Literally my mom's dog
Literally my mom's koala
Koala is normal, dog is rock.
Literally my mom's dog
Literally my mom's koala
Koala is normal, dog is rock.
Other urls found in this thread:
no es fake
>Hawaii region
>still no dolphin pokemon
>still caring about a ruined franchise
hey fuck off mega absol is GOAT
it's real. check
>video game championship teams were like 70% the same
Why was this the case?
gamefreak ruined the metagame. mega evolution put the nail in the coffin
Normal type koala is going to be the region's rattata. It'll suck. Dog is probably the geodude, so expect 3 evos, with the last one being a trade or some shit.
koala looks like it's gonna be fighting/grass based on the smaller image next to it
is this shaping up to be the worst gen yet?
Excluding Magearna, looks pretty fine so far.
>fanboys will defend this shit
I wanna see what sort of muscle demon the koala will evolve into.
pokemon just keeps on improving
I might just stop playing pokemon
They could have made the games 10x better by now but they just do 2 months of work every year and push out another pile of shit each time
it's an improvement from B&W that literally ran ONE team, with 3 variant that are just changing one poke or the lead. It's pretty pathetic that a board like Sup Forums pretend shit like you do. But I guess the overwatch cancer is terminal. Second hand opinion from reddit and facebook are now the voice of god in this site ,too..
Barring the robot fairy, this gen has the most simplistic designs in awhile.
Even the Legendaries aren't nearly as batshit as stuff from Gen 4 for example.
I'm excited to see the world Monolith has created.
>yfw nearly all koalas have chlamydia
I just want a game with a difficult campaign that doesn't involve imposing artificial limits on myself.
then play Shin Megami Tensei and stop expecting that from a Pokemon game
But a difficult game that hinges upon random battles sounds like shit.
Do like said and play SMT Nocturne or Strange Journey.
Hell if you have a 3DS then you're ready to jump in on SMTIV right now, though note it's only hard for the first 10 hours.
Are you by any chance talking shit about mega pinsir ?
Isn't imagedumping an 8gag thing?
>make pokemons too elaborated
>make them simple
>over 700 pokemon
>still no frog pokemon
ffs there is literally a pokemon named seal that looks like a seal
I know gen 6 is forgettable but come on
Are you saying that merely being a Zebra makes him overdesigned?
Literal my mom's giant robot
>gen 1
poliwag line
(bulbasaur line)
>gen 2
>gen 4
croagunk line
>gen 5
seismitoad line
>gen 6
froakie line
Why does the dog turn into a gundam?
The starters beside the owl look pretty shitty to me
I'm fine with the rest for the time bean
>le no middle ground argument
Most of Gen VI's designs were good. The starters are good. Good Pokémon designs aren't impossible.
>still no frog pokemon
>no frog pokemon
>no frog
I think the whole image is pointing out how they're more or less reusing basic concepts and ideas
How does anyone dislike these two? They look great what's the Koala-bro's type I might just use him
is koalamon the most australian pokemon since kangaskhan?
How does that evolution even make any sense...
delusional poketards will claim that it's from norse mythology, the goddess hel and her children
because a gundam mech its clearly a representation of a goddess
Why's it absolutely haraam for them to release a Pokemon game on WiiU/console? It's fucking 2016 & they're releasing 240p shit.
It's the only game that will sell me a Nintendo console, & I believe many will too. With all the money they have & specs we could have ZeldaU-like open world if they ever make one.
Because Game Freak will profit more if it's on 3DS
>4 better than 3
Form changes have been within the franchise since 2003 my dude.
Still, it's not a single entity but an aggregation forming creatures for various purposes...the last is humanoid because it's a perfect creature, i suppose.
>it has a robotic face so it's a gundam
portable is an easier format to pump out yearly games and they sell like hotpockets anyway. all things considered it makes the most profit
The whole point of gen 5 was to emulate the same feeling as gen 1 though, so I guess they succeeded at that.
looks nice, I just hope their evo isn't shit. Polemon pre evo are always good no matter the gen
If it were a digimon it would have a bunch of guns plastered all over it, probably a sword arm too.
it does have guns user. those weird shoulder/arm appendages turn into cannons that blast beams. I have a gif of them in action but cant find it at the moment
the bidoof and geoduge of this gen, next will be the flying one
>2 not a rise
>5 not the peak
Good shitpost
>they fell for the oldest /vp/ meme
dog is cute. CUTE!
If anything it makes Aerodactyl look closer to its gen 1 fossil brethren, it was the only one of the three without spikes. Outside of the chin it doesn't even look that bad honestly.
Sharpedo has no spikes.
Well this isn't /vp/ now is it retard
Last one I've played was HeartGold. What are things that I have missed?
>Pokemon head or limb can fire -element- beam
>An average Pokémon battle in Sun and Moon
we already got that
Nah, it'll be the Minccino. Koalas aren't rodents so they can't be that.
What the actual fuck? I've been here since 2006, and if anything imagedumps were far more popular here in the past than now. If anything, the lack of images being posted is more akin to reddit.
Robins aren't rodents and Fletchling was basically the Rattata.
Don't forget a pair of jeans and fur there and there.
Already posted, no upvotes for (you)
That koala is kawaii as fuck holy shit
>50% improvement
>50% regression
Sounds about right. Design quality knows no single gen.
OMG, fictional creatures based on the same yokai look similar!!!
but i need my gold :((
>Manchildren complain about Pokemon design and difficultly
It's almost like, like, it's made for kids or something...
sell scimmy
>Not the first post from this IP
are you ready for the navi of pokemon?
No wonder gen 5 selection was shit. They couldn't place any of the older Pokemon because the new ones were to similar.
My only other post was
>it's okay if it looks shitty, it's made for kids
As long as kids don't think it looks like shit, yes.
Yeah? That has been the case for 20 years.
Well, yeah.
If you outgrew it, go play an adult's RPG.
Pokemon is pretty fucking entry level, even at the beginning.
The gameboy games were only more difficult because of their shit mechanics.
I love the dog. His evolution will be sick.i wonder what the "secret" mentioned in corocoro or w/e is, that Iwanko shares with the starters.
I honestly believe Persian would be a better comparison to Herdier. As in a stylized version of an existing breed.
mega evos
Needs to be far closer to a flat line. The later games do make a bunch of small improvements, but it's still the same fucking game year after year. If you took someone who has never played Pokemon before and randomly gave them one to play as their first, they would probably enjoy them all roughly equally (if not favor the later ones because of the graphical improvements).
>just a fucking ghost with an ipad
>while the other is a Pokemon already known for its ability
>and an item that was always present in every game
lol YW
Looks good
>I wan
>ko means daughter of
>daughter of that which barks
i might have autism
Iwa = rock
Wanko = doggy/pupper