Need to start a new campaign.
Come talk about Warhammer.
Need to start a new campaign.
Come talk about Warhammer.
Let's roll
Fucking greenskins?
Well, a deal's a deal, user.
>Not downloading the expanded roster
if its shit I ain't playing
There is only one choice
How the fuck do I do something about these badlands orcs? They're trashing my dwarven neighbours but if I go down there they just run away, and my stubby little legs can't catch them.
Rolling for Dwarfs. I've done a play through of all factions, and Dwarfs have been my favourite so far. Second to Empire.
Counts have no ranged and no friends, which sucks a huge bag of dick.
Greenskins are absolute shit-tier at everything and rely on numbers.
Chaos are OK, but not being able to occupy cities is fucking cancerous.
Vampires? Just fuck my campaign up, family.
Block their army with an agent or use 2 armies
Also drop arty it slows you down on the campaign map
>No Skaven
>How the fuck do I do something about these badlands orcs?
By downloading a mod that removes marched stance. Nothing is more fun than an enemy army razing or sacking every village you have and then march stancing away. It's so fucking stupid addition to the game series. It however wasn't that bad in Rome 2 and Attila because you could always try to defend villages due to choke points in the battlefiedl map, but in TW Warhammer you are fucked unless you built gates at every goddamn village.
This is one of the few criticisms of the game which I have; it only has four races.
Yeah, the map is small and they've removed a lot of the formations and smaller unique unit traits (shield wall for Dwarf Ironbreakers would be fucking baller) - but it's the lack of variety in the factions which hurts the game.
I mean, each one is extremely unique - which I think is a great thing, but fuck I wish there was more than 4.
They're adding Bretonia soon, but they're basically an Empire clone and half the assets are in the game anyway.
Elves are next, I think, so that'll be alright.
Tomb Kings, Lizardmen and Skaven will be the big expansions. Hopefully they expand the map, too. I need more cunts to conquer.
if they expand the map its probably gonna be standalone continent shit like new world on its own, i can only see the sand lands south of the badlands added to the existing map
This. Worst part of this game is town and city battles. Even if you do have walls, having a battle at a single chunk of it is stupid as fuck. Flanking? Wtf is flanking?!
Anyone tried out the 1080 on this?
rollllllllllllllll pls
>upgrading to a 1080 would get me 1 more frame per second
I need a new faction too. Rolling.
I've been using that mod that lets me start as different Dwarf holds, play them for 50-100 turns then get bored. Already beaten empire and Dwarf campaign and the rest doesn't interest me that much.
I would play Dwarf campaign again if it weren't for the fact that stomping badlands is just tedious shit.
I actually found the dwarves to be the most boring race to play as, the defensive combat is dull, book of grudges is tedious, and the fact that the AI is trash at dealing with heavily armoured troops means there is never any challenge in the campaign
There are 5
update when
DLC when
expansion when
>Still no nvidia drivers
>Still not SLI profile
After Tomb Kings
lets rell
>Tomb Kings
It will come with the 1080.