Play game

>play game
>pretend you have an audience
>narrate it like you're a popular youtuber or streamer
>imagine everyone laughing at how cool and witty you are

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Fuck off cebruz

Don't worry, user.

I do it too, and then I feel ashamed every time, but I keep doing it anyways.

Huskies being silly

Those huskies are pretty silly

lol i love these huskies

What good huskies

So you are stalking me on Sup Forums?

lol silly huskies



I just finished doing a Dark Souls 3 Let's Play to an imaginary audience. 40 hours of me talking to myself and going over level design, enemy placement, lore, boss strategies etc.

If you're willing to go that far why not just record and upload it to YouTube and make it an actual let's play?

Jesus, might as well have streamed you fagget. Someone would have watched.

I don't want to upload videos or have other people watch them and critique them. I also don't like Let's Plays in general, I think they are overlong and drawn out and done purely for financial reasons. I just like passing the time by talking to myself. I had more fun doing this playthrough than I did all of my others.

>Purely for financial reasons

user that's not true. The vast majority of lets plays are not only not monetized, but the ones that are barely bring in a dime let alone a tempting amount of money.

There are definitely big Youtubers who are making dickloads of money and putting up Patreon shit but I mean everyone started putting up hundreds of hours of material for nothing. You can totally put some up without seeming like you want money out of it.


There's a lot about YouTube gaming I don't like but you are right, I can just do things my own way. Thanks user.

I'm sure you'll even have a small gathering of regulars, it's a really cool environment. You just do what you enjoy and see where it takes you.

>all these (You)s

hehehe maybe hehehehehehe

Will bandage come over if we namedrop him?

I doubt it, he doesn't go on Sup Forums as far as I know

i have a bad habit of imagining this in my head while i play. how do i stop this?

I'm one level ahead of you faggots.

I'm so embarrassed that I won't even speak aloud in my own apartment in fear of someone hearing me. I only talk to my girlfriend when she's home.

nice puppers, makes them wish I kept mine :^)

My neighbor's bedroom is right against mine, I always feel like I can't have fun in voice chat or when I'm doing that little self-commentary because I don't like being listened to by someone I hardly know.

Kill yourself faggot

>my girlfriend

The only time I ever let loose is if I'm talking to a friend in person or on voice chat in a game. Get to a point where I'm laughing hard enough that I forget to be embarrassed. Should probably just kill myself, not sure how to stop being embarrassed about pointless shit normally. Maybe I'd have done something meaningful with my love of vidya by now.

*swims and rescues wan wans and they live happily ever after*


I hope someone killed this woman.

I'm here with you, user. I'm the same way.

Missed opportunities, shit I keep pushing back, a struggle to get rid of embarrassment and self-consciousness even though I tell myself I don't care what others think.

Did you also spend most of your childhood flipping the channel from cartoons to documentries when parents walked in?

Or did the entire Yunalesca boss fight all over because you turned off the TV for the following cutscene when parents walked in ;_;

That's definitely my MO.
I spent most of my childhood alone, parents were divorcing and also busy with their own things, but had they of walked in I would have done some shit like that.

We're two peas, user.

Wanna attempt friendship? I'm not very consistent with anything I do. But might be able to talk about vidya sometimes.

I'm the same way, not too consistent but I'm always welcoming and do try.

Right here bud

i don't do that but that's probably good to improve your speech ability, expressing ideas etc. so, good for you but dont ever post them pls

I want to ____ Tomoko

This new generation is weird as fuck.

I'll add you, probably won't socialize today since I'm really worn out from a backshift. But when I'm more awake either later or tomorrow maybe? hopefully that's okay. I just feel really physically shitty right now.

doesn't she kill herself at the end of the maga because she can't make friends?

Take your time, it's all good. Days, weeks, whenever, I'll still be online.

Tomoko is made for sex.

I used to do this with my SNES only I pretended I was playing with a friend.

>tfw she has a better life than you

I used to commentate games in my head. It actually got a little tiresome.
Probably was around the time I was watching lots of let's plays.


>Should probably just kill myself
Kek, that came out of left field

My life's in a bit of a sorry state, Its unlikely I'll kill myself, but I'm at a point where if I'm going to die somehow I'll just roll over and let it happen.

Have a high quality webm

>high quality
>less than 1080p
>1mb below limit

i think i may have cancer, but i'm unsure if i should tell anyone and just let myself die

Ahah animal abuse is so funny ahahahah


>upscaling from 720p source
Sup Forums pls.

I love it, thank you senpai.

>play video game
>imagine being character in said video game
>imagine hanging out with the other characters and becoming friends with some of them
>think of how cool you'd be but also think of limitations on your abilities so you don't end up like some kind of mary sue
>go through fake conversations in your head with the characters
>accidentally respond to a question in your head out loud
>get really embarrassed and nervous
>remember i live alone
>crawl into bed and hug my stuffed rabbit
sometimes i wonder if there is something wrong with me

she did this because this is how they put unwanted dogs "down" in bosnia (the country the webm is from)

You should start by getting checked out and confirming

>Tried doing LP's like 5 years ago when I was a teen, before LP's exploded into what they are now; mostly did Terraria and Final Doom
>Free recording software, microphone headset, awkward kinda-deep but also monotone and scratchy teenager voice; all the signs of a quality let's play
>Had maybe four episodes of each game, along with some TF2 clips and a Minesweeper video
>Then I just decided "fuck it, I don't get any views for doing this, there's no point" one day
>No regrets
And there's no going back because getting anywhere in the current YouTube LP market is impossible now. That, and I'm too lazy to bother with recording videos and shit anymore.

To me you sound more creative than I am, how's it feel to know someone envys you?

terrible game choices for that time
you think anyone cares about watching final doom? the taget audience would actually play it instead of watching and listening to a teenager

>Used to make videos for fun and to show friends
>would record my best warcraft III replays and put final fantasy 4 music to them.
>Later made a few videos for guild when WoW came around
>realize everything I made was probably pretty cringey
>most of it was stored on putfile which later died so its all gone now
>I don't create anything anymore, and thus have no memories to show for it.

>at home by myself
>walk around my house talking to myself about a point or theme to a game like I'm talking to youtube
>dad hears me
Worse feeling.

I've always wanted to do a youtube channel, but I stutter and slur my words. ;_;

i'd probably disappoint you too

would you prefer to know your time of death and worry about not doing everything you want in that time, or go out unexpectedly with no regrets?

I love watching boss rush modes or LPs of RPGs with the LPer doing some weird/intense build.
Even a nice speedrun.

Anything where the player is really good.

>friend comes over to play video games at my house
>he always, ALWAYS fucking narrates what he's doing like he's on the fucking game grumps
Seriously, I am about to blow a fucking gasket. There is no way this is normal human behavior.

Eh, Terraria was relevant at the time, but yeah Final Doom wasn't a great choice.
When my brother and I would get together and play vidya together all weekend, we would sometimes joke about doing a "two brother's play" type let's play. There were some hilarious moments that would have been good, but it's ultimately better that we never did anything like that. More of just a "humor the thought" kinda thing.

there are better ways to do that, even in a fuckplace like Bosnia

Don't worry about that user, right now I'm looking up to you.

I just want to be known for something, I hate listening to others talk on youtube, so if anything I'd like to be known for something silent.

If you knew something might change

Are you a grill?

haha silly huskies

I don't know what there is there to look up to but okay

No. I am like 6'4" and not even a little bit feminine looking.

This is why we should exterminate white people

what would possess someone to be this edgy