Your favorite vidya

Your favorite vidya
Your favorite characters and their type
You type(you can use if you don't know)

this is literally pseudo-science horoscope

>that guy who always posts this
Yes, we know, it's not scientifically reliable or anything, now pick your answers

I think I've solved this test over 5 times now

Dark Souls/Bloodborne
Ocelot, Solaire, Adachi - weird guys with a strong personality
ENTP, every time

As for my results...

>favorite vidya
Can't pick one, I just finished playing Danganronpa and liked it a lot.

>favorite character
That's easy, pic related.
Pretty sure she's ENFJ
I usually love psychos, yanderes or innocent girls

I always get INTJ, so guess it's this one

Solid Snake, INTP
I'm INTP too

>Your favorite vidya
New Vegas
>Your favorite characters and their type
Big Boss is commonly said to be INTJ, I think.
Tatsuya Suou - ISTP
Revan - ???
>Your type

I knew I had autism but not this severe.

Persona3-4,Demon's Souls, bloodborne, mgs3, the witcher 3, oblivion, Devil may cry 3, Bayonetta, Valkyria chronicles, dead space1, RE2, n 5 because of shooting zombie niggers.

Big Boss(dindu), Geralt, Rise, Yosuke Hanamura, Teddy, Dante, and Revolver Ocelot

>I knew I had autism but not this severe.
Getting INTP doesn't necessarily mean you have autism, even if it's close enough because of feelings towards others being repressed

Also here's a qt INTP girl

One could call it schizoid personality disorder also but I usually call it autism.
Find other qt INTP girls m9

That's not the point mate, you can be INTP without any mental disorder, I know one that simply got rejected a lot and said "fuck feelings, I don't care anymore"

Dunno if she's INTP, but she looks like one
Either INTP or INFP

I dunno, but always had the fuck feelings attitude and somehow people got interested in high school and uni.

For the longest time potheads that I know called me space, only because I tried to explain quantum physics, meta physics and how some psycho actives works on the brain.

Also have a habit of finding out how vidya was made by messing around in engines and looking hard at deconstruction of the plot of a game, having the simplest formula like 3 arch storytelling, later piecing or looking at the lore and what made the lore so good, and what made the characters great, how the world building was good or bad, ect.

I do the same thing with movies and novellas.


I hate RTS and puzzle/stealth games and my favorite genres are action, ARPG and RPG/FPS

so keeping in line with horoscopes, its just shit to make you feel like a special snowflake so have fun with that

>its just shit to [...] have fun

You must be fun to be around, but there again, this is coming from someone who got INTJ


Strategy, simulation and rpg games. In that order. Sounds about right.

I don't believe in any personality test that always paints a picture of you having only good qualities, but in differing sorts.

Reality is that there are personality traits that are good and there are ones that are outright bad and add no value to the person themselves or the ones around him, insecurity, cynicism, passive-aggressiveness and a bloated ego are all traits that are absolutely useless and until we get a personality test that has the balls to say "you're just one fucking worthless drag", I'm not gonna trust them worth shit.

The point of those stuff is usually help you develop what could be your good qualities, so that's why they focus on them more than the bad ones.

But there again, the point of the thread is still vidya, we know that MBTI is not supposed to be reliable, you can't even classify something like "personality"

I dunno, when that tism itch comes then I can go deep on some lore like 40k or other tabletop to vidya books. Or just entertain the idea of other theories in philosophy, political ideology and conspiracies.

>metroid prime
>samus is probably istj
>i am entj

>favorite vidya
I can't decide. Right now No More Heroes 1 and 2.
>favorite character
Travis Touchdown, I guess ESTP.

no idea. It's a tie between AA as a whole and Explorers of Sky

that's a tough question. On the top of my mind: Edgeworth, Sota Sarushiro, Gumshoe, Ace (999), Akane Kurashiki, Ike (FE), Hector (FE), Joshua, Sho Minamimoto, Dante. Lot of chingchong shit now that I think about it. Fuck me if I know what their type is supposed to be


Sonic (INTJ)

Myers-Briggs is shit and has over a 20% fluctuation between tests. This is high school career counselor levels of shit.

You could have done better, shame on you.

INTJ master race reporting in.

Favorite vidya is probably Baldur's Gate. It's hard to pick a single favorite because I enjoy a lot of genres. I also love STALKER, Dwarf Fortress, DCS A-10C and even WoW.

I don't really have a single favorite character.

Currently: OW, Of all time: F.E.A.R. Series ( Excluding 3 )

Edgy / Lone wolf / Leader characters are usually my favorites. Raphael from TMNT, Rick Grimes from Walking Dead, You get it.


>Master Race
>The whole board is filled with them
No wonder why this is the worst board.

>The whole board is filled with them
So far I only see 2 of them, and I am including myself

Get back in the noon/night.

>Favorite vidya
>Favorite characters and their type
Nagito Komaeda all-time favorite character pic related
don't know type
>You type

Maybe Shinobi 3. I replay it every month for some reason.
Vega(Claw) from Street fighter

Undyne = ENTJ

My favorite game changes often but it's usually Paper Mario 64

No idea what type they are but both onionbros from the Souls series



Undyne = ENTJ
>My type

Don't have a favorite now. Back in the day it was Smash before the series became mediocre

Pick related. Don't know what she'd be. Likely intuitive thinking at least.


autism joke, I guess

You are so INTP you deleted your post because it wasn't precise enough or what?

I highly suspect that the perceived type prevalence here is significantly skewed because people of different types/dispositions have varying likelihoods of actually responding to a thread like this.

It's a heuristic. Nothing more.

>Your favorite vidya
Infamous, Persona 3, Nocturne
>Your favorite characters and their type
Fuuka Yamagishi, she's INFP
Shinjiro Aragaki, ISFJ

>You type
INFP, like Fuuka

Can pick one, i actually play in all the platforms.

Rinne Byakuya (Euphoria), Limstella (Fire Emblem 7), Horo (Toukiden Kiwami), Piety (Path of Exile), Rance (Rance Series)... Some fucked up people or weirdos.


Not that I am actually making some kind statistic or anything based on this

If I had to make a prediction...
I am sure we are mostly INFPs(those ">tfw no gf" people) and INTPs(people who just discuss/troll about anything, even if it's totally unrelated with the thread or the whole board) here, probabily a fair amount of INTJs too, the ones who make big fucking posts to tell your argument is shit

>Your favorite vidya
Either Fallout: New Vegas or Mother 3.
>Your favorite characters and their type
Pic related is probably INTJ or ISTJ.
>You type

>Your favorite vidya
Paper Mario 64

>Your favorite characters and their type
Roll - ESFJ
Seiko Shinohara - ENFP
Olimar - ISTJ

>Your type

GG thread

DS1/3, DKC, DOTO and i used to play in local tourneys for umvc3

>on Sup Forums

What the fuck happened in your life

He's ENFP.
He likes random shit and memes(probabily)

>Your favorite vidya
>Your favorite characters and their type
Sonic the Hedgehog-ENFP, Kirby-ISFJ, Raiden-ISTP
>Your type


>probabily a fair amount of INTJs too, the ones who make big fucking posts to tell your argument is shit
>tfw you write out a goddamn essay while skirting around the word limit to explain exactly why somebody's retarded and their opinions are dumb
>Proofread that shit, phrase everything perfectly, and provide sources
>They never fucking reply
>Alternatively, thread 404s right as you're about to post

I stopped doing that after a while

>favorite vidya
dark souls 1
>favorite characters
siegmeyer is the only game character to ever resonate with me, don't know what meme-briggs type he'd be and too lazy to find out


>tfw you write out a goddamn essay while skirting around the word limit to explain exactly why somebody's retarded and their opinions are dumb

INTJ is hell, I wish less autism in my life.

Characters i dig:
John Marston, Nathan Drake, Sonic the Hedgehog, Ezio, Lara Croft (older version)

Love those loud mouthed extroverted assholes, its the personality i wish i had i guess

I think the whole GG vs. SJW clusterfuck was rooted in disposition differences. GG being thinkers, SJW being feelers.

Actually I think the problem is not usually feelers or thinkers, but intuitive people who pretty much can accept anything and sensitive people who like to cockblock everything new

yeah, chances are there is an N/S division as well.

Feelers and intuitive thinkers usually accept other people ideas much easier than sensitive thinkers, who oppose anything they don't like treating it like a fucking challenge of who gives up first

I don't know if its a personality thing.

The thing that made me wish death to the whole gaming media was the media promoted which hunts against fucking INDIVIDUALS over opinions or statements out of context.

Companies that took part on this deserves to die and be closed forever,People who participated on any of this deserve to be left without a job that comes anywhere near close to writing. No sympathy.

>Your favorite vidya
Mother 3
>Your favorite characters and their type
Lucas from mother 3, I still have a lot more I guess
Hes probably INFP
>You type

>I don't know if its a personality thing.
Technically speaking, a debate is always a personality thing as long people hold exactly the same evidence in the same way

Ocarina of Time
I did the test in the link (twice) and find it much better than the image in the OP.

It depends on the orientation. Fe is highly concerned with social harmony, while Fi is deeply concerned with personal feeling/values.

yeah, the image is pretty trash

Mario Bros. 3

Dr. Emmett Brown, ENTP (I just looked this up and wrote it after writing my own type)


Bloodborne at the moment
>character and type
no clue, or a clear pattern, sometimes I end up loving a character while hating other similar ones and vice versa
>my type
INTP according to the site you posted

I always get INTP and INTJ.
Most smt pro-tags
I guess I like silent characters.

All time favorite game: Guild Wars. Current: Mount and blade: Warband

Favorite Characters are the foolishly ambitious and intelligent people. I find them interesting and often funny. Edwin is a perfect example. I suppose he would be an INTJ.


Monster Hunter/Blazblue
Samus/Bayonetta: Types unknown but best girls confirmed.
Istp. I keep getting it everytime I take these thgs

This isn't a thread I expected here, honestly. I can see taking it for personal introspection, but going I'm a "type" seems silly.

>This isn't a thread I expected here
Hello there, newfriend.
Those people has been on Sup Forums for long actually

>those people
Memo to myself :
Don't type when you are playing a fightan

Witcher 3

Geralt, John Marston, Gaunter O'Dimm, probably others I don't remember

>My Type
INTP, apparently that makes me autistic pls no

>E fags


Don't worry, it doesn't
But you will look like one when your Ne obsess on silly details



There are good E types
in exactly this order

>but going I'm a "type" seems silly.

It may seem silly but this personality test provides practical information about the individual test taker.

Fortune 500 companies use these test for potential employees in order to determine how well their personality/behavior synchronizes with the nature of the job.

That being said the test does lead to some problems in the workforce and are flawed. Often people stereotype others based on their test results and assume that the strengths and flaws in each personality can be applied to any one if they have said personality.

>Your favorite vidya
I don't know man, it's either Witcher 2 or ME1

>Your favorite characters and their type
Zaeed, Letho, probably ESTP

>Your type
ENTP-A and I don't know why, debates are a waste of time

>but going I'm a "type" seems silly.

And it is silly. Taking the test is not about giving you "perspective" on your "identity", it's suppose to hel pyou realise the areas in which you need to grow as a person to realize your potential.

OP's image shows predominantly the typical positives, and is as such mostly a "feel good" chart.
Not particularly helpful, as it doesn't show the typical qualms of each type, and the results that eighty years of research have yielded in forms of suggestions for what to focus on to grow.

>no ES's are good


>Feeling Judging
Nigga you stubborn as fuck. FP is where it's at.

I hate these kinds of charts, some of the things on this I do from both sides of a question. Like the one asking if I'm quiet or talkative, it depends on where I am. Sometimes I talk a lot, other times I'd rather not talk to anybody.

favourite vidya: I don't know
favourite characters and their type: I don't know
your type: ISFJ

But surely you have a preference for one. Its a spectrum so your just somewhere in the middle, but I think its rare that someone is evenly quiet and talkative.

>not liking "You are all my best friends, well not really, but I will still say it cause I wanna make you happy" ENFJs
Yeah, they are stubborn, but adorable. Just tell them they are not making you happy at all and it's totally possible to be happy the way you think

ESFP is acceptable I guess... but fuck the others

so far everyone is wrong about the types. They're based on philosophical principles that define psychological mechanics as outlined by Carl Jung, nothing to do with identity. And they don't determine anyone's habits and strengths, so applying it to work placement is stupid.

Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Maya Amano - ENTP

I used to be INTP but recently I've become ENTP

Tetris (at a high level; tryhard)
I don't know, maybe Miles Edgeworth if I had to name one but it tends to change a lot.
No idea about his personality type though
INTX (always get a different letter there)

Edgeworth is ISTJ as fuck but he acts more INTJ in AAI2

Yeah. I remember coming out as a feeler in one test, but the rub was that I chose the feeler answers though reason (I viewed them as giving the best results). Needless to say that test completely missed the mark.

There are maybe 2 good tests off the top of my head. Most are pretty poor.

Dark Souls
I'm an ISFJ, healslut in games.

>favorite vidya
Paper Mario TTYD

>favorite characters
Waluigi, Shadow the Edge, Joel
They're probably all IS-something

>my type
Between ISFP-T and INFP-T

Myers-Briggs chart is a tumblr-tier obsession, but I'll bite.

1) Final Fantasy VIII
2) Squall. Characters can't have this thing. They are not real human bean.


Didn't play AAI yet but thanks. It's interesting that I relate so well with an ISTJ but I guess there isn't a big difference with my type.
Not even sure what those letters mean anyway.

>Carl Jung
Funny that you mention him because it is his theory on persona that made companies use personality tests to see what type of "people" the workers are.

>paper mario
i think we found where autism lies

you're correct. It's right here.

1: Half Life
2: Probably Heather from Silent Hill 3.But I got no clue on what personality type she would be.

>'Listen, suffering is a fact of life. Either you learn how to deal with that or you go under. You can stay in your own little dream world, but you can't keep hurting other people! Besides, I'll never forgive you for hurting my father!'

Heather is an ISTJ with a short temper.

>Favorite Vidya
Chrono Trigger and P4 Golden

>Favorite Character
Himura Kenshin
I really admired him. I guess I like the kind spirited warrior type, those guys that could kill you in a second if they wanted, but never would.
I'm sucker for the romantic aspects of these characters, especially those with a tragic past that helped to turn them into philanthropists.

>Personality Type