What snacks you gonna have while watching E3, Sup Forums?

What snacks you gonna have while watching E3, Sup Forums?

Chicken Caesar salad.
So fucking good.

Doritos and mountain dew

Great thread OP.

Probably just a bunch of chips and berry cider.

What's wrong with her legs and her belly? The skin there is completely missing color.

Water and baby carrots like every year.

does anyone really eat that burned up crust
enjoy your intestinal cancer

Bad camera
Also a ginger

which one?
e3 is like 3 days

Most likely some avocados, a side of nuts, some water and carrots. I'm not a fat fuck like you people, holy shit.

Certainly not murder.

Oh wait, I don't watch E3 'cause I'm not an idiot.

probably just drink some tea.

Is E3 this weekend?
Who /kombucha/ here?

>bad camera
>while the skin around her upper body is fine

Yeah but you are a noodle-armed lanklet faggot.

>all that burnt meat
enjoy getting cancer lol

I'm literally gonna smoke a ton of pork belly and eat while I watch.
What should I drink with it?

That shit is vomit inducing.

E3 is dog shit now. I'll just check twitter and get all of the announcements in 5 seconds. Waste of time now.

>a side of nuts
oh we know you like nuts you fag

>This is healthy according to Tumblr
>Society is the problem, not her clogged arteries


I'm considering dropping some acid and watch it with you guys, that'll probably fuck me up in more ways than one.

Just some pizza, maybe some mountain dew too.

I seriously don't understand why do some people let it get this bad.

you know you can eat good, tasty meals, like noodles, burgers, pizza, meat etc. without getting fat right? it's not about what you eat, it's about how much you eat

water and celery

>noodle-armed faggot

Compared to the alternative of being a fat fuck with a life expectancy of 45 and type 2 diabetes? Yeah I'll happily continue to be skinny.

I pity the euros that will never know the joy of real ass BBQing. Also you fuckers invented eating snails, you have no right to judge what is and is not disgusting.


Why do you have to eat snacks while watching something? Is this an american thing? I never eat anything while I'm watching E3, or any event for that matter.

>I pity the euros that will never know the joy of real ass BBQing
Yeah, it's so sad living here in Europe where there are no grills, or anyway at all to make proper BBQ.

Just some Milkybar Buttons, Munchies, and some Bugles to begin with. I'll pick up some Aldi goods later.

I've been fat my entire life, never really cared for what I eat, and I've never been that fat
first 20-25 years of my life I was still in the 100kg range, which is overweight, but not nearly like that
and I literally ate whatever the fuck I wanted and barely left the house, playing world of warcraft for 8 years
I don't get how someone can even manage to become so fat
I think if I tried I wouldn't even succeed
I mean even if you eat pizza and other shit for every meal I don't see how this should be possible

That's like saying "you can eat shit once in a while, it won't kill you. It's not that you're eating shit, it's about how much shit you're eating!"

Yeah, I'd rather just not eat the shit at all thanks.

I love eating avocados by themselves, getting a spoon and just digging in like it's your mums pussy.

Same here, I'm at 102kg right now and I (usually) eat about 10 hot dogs and a plate of french fries for dinner.

And I don't gain weight, but of course I don't lose weight either


>mad merifatass

what the fuck is this? do americans eat chips with their food?

I eat whatever the fuck I want, I'm 50kilos overweight, I'm 31 and I just got checked by my doctor, I'm 100% healthy
even surprised me
but you can eat what you want user without having to fear dying at 45 and getting diabetes
even if you don't want to get fat, just watch your calories, you can still eat what you want, just don't eat too much
this isn't hard to figure out

I thought mountain dew was a meme, do you fags actually drink it? I find it disgusting.

I'm gonna deep fry some fish and make home-made fishsticks with tartar sauce.

Nothing, I hate food.

Mineral Water.

This webm makes me mad everytime.

What the hell is all that she put on it? Ramen and Doritos with what added?!

no wonder 40% of amerifats get cancer

You're 31 and still going on Sup Forums? Holy fuck man, get your life priorities in order. That's really, really sad.

I know you're baiting me now, but if you're 50kilos overweight then you are not healthy, but I guess you're too stupid to figure that out.

>comparing tasty food like pizza to shit
something's wrong with your head user
it's all that veggie food
you devolved

Poor circulation, and probably doesn't see much sun.

Like a farmers tan, but a huge fucking Keg for a gut.

It's your life really that good you want to live more than 45 years?

>sweet soda is disgusting guys
>meanwhile i'm gonna dunk perfectly good fish into boiling fat mmm

i like neither btw

>not watching euro 2016 football cup
>not watching both


That is something....


my doctor said I have no health problems
I'm gonna trust him over you

>hungry as fuck
>this thread

Ugh, every time. Good thing most of this shit like
and are super disgusting so I don't get the craving too badly.

OT: I think Mini-pizza and some chips will do.
Might make some tacos if I feel fancy enough.

>proper BBQing

Thanks for proving my point, grilling is grilling, not BBQing. For BBQing you need a smoker.

Well, I did order this the other day.

Maybe it will last.

Ramen and doritos soup with all that sauce she added on. I don't get how people can eat shit thats 90% sauce. At that point you'd get the same effect just drenching a piece of wonderbread or some shit. How they can taste anything beyond that is mind boggling.

This doesn't qualify as food.

The typical Alberto Barbosa approved snack

Salted Cod strips, while drinking a SuperBock and smoking "Português" cigarettes.

The camera movements make it look like the groun is shaking when she walks

>watching sportshit
kill yourself

You really like snickers

>You're 31 and still going on Sup Forums? Holy fuck man, get your life priorities in order.

You wont be a different person 10 years from today.

>being a nerd
kill yourself harder

I have a few bags of kettle crisps, fucking honey barbecue and the like.
Some lemon pepsi max.
Belgian chocolate ice cream.
that will do for sunday, i'll get more shit for monday and tuesday when i go out, i will probably miss the pcgaming conference and maybe the microsoft one because i have a cert to pass on that day.

Idk w.e e3 might have.

Where did you get them from?
They went into the bargain bin and no one liked them
I thought they were delicious

>50kilos (almost 100lbs) overweight
>doctor said i have no health problems
>i'm gonna trust him over you

Then you're an idiot and I wish you luck.