Pushing the VoIP button to laugh

>pushing the VoIP button to laugh

Other urls found in this thread:


>making bong sounds in the mic

>pushing the VoIP button to talk

>Not paying a small, fragile street urchin to press your VoIP button or move your straw closer to your mouth

>not using voice activation

I use the voip when I cough

>voice activation on
>hear some faggot eating popcorn, farting and burping in the background

>push to talk

>being too scared to use the mic

>being a dumb amerikike who fights for the rights of every dyke

>hear all of that
>hear their entire family visiting
>hear the entire animal kingdom in the room with them
>hear every tv channel on in the room with them
>hear music playing

>somewhere in the distance the faint sound of mariachi trumpets are playing

eric simply eric

>[incomprehensible mumbling]
>120p music youtube music-video plays in the background

>that one friend who refuses to put on his headset because it's "uncomfortable" and uses his shitty webcam mic or whatever instead

>sounds like the guy is in a fucking wind tunnel
no motherfucker we CANT hear what you're saying

>her Mon walks in the room o clean his room
>her mom caught the kid staring at her ass
>she gets naked and gives him a blowjob
>they start having baby making sex
>you can hear the kid moan and fill her moms pussy with cum
>his dad was pressing the VoIP button the whole time

Shut up Julio.

>using VOIP to say WOOOOOOW when you die

>the guy who refuses to use anything but his speakers and all audio loops like fucking crazy

>people who don't move away from the mic to breathe in

>Keyboard noises being louder than them talking

>voice activation
>he has a fan

>Not doing this
Usually if someone is giving me shit in game after I kill them I turn on my mic and just let out a long evil villain laugh for a good two to three minutes. Frequently causes people to ragequit.

English not your native language, champ?

>that one friend who uses a shitty headset instead of a standing mic

>his voice comes through as a mumble while the game from the speakers sound like grenades going off
>hold up i'm just gonna write this 500 page essay with an open mic and a mechanical keyboard

>start voice chat
>ask if there is a problem with audio loop since I use speakers
>no man its good
>few hours later, stop
>some guy mentions I should look into audio loop

No, me was burn and raised California
Why do you ask?

looks like an average american's level of english desu

>letting others hear your mom screaming at you as she barges your door opn

>VoIP button
Don't you mean PTT button?

>pushing he button assigned in the VoIP program to trigger the PTT action to laugh

>spending extra money on a seperate mic and headphones for no reason

headsets weigh extra, break all the time and a standing mic is often better quality but whatever floats your boat

you're going to be spending extra money when the headset inevitably breaks like they always do

>using voice

>He has a keyboard

*pushes mic key*
*takes a sick bong rip*
ahhhhh what a buzz!!
*lets go of mic key*

>Several people tell them about it politely, suggest they reduce the mic pickup range

nobody does that

i do

except me

I do, but with vapes.

>drink from juice box
>pretend it's a bong

>not using push to talk
>can hear him autistically screaming at his mum and calling her a bitch
>adult male voice yelling how he shouldn't talk to his mum like that
>calls his dad a nigger
>yelling louder and uninterpretable now
>sounds of a scuffle
>loud thump
>everyone stopped playing to see how this unfolds
>his character has been standing still for 2 minutes
>[Player] has disconnected.

I hope he learnt his lesson.

>involuntarily push the VOIP button when you sneeze
I'm so sorry mumble famiglia

>are you on the outside of a plane
>no my fan is pointed at my mic
>oh, okay

>People who burp into their mic

I bought a mechanical keyboard just to annoy people who call me while I'm doing schoolwork.

>summer heat
>have fan on to not die
>dude get on teamspeak
>turn of fan so I can join
>the heat of the still air hits me
>change to push to talk and every time I want to say something turn of my fan.

You are a good guy!

problem is you need both hands. Need my left hand to push for talk but my right hand to switch of the fan. At that point its probably faster to just type but then they whine I should talk.

its actually a reflex when playing games now, i push it whenever i make a sound, i wouldnt be surprised if most people do as well

>girl joins server
>starts singing
>it's actually pretty good
>everyone vote kicks her


Surprised that webm didn't cut to her porn shoot like all the others.

Also, I can understand kicking the singing girls, despite how beautiful it may sound.

The channel is a way for users to communicate, having someone come in and essentially spam the channel with singing becomes disruptive.

wasn't that girl on GDP?

pretty good is relative
if shes not there to play the game gtfo

>bitch joins server
>starts screeching into the mic to annoy everyone
>everyone vote kicks her

I am too scared to use mic since people will shout underage to me. :^(

>girl uses voicechat to warn of a bastion
>2 guys in the chat immediately start asking her shit
As much as I hate most women in videogames I do feel bad for the few that actually want to play vidya but cant use voicechat without people aping out.

>implying you can't do both
if you can't even reverse pubstomp while drunk then something is seriously wrong with you.

>Activating voices

>reverse pubstomp
>while drunk
youth alcoholism is a serious societal ill

>To pubstomp: The act of gathering a group of friends in a public lobby with the intention of teaming up against a group of disorganized randoms.

>To reverse pubstomp: The act of lobby-hopping in hopes of finding a lobby with four friends sitting and waiting for the rest of the lobby to fill so that they can pubstomp, and then inviting your other three friends to pose a real challenge to the would-be pubstompers.

>Hear yourself in their mic

Fuck I hate my voice.

>incredibly loud clickety clack typing noises
>suddenly hear a ding
>it's a fucking typewriter

my own voice to myself sounds like a pretty deep voice. But when I hear it back it sounds like a chipmunk getting castrated without anaesthesia. I had mirrors and I hate hearing myself.

It's for everyone. Always thought my voice was nice too until I heard it and it sounds way diferent.

you can't type while you're moving

>that guy with the crying baby
I hate these people

I'm the polar opposite. My voice sounds to me like it's pretty normal, but when it's played back to me it's deep as fuck and I say "faggot" like a britbong

>play with some other guys I met through the game
>it is getting late
>hear them say good night to their parents and promise they wont turn in late
>they leave at 1 oclock
>me and one other dude who like me lives on his own and lost control of his life stays and play till its getting light outside
>Ive become the guy who I used to envy because they could play till whenever
>feel dead inside

>think I sound like a respectable Englishman
>hear my voice back and I sound like the northern monkey I am
My friends from home call me a posho twat and my friends from down south call me a gravy drinking pie fucker.

Someone never played ss13

>put my real gender on steam
>put my selfie as an avatar
>tought I'd get constantly hit by everyone
>people are actually being cool to me
>only like 3 wierdos that wanted to come to my country and see me

It actually went better than I expected desu, I guess with time people got used with girls in vidya, It was almost impossible to play during the CS 1.6 and vanilla WoW as a girl.


Fuck off /fit/

Look after your stuff you fags


probably because I scammed enough people by pretending to be a grill they thing you are pretending too.

>join /vg/ discord
>get on voice channel
>hear lots of cute voices
>half of them are traps, the other trannies with passable voices and some real man thrown in the mix
>get an uncontrollable boner
>ask for pics on the text channel
>the sluts actually send the, to me

All is good

[fat breathing intensifies]

>>>half of them are traps, the other trannies with passable voices
I too love sepia colored images at weird angles

You what?

how else can you get a non-disgusting image of a trap/tranny

They sent me colored images of them in cute clothes.
Some were really cute, the others just fine, some didn't show face.

I was still surprised though by the amount of hot traps and shemales there, like tenfold of what I expected.

you are posting on an imageboard. Im waiting

> 18+
> living with your parents

Fucking hell user

I'm posting from a computer in college, I don't have any of the images with me.

I sure love shitposting during my break in study hall.

>leaving your parents at 18+
>with huge student debts

this is why most americans are homeless

>breathing noises
>general bodily functions, worse when people are ill
>PC fan noise
>keyboard typing, worse with mechanical keyboards
>general background noises
>shouting family members/friends
>TV/music in the background
>noise whenever the fat fuck gets up or sits down
>dog barking

99% of people who use voice activation don't have it set up properly so we get to listen to your fucking disgusting shit and/or bullshit which drowns out other people because you're too fucking lazy to push a button on your mouse when you want to talk.

>that guy who always has music leaking through into their mic
>tfw you realise they've been on push to talk all along and were intentionally making everyone listen to a faint, tinny rendition of their favourite tunes

>not leaving your parents if they're neurotic/psychotic as soon as possible

Any adult that has to resort to yelling when dealing with his kids is either mentally deficient or unstable.

>pinoy with open mic on
>hear someone welding and a baby crying in the same room as him

>various shooting sounds coming from this one dude's voice chat
>"dude, is your brother or someone playing CoD or something?"
>"nah, it's just the al-qaida outside"


>reaction from "don't tell mom the babysitters dead"

>Calling it a VoIP button

>>>TV/music in the background
People that run a TV in the background should be shot in the streets