Poorman's Bloodborne

Poorman's Bloodborne

At least it looks better and runs at 60fps


I HATE these hollywood style trailers holy shit stop going this you piece of shit marketers.
Show some gameplay, from player prespective, not these jump cuts of different camera angles.
I want to strangle these cunts, yes I mad as fuck.

Wait, this is gonna play like a Souls game? I thought it'd be something more like Bloodlines. That's disappointing.

I don't think anyone picked up Boodborne for it's stellar grafix, but sure.

Looks okay. It's good that a lot of it seemd to be in-engine, but a more coherent gameplay perspective would've been nice.
Then again, it's E3, I suppose it's a miracle that it wasn't entirely pre-rendered.

i just want more vampire games
you can only play Countdown so much

Vampyr is an upcoming action role-playing video game

>western action game
it's shit



>action role-playing

Don't we have enough of those already? Should've just made it either an RPG or an adventure game.

Where did you get the 60fps part ?

Alright. Come back when you'll have some gameplay to show.

>tfw no VtMB sequel yet

>developers of Life is Strange

they he jumped/dashed around and attacked plus the left hand gun right hand bladed weapon makes it look a BB copy to me

Oh this.
From the devs of Life is Strange, right?
as said, I expected a Bloodlines kind of game with more narrative than anything since they enfasized in the RPG aspect when it was first announced.



Marketers do this exactly because it sells. Now you might be thinking "How so? It doesn't attract ME" and you're right, but you're wrong in assuming you're their target, the lowest common denominator is.

Also, it's funny you mention Hollywood because the same exact thing happened to movies, which is why it looks like those trailers are patterned after those of movies.

>trailer starts
>4 seconds in -> focus interactive
>annnnnnnd done, in the trash it goes
only good game that ever came out with focus written on it was blood bowl
i know they're a publisher but they specialise in janky tier budget games

>dontnod entertainment
that's a funny name

>should we make something that can sell or something that doesnt

Why are they making something that isn't a gimmicky qte adventure? Don't they know how Telltale and Quantic Dream make money?

But this looks absolutely nothing like Bloodborne.

Still looks neat though.
The line at the end about choosing which people to sacrifice to sate his blood lust could be interesting in an RPG game.

I literally expect nothing. Remember Me was neat but way too small in size and scope and I haven't played LiS.

If they can capture that Bloodlines feel of being a vampire, they might pull it off but I doubt it, it's gonna be Life is Vampire: Invisible Walls and 3 hour campaign.

>ohh no! a developer tries different approaches at games! it is awful!
also they did another action game before LiS, Remember Me and it was pretty decent. So just fuck off

>giving little companies opportunities is bad
and then you go on complaining about the AAA monopoly

Looks more like an action game than a ARPG

whats up with all these fucking E3 trailers releasing so early
whats the point in even watching E3 anymore since all the trailers are already out

Looking forward to the game ending with
>feast on
>feast on


I like aRPGs, long as it's not slow shit - and it doesn't look slow - then I'm on board, design inspirations on their sleeve or no.

E3 is hypersaturated with media.

So people started releasing trailers beforehand. Now pre-release is saturated.

It's multiplat, autist.

they have the big guns for E3

Skyrim 2
The Division 2

>*also on PS4

PC finally gets to play Bloodborne!

Thanks OP, I'll follow up on it as we get more news and make a more informed opinion for myself.

*and xbone

What will be the poorman Rondo Duo for Playstation?

>from the developers behind Life is Strange.

Have fun pc cucks

>Poorman's Bloodborne
Dude fuck you. I love BB to death but that's no reason to shit on this game. Judge it as a unique entity based on its own merits. No need to compare the two action RPGs. We can enjoy both. You seem like one of those typical insecure sonyygers that Sup Forums likes to bitch. Now I see why.

Well they also did Remember Me.

Remember Me was fucking awful, but the mind-rewind bits they decided to capitalize on were the bits I cared about the least.

can i play as a cute black boi in this? preferably one with great behind.

>new Souls-like action game
>by Dontnod

Nah looks like you're just a grizzled old doctor.

Bloodborne will run at 60fps on Neo :^)

name one game published by focus that is good
outside of blood bowl
hardmode : name two

I only played Bloodborne because it handled the eldritch Lovecraft-esque style very well and not many games do. Vampires are gay as fuck and always were, well before twilight. They aren't scary and they don't make a good premise either unless you plan on getting really gothic and artsy with it.

It's not that they're trying something new, it's the fact that Remember Me was mediocre and forgettable and LiS was complete dogshit.

Wargame EE
Wargame Airland Battle

Looks like you're a doc/Van Helsing figure in this one and not a fuckboy, might be cool.

when will this meme end?

He kinda looks like the guy from Heavy Rain

Oof. That was a shit trailer.
Bombarded with hollow, stilted monologue right out of the gate.

A game about surviving as a vampire prowling the streets and feeding each night seems like it would be an easy slam dunk, but if it's focused on this particular character's story, and that story is written by hacks, it's gonna be garbage.

>Nah looks like you're just a grizzled old doctor.
Which is a bit incongruous when the dev's previous protagonists have been attempts at waifu-esque girls.

Oh well, nothing wrong with a grizzled dude once in a while.

>Focus Home
Let me I guess they're gonna half ass it like Bound by Flame, fucking game has good premise yet combat and plot are beyond shit of shit

That may be good but I doubt it'll be handled in a way that's good. If it ends up being decent then I'll take back any negative presumptions I have now.

>from the creators of Remember me and Life is strange
COmbat will be ass but the world will look pretty

Kinda. But slightly more jewish looking.

Maybe he'll be the Van Helsing version of Big Boss and be moe as fuck.

They're a publisher, not a developer.

Devs are the Remember Me/LiS guys. LiS is just the result of hack journos telling them that the rewind time bits from Remember Me were "lmao so great".

Remember Me - well it wasn't halfarsed so much as had bad mechanical direction from the gate. Bamham combat with "i win" powers and Uncharted platforming.

But the art and the care was there. If they take inspiration from better sources, I can see myself liking their games.

>every victorian game is now a bloodborne clone according to Sup Forums

I hope they concentrate on solving a mystery and not this guy's life story.

>vampires are gay as fuck [..] aren't scary and dont make a good premise
you're fucking gay.
clearly you've never read some classic vampire literature

except this resembles BB a lot

Dishonored is victorian and nobody ever said its anything like BB

Because Dishonoured is goofy as fuck.

>except this resembles BB a lot
as much as your mom resembles like a decent woman

thanks for the compliment
ill tell her

You're the fucking gay one and clearly vampires aren't the only ones doing sucking around here because you are a guy sucking cocks my friend.

>French Developers
>could have created a game that explores the beautiful and coveted French setting
>instead makes a game set in shitty overused London(like the rest of UK doesnt exist)
>Have to rely on Polacks to enjoy France

because it was made before BB and when bb came out, it wasnt popular anymore.
and viktor atonov has style which set the setting apart from a straight up victorian imitator.

>ur mom XDD
kill yourself already

You can always rely on the Polish for anything.

But it doesn't at all? Bloodborne was completely over exaggerated in it's artistic style. Vast gothic style buidlings, strange attire, ridiculous weapons and grotesque monsters?

This looks very subdued. Looks like a regular victorian/edwardian era settings, normal clothes. He's not very bestial in his vampireyness.

Not sure what Ivan the Terrible has to do with your post, but that's a damn good painting. I saw the original in a gallery in Moscow.

Remember me?


They made one of the most forgettable games ever and they named it Remember Me.

>the beautiful and coveted French setting

By who exactly? Nobody likes the vast majority of that shithole and the ones that do, already went there to see it. And you have AC Unity with your coveted french history and it was a disaster. Go surrender somewhere frenchie.

they have 2 dev teams. The life is strange team and the remember me team.

nobody like you french cuck setting
see: david cage and ubisoft
they only do french when their main dish is a million copies success like witcher.

working on it if your mom have STD.

Has nothing to do with my post I just post paintings sometimes.

>instead makes a game set in shitty overused London(like the rest of UK doesnt exist)
I don't think the UK should be used that much in general. It's fucking boring here. Maybe use some of the more picturesque towns and cities like York and Bath for more traditional fantasy settings, but otherwise I wish they'd just leave off.
Victorian settings just remind me of how shitty London and Manchester are.

>Sup Forums has fucked with my mind so much I read that sign as MEME SWAP
hate you all

Realism isn't an issue here. The interesting parts of culture can be hypercondensed and exaggerated to become fun.

Much like Bloodborne, turning industrial London into fucking Kowloon.

go shill this schlock on reddit theyll eat this crap up also lol that shitty trailer isnt even 1080p

because it was captured directly from a PS4

France is considered to be one of the prettiest places in Europe, relatively low crimerate for their size, has a great education system, an economy thats fairing better than most of Europe and less than 40 hour work weeks.
For some reason their film Directors make movies that make their country look like shit filled with Gangsters, druggies and debt collectors that will shank you for being a day late.

Martyrs as pretty good

>Souls Rip-off

Meh, could be alright.
Lords of the Fallen wasn't outright awful. I might rent it or something.

Any chance this will be similar to Bloodlines?

Are souls autist the cancer of Sup Forums?

every game that resembles somewhat one of all those 5 games, makes souls people crawl out of the woordwork and complain that they are so alike.

That was French Canadian

Battlefleet gothic

Souls fags
Final Fantasy fags
GTA fags
MGS fags
pull the trigger on everyone of them.

>For some reason their film Directors make movies that make their country look like shit filled with Gangsters, druggies and debt collectors that will shank you for being a day late.
just like american movie directors then.

and after touching these games, they will always complain about how they arent alike enough.
pandering to soulfags, not even once.


OW fags are even worse than any listed

Shit like The Wire really happens though and the American Housing market crashing hurt millions of Americans. There are also lots of gang violence in black and latino communities.

France is a lot more peaceful and has lower crime rates than the UK.

It was just released. Wait and see if it stay like that.

Nioh and Salt and Sanctuary were received well.

>that utter garbage