but I'd say it's good in its own way when you get into it. The worst part about it is building into it and the pacing, early game just feels automatic.

Meruru but even worse

Its like the "Tales of" series.

Its a long line of mediocre at best games kept afloat by a fanbase that's just here for the waifus.

It's anime and not on PC

You can't really use an MK picture while calling Arland players babbies. If someone who started with Arland plays MK then they do fine, just they possibly get bored by how little thought it takes and how bad alchemy is. MK players going to Arland games tend to freak out over not being able to grind an infinite amount is and complain about how stressful the game is since you can actually lose if you're incredibly terrible.

It does not really matter that much with the Atelier + games, but the chronological order is mostly the best way, (rorona->totori->meruru->ayesha->e&l->shallie->sophie).


You should clarify Rorona plus

Can you still find plain Rorona ps3 copies in commerce?
Weren't destroyed?


I love most JRPGs but I for the life of me cannot get into Atelier. How do you guys force yourself to enjoy this? What do you actually see in it?

I meant if old Rorona copies were still sold.
Physically or on PSN