Sometimes I'm playing some Widowmaker and I think "Goddamn tanks, why do you take so many hits to kill?"
Anyone else have such insightful thoughts while playing Overwatch?
Sometimes I'm playing some Widowmaker and I think "Goddamn tanks, why do you take so many hits to kill?"
Anyone else have such insightful thoughts while playing Overwatch?
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to tie a naked up spread eagle and let snails crawl all over her
I want to tie YOU up spread eagle and crawl all over you.
And what about birds pooping on her booty?
I want to poo poo in an Overwatch~
Its worse when the enemy team has 3 tanks pushing the objective and we still have snipers
I wonder how much Blizzard is paying you fags to shill this game 24/7.
Sometimes I think "I wish I could put my penis into's cute tight korean anus"
I'm a Widowmaker main, why would I switch? I always play sniper.
*raises paw* um... what are we talking about exactly?
Nice blog you fucking faggot
sage this shit people
learn to snipe faggot. Two headshots and the tank is gone. Sage for retardation
Are you underage, or just brain damaged?
Say the waste of an human being creating another uninteresting overwatch blog thread.
What next, you're going to post ow meme to share?
So, both, then?
Because you're being useless? Do you insist on "maining" a sniper when half of the team is snipers as well? Fucking cancer.
You got autism or something, bud?
will you shot me and treat me like your prey sniper-chan?
They need to get off sniper and let the master (me) handle it. It's like a game of chicken, one person pusses out and the other drives the car right off the cliff. That's me going off the cliff. But it's okay, because I have a grappling hook.
Real mature, kid.
Sorry, no weebs allowed.
The only tank I've noticed is a pain to kill is Roadhog since he w=has 600hp and self-heals at the first sign of damage. Winston and Reinhart's shields can get annoying but are pretty easy to snipe otherwise.
It is also incredibly satisfying to destroyD.Va's mech and immediately snipe her as she jumps out.
then what are you going to do faggot? Ignore the mercy reviving everyone? Cause that's what I'm gonna do.
face ruined it
i feel the second half of that webm should be accompanied by the Price is Right horns.
It's supposed to be a shock webm, like when you see a sexy silhouette and then it turns out to be a fat neckbeard jacking off.
>like when you see a sexy silhouette and then it turns out to be a fat neckbeard jacking off
ah yes, that old chestnut
Not the sniper main
But bro-han how can you get so bent out of shape over this game. It's the goofiest clusterfuck to come out in a while and it's fun until you take it seriously.
>Some level 80 dude picks Widowmaker within 2 seconds of the match starting
>On King of the Hill
>Sniper standing in plain sight on top of the small building next to objective A on volskaya
>Doesnt spend the one second it would take to jump down and contest the point
Snipers are a cancer on the FPS genre
Here is an insightful thought for you
Not the guy you're responding to either, but I have fun when I take it seriously, personally. Though my definition of taking it seriously isn't quite the same as some people's. I play HARD, but I don't get angry if I lose.
Just for you user
thats just unfortunate
Well done.
>that one widow jumping in and out of the brawl, flanking around rein, swatting away tracer, and grappling away from reapers while in constant full auto
>shits mines like she's getting paid
The rest of you shitters should be ashamed.
I want to tie a naked up and gently cuddle her
I'm a competitive piece shit and I hate myself.
Ranked play isn't even in the game yet.
>boy im glad the scoreboards are nice and hidden
sometimes I'm fucking your mom and I think "if only your husband knew how to pull out like I do"
Things that never happened.gif