Would this be the best modern MMO if the combat wasn't such hot trash?

Would this be the best modern MMO if the combat wasn't such hot trash?

>Secret World's setting with GW1 combat
>it will NEVER EVER happen

I don't know user, I haven't played it. Why are you asking me this.

It'd be nice if it had more in-depth puzzles than googling shit, too.

Yeah yeah, there's some 'great stuff' later on, but it was boring as shit 10 hours into the game.

Probably. Maybe grimmer graphics too. I just didn't feel the atmosphere, it was just lacking even though everything was there
But it's an mmo so that's probably why

I actually really liked the in-game web client and using the internet to solve puzzles. Unless you are talking about just straight up googling the answer in which case you are a faggot.

I liked almost all investigation quests that I played.

Ended up dropping the game in the second egypt area, though, in egypt there were barely any investigation quests and the repetitive normal quests coupled with the game's boring solo combat just didn't do it for me at all. Not to mention the game had tons of small content DLCs at that point each of which cost more than what I paid for the base game, it didn't seem worth it at all.

The area after Egypt is actually 9/10, if you are ever bored and willing to play, I'd say rush through Egypt to get to the area after. That is what I did and was very worth.

>Googling something in your browser is different from googling something in the in-game web client


Well the combat and the sameface character models were the only really bad things about this game.
Dropped it in Transylvania where I hit a difficulty spike and my elementalist build suddenly stopped being viable for soloing shit.

There is a difference of using the clues to go to find more clues in wikipedia or etc, than going to a game guide and looking up the answer which is what sounds like you do.

No, googling a lead while following a clue you found in game is fine.
Straight up googling the correct solution for the quest is faggotry.

>Looking for the answer on wikipedia in google is different from looking for the answer on wikipedia via the in game browser


It's all basic googling shit. It's not interesting at all and requires literally 0 thinking.

Spotted the retard that couldn't figure out investigation puzzles without being spoonfed

>It's all basic googling shit. It's not interesting at all and requires literally 0 thinking.
Bull fucking shit. Spoken like someone who gave up on the first puzzle an googled the answer right away.

>some of the best writing in games to start quests
>every quest ends with a text message, no closure, no nothing

what could have possibly possessed them to do this.

EA rushing them is quite likely

I actually liked that. The actual story of the quest had already culminated by that point and I didn't feel like I was lacking closure.
Plus I didn't have to run back to any quest givers just to hand something in.

>Would this be the best modern MMO if the combat wasn't such hot trash?
No, but it's still a pretty good game.

It'd be a much better game for sure. While I loved the quests and atmosphere, the combat is still a large aspect of the game and it just sucks.

What kind of combat improvement? I wouldn't know where to start.

I'd at least make the animations better.

I'd honestly say trash the whole damn system and start over.

The only direction they could go with a new combat system is up, I'm just not sure it could be worse unless they put in negative amounts of effort into the new combat.

I don't get why people say this. I guess it's just the bad players who think that way. The combat is good.

fucking morons

if you are stupid fucking faggot children with absolutely no knowledge of what you're talking about please shut the fuck up and let the adults talk.

i'm sure the combat was really the only singular problem and the reason a puzzle MMORPG is complete unplayable trash, sure, well said kids. fucking idiots.

never make a thread again

kill yourself

Animations is one of the reasons i stopped playing, i like the combat, and the dungeons where fun as fuck. I quick after full pre-raid bis with purple signets and shit.

Sad to see a fun game like TSW die thanks to shitty animations and horrible pvp

Yeah, by far. Amazing atmosphere and really cool setting. Wish it was a single player game with better combat.

Also the game does go slightly downhill in Egypt, after how fucking cool Solomon Island was.

Transylvania > Solomon Island

Wish ranged combat worked better instead of just being melee but you shoot them instead of slice them. Wish I could just do a good rifle build and not have to have magic in everything, I wanted to be an Illuminati commando fighting the forces of the supernatural.

The combat is deep but kinda boring with build resources then a consumer.I found it boring at first too.But making a deck is so much fun.
I don't think its dying.It's not populated but its not dying anytime soon.
You can.

Then do that, just make a build thats not shit

You still pretty much have to mix weapons and I just hate watching my character pull a sword or fists out all the time. Not that there's anything wrong with that build, it's just not what I wanted to do.

Get pistols and a rifle then?
Pistols got one of the best combo builders, or atleast they used the pre-raids. And rifles got some mad combo finishers... You just need to stuck and read on the skills

The build I use for soloing is Assault Rifle/Shotgun.No magic involved in except anima bullets.

I wouldn't call it hot trash.
Hell, I think the combat is better than most MMOs out there. I like that you actually have to be strategic in picking what abilities and passives you have equipped, rather than just having your hotbar constantly get bigger and bigger.
The atmosphere, lore, and the humor are all top tier though (I play Illuminati, so I don't know if the game is as funny if you are a Templar or Dragon. Kirsten Geary for life).

Fuck you whoever keeps putting in these morse code shit. I want thinking puzzles, not to be blinded by flashes of light. Also if you're not using a magic and firearms combo for soloing the majority of the time, you're wasting the setting.

Playing dragon means you never know what the fuck is going on.

What? If you just follow whats happening you'll understand whats going on when playing Dragon, Dragon best faction.

Dragon has the best story.Wish made my first character as Dragon.Templars are led by a damn nigger.

I remember playing this game back in like late 2012 with Sup Forums.

I had fun but the endgame grind at the time was fucking abysmal and you're right that the combat is a hot mess.

It's got a lot of really cool shit going for it though.

>you're totally wrong but I'm not going to give a single reason why
Your opinion is discarded.

There was a puzzle in one of the earlier areas in a game that pointed you towards a bible passage as a hint to where to go next.

Using google to find the bible passage and figure out the next step? Cool shit.

Using google to find a walkthrough that just tells you where to go next? Lazy shit

You don't need to grind as much as before.You can buy most of the endgear with currency you collected throughout the game.

That's what I've heard.
>Play Dragon if you want to get the most lore and story
>Play Templar if you want to feel like the good guys
>Play Illuminati for the hilarity and great writing

Do the game still have tons of different currencys and shit? Thats one of the tings that turned me off the game..


the combat is fine until it introduces AEGIS. it adds literally nothing to the game

I heard that even werewolves are connected to Dragons somehow.
There is PAX which is your money that you can easily get by doing things.There is black bullion to buy endgame stuff but I can like 1.5k a week and 2k is the cap.You can so easily get it now.And there is Mark of the Pantheon that you can also buy endgame stuff but you don't use it most of the times.

They are not a mess to confuse you though.You get them so easily rather than grinding 1 week to get hundred or some shit like that.

The issue that I had back then was that it was like, only one 10-man raid? And you had to spend months grinding just to get the gear to do it in the like, 6 dungeons? At max difficulty. (Was it Normal -> Elite -> Nightmare I think?)

It was fun doing the nightmare grind at first. We made a group of all Sup Forums people who were fresh at endgame and managed to clear cthulhu-wannabe and over time we worked towards clearing them all. And then in order to gear up we had to do all 6 nightmare dungeons. Every day. For like a month. There was this one fucking dungeon where the final boss was like multiple guys in this fucking sewer but you couldn't touch the water because it was electrified and the boss had shields on 3 of his four sides.

I remember that being a pain in the ass.

Got a neat costume out of it though.

Dragon benefits from playing Templar and Illuminati. Someone will say a random "lol chaos" thing that will directly reference events in other faction stories. Dragon has the best follow up emails too. They're the only faction didn't fuck over the old werewolf that helps you out in Transylvania.

Plus you get a blowjob in the intro.

>tfw my character gets more action than I do

>>I heard that even werewolves are connected to Dragons somehow.

>old werewolf
>is sick in seeing young werewolves being influenced by nazi vampires
>yes, nazi vampires are a thing
>they hate commie supersoldiers
>they're fighting each other in Transylvania
>anyways old werewolf guy
>every faction helps him by mercy killing werewolves who have succumbed to the bloodlust typical in the youth
>afterwards each faction treats him differently
>Illuminati kill him because "HELLLOOOOO... werwolf? You just kill those guys."
>Templar put a bullet in the back of his head because all monsters must be slain, even the good ones
>Dragon put him in the back of a van and drive him from Transylvania to Tibet to be with the ancient werewolves who seek enlightenment and mastery over their bloodlust through meditation

What's interesting is that the Dragon part makes it seem like the other two faction's events happened, or at least were attempted, but it was all manipulated to save the werewolf.

I don't think you have to grind so much for gear these days.It's much easier to do since most of the people doing nightmare dungeons (hardest difficulty) are filled with people at least done it 50 times.

The boss you are talking about is Aleksei-Raz in Slaughterhouse.It's the hardest dungeon.

Oh thats what the werewolf at the entrance of Carpathian Fangs was talking about.All the enlightement and shit.

Dragon story was shit until they replaced your handler with that crazy Jap dude

Just fix this stuff please

>Best follow up emails
I dunno about that. Illuminati has some God-tier ones. Probably better for story, but Geary's writing is some great humor.

It's one of the better single player quest based games I've ever played. Secret World is a garbage MMO unfortunately

I haven't played the Tokyo dlc. Was the woman handler a traitor like it was hinted at?

kek your body actually turns now

If I recall when I played Hell Fallen was the hardest, but only because it was nearly impossible to clear without exploits.

Just downloaded the game again, do i have anything worth shit? I got full QL 10 purple on me.

My crit chance is only 7%, i remember it being close to 50-60%. I guess they made changes to how stats work

the concept is cool as fuck.

She wasnt a traitor, Daimon was just much better at the whole chaos and predicting shit

You have lots of tacos.Maybe you can sell those signets if there is anything worth.Other than that there will be a world boss event where people will summon 200 world bosses and youll surely get some QL10 gear there.It's at 20.00 BST.Other than that you don't have anything worth.

Here are my stats and items

Critical chance was buffed hardcore actually. Also all your shit is virtually worthless.

I have been eating a good amount of tacos in my days

Hmm, i guess i have to find new gear then, rip. mind checking it out ?

You can do nighmare dungeons.If you got some PAX and black bullion go to your HQ and upgrade your gear.For nightmare dungeons you need at least 4000+ attack rating.Your crit is ok should be fine.

There's an ingame event tonight?
Gotta download the client quick.

Yeah its a community driven one.A cabal collected world boss summon rituals for some months and going to summon lots of them.Other people are joining too.It would be epic.At least 200+ bosses.

I have been doing nightmare dungeons, why is it 4k rating now?

Also after checking everything i remembered that i was going a penetrate build, i didnt care about crit. Must have been a bad stat back when i played

iirc back in the day penetration and crit power were the main builds you'd get on stats, and you'd rely on skill passives that gave a flat increase on crit chance.

At least that's what I think it was for my old pistol/shotgun build.

>doing quests in the haunted house that is built on the Indian burial ground
>spooky spooky spooky
>walk inside to a dozen people erping in the lobby
>walk outside and there's a community RP session about some mysterious car accident

TSW is a trip

You can still do with 3k rating but you'll probably get carried by other people.And some of the bosses are DPS check if you find a group same stats as you you'll probably die a lot.That being said I'm not a DPS player so I might be fully wrong too.Just hope on Sanctuary and ask there.

>Illuminati kill him because "HELLLOOOOO... werwolf? You just kill those guys."
they're not wrong. nothing about this war so far had been about moralizing, why start now

What server/dimension is this happening on? Or did they merge them or something? Haven't played in a while.

The puzzles were shit.

Actually, what that guy said isn't entirely right.
All that the Illuminati said was, "Once he stops being useful, we're probably going to have to kill him, so don't get too attached."
We don't actually know for sure if they killed him or not.

I don't know how to say this, but I got stuck after finishing all the Egypt missions. Where should I go next? And what other areas are there?

>this fucking quest

It doesn't matter which server you are on you get teleported to an empty one with your raid group.It's just one big server.
Follow the story mission it should take you to the Transylvania.

uh, Transylvania. Tokyo? you're not even half way through all the game's content bruh

I'm sure the ilumanty will always have use for an immortal werewolf who wants to stop bloodcrazed werewolves though

in any case your handler is just too good to pass up. best faction.

Every time I hear about this game, this is my thought process.
>You know, this game actually seems pretty cool!
>They don't talk about the gameplay much which worries me, but hey, the lroes the shit and it seems immersive, so whatever
>Let's go see about playing it
>$30 and membership (You get a month free! Derp) for a THIRD of the game?!
>$70 and a membership (Free month lol) for the full game?
>An item shop too?
>Fuck these kikes
And then I don't end up playing it.

Same problem with Neverwinter. There's just too much kike shit going on with it for me to get in, even if I'd like to try it.

If they stopped trying to squeeze me by the balls for my money I would play it.

I got the ultimate edition for 20$ that included most of the issues.It goes on sale very very frequently.They were selling complete edition for 23$ like a week ago.

you can get it from Russians for like 10 bucks tops.

You'll get banned if you buy from G2A.

having played both NW and this, I can say this game is a whole let less jewish. the extra special collector editions are a waste of money, all you need are the episodes which run the length of a full length game anyways

Ya i never got it cause the boring combat, i did trials and mostly enjoyed it.

Fucking loved his whole character.
Armaggedon will come and we will masturbate while laughing at it.

The combat system was weird, why can't I run and gun if I'm carrying pistols? Why do I have to stop and turn them sideways like a big retard waiting to get mowed down by a cthulhu? So much of it made no damn sense.

I don't want to jump through hoops just to avoid getting fucking kiked, dude.

I'm not gonna check for sales every fucking week until I can get it cheap just to avoid getting robbed. That's bullshit.

You can though.PbAoE skills deals less damage though.
Then dont buy it how hard is that?

I'm not gonna buy it because I'm not a chump.

Don't take it so personally, it looks like a good game, I'm just not gonna bend over for it.

I should be able to rightfully state that they're being kikes without some defensive shill getting all up in arms about it though, because I would actually like to buy it if they were fucking reasonable about the price.

your opinion is noted and filed under T for things I don't particularly care about

They are reasonable about the price.It goes for sale so frequently you must be retarded to buy it at full price.

So im this guy Im just wondering, is issues needed? I only got up to issue 8.

Can someone take a loot at my gear and skills and tell me if this shit is viable at all? And what should i be doing? I dont even know how Agartha works anymore, got lost there for like 10 min looking for my quest objective for issue 8.

Is nightmares the only thing i can do? Or is there something else i can go and do to get better gear/ setup?

Give me your ID so I can talk to you.