Watching a co-op LP, one autist is telling everyone else what to do and where to go, interrupting bantz and exploration...

Watching a co-op LP, one autist is telling everyone else what to do and where to go, interrupting bantz and exploration, apparently has some kind of map with listing of what's coming up ahead.

As a game developer, how do I stop such people from playing my game?

You don't. I'm sorry.

>Watching LPs

Research my man

If you're a game developer, show us your game.

>"Here's my game, I don't want you to play it if you're an ass-clenched ass burger"
No thanks

different modes/server rooms for different playstyles

No, I don't want shitty people to play my game. I would rather refund them and disallow them if I could

Make it a popular game

Fuck off and write a book then , games are about choice.

I had a somewhat similar problem, I don't want people who are bad at my game to play it, so I introduced some lag if the player failed at a certain number of metrics

If you can somehow measure what it takes to qualify for you as a shitty player than you can sneakily ruin the experience of playing for them in this way

Implement features into the game that triggers their autism so bad it stops them from playing it.
Shouldn't be too hard to fo.

My game isn't. I don't want shitty people to play it. Is this a problem for you?

Your game isn't what? A game?

Pretty good, not sure how I'd measure it though, that will take some thought

I've thought about this but again not sure how to do it exactly.

It will take some thought for sure.

unless you're going to personally interview every potential player and giving them access you can't do shit.

isn't "about choice" whatever the fuck that means.

It's kind of an open-world farming sim type thing. That doesn't mean I want shitty people to play it.

So what , you are going to publish the game without playing it yourself or will you stop shitty people from playing AFTER you finish it?

I'm already thinking of ways to degrade the gameplay of people who I don't want to play it, just gotta think of metrics for figuring out if they're a shitty player or not.

It's not impossible. Thanks for the idea Sup Forums

You can't stop someone from watching a movie.
You can't stop someone from reading a book
You can't stop someone from looking at a painting.

Why would a game be any different?

But none of those have telemetry. My game has telemetry. I don't have to put up with shitty people playing my game badly, and why should I have to?

restricted access can be applied to everything

>play game badly
>oh no your save got corrupted, shit, I'm so sorry about that, file a bug report I'll get right on it

You are talking about filtering peopl eeven before buying the game.
That's tricky and not game-design related.

Unless you keep updating it 25/7 or you make a 10 year leap in AI then a player can simply find other ways to bypass your telemetry checks.

Hell , people could just pirate your game (assuming it's good enough) and crack away the checks alltogether.

Don't release your game to people who will leak it and allow people to make faqs for it.


Don't be a faggot and release your game in Japan a year before you release it everywhere else.

Don't be a faggot and send your game to "journalists" hoping that the positive coverage will increase sales.

Don't be a faggot and do early access

Don't be a faggot and have the top 1% of your playerbase do a beta for your latest expansion before it goes live.

So, basically, pay for your shit and release a finished product. Don't release your game until it is 1.0 and pay for fucking game testers.

Also, don't release a game where an image like this can beat your game.

dont sell the game.

That raises a good point, I could disguise the data and make the degraded gameplay hard to notice.

Doable but will take ages to filter out the false positives.

It comes back to what kind of metrics to use I guess.

Thanks for the ideas Sup Forums, gotta think on how best to implement this

If you make the game available for anyone to purchase, shitty people are going to play your game. You can give it an age rating, you can up the price to filter people, but shitty people are going to play your game. And then they are going to make annoying let's plays of it

Unless your game is bad and no one notices or plays it.

You can't filter people from playing your game. You're retarded for thinking it's possible outside the suggested parameters

I happen to disagree. But that does give me the idea of looking for LPs of it and ruining the experience for people who show themselves to be shitty players

You can disagree but making your game available to the public means shitters will play it. I can disagree about the sun coming up.

you are the worst dev ive seen

If I don't want shitty people to play my game why should I have to let them?

If I'm clever enough with the telemetry I can ruin the game for the people I don't want to play. I'd gladly refund if they ask.

Make it so your game requires skills. These people don't play hard games.

You could be upfront and put a popup in that offers them a refund for not playing anymore

I've debated on that too but I think it would raise too much controversy. I'd rather them just stop playing.

Thanks for the help