I just want Sup Forums to know that the new Hitman is the GOTY so far, despite the fact it's Early Access

I just want Sup Forums to know that the new Hitman is the GOTY so far, despite the fact it's Early Access.

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>Early Access.
i thought it was episodic

It's both. They don't want to admit it and don't advertise it as such but this is definitely Early Access.

I think that's what he meant to say

Sweet. As a long time Hitman fan, that's awesome to hear. However, I will still be waiting for the whole thing to be released and I'll buy the retail version, I don't like playing games in increments. I'll wait till it all comes out and I'll binge on Hitman for like a whole week. I don't want to play a mission, wait a month, play a mission, wait a month. It ends up feeling very unsatisfying. However, its great to hear that the new game is returning Hitman to its glory.

Absolution was pretty good

I very strongly disagree with your position

It was an okay game. It was a terrible Hitman game. In fact, it was barely even a Hitman game.

It was a pretty great Splinter Cell.

Well as a stand-alone game yeah it's pretty good as a hitman game it is mediocre at its best parts

Call me when its fully released and i can play the whole game from start to finish

Nah it was just Hitman trying to be Leon: The Professional. Fun to play, but ditching the playground mode in favour of linear level with multiple paths to cater to the story restricted it quite a bit.

And that's really the only problem with Absolution - the restriction. Because we were spoiled by Blood Money, it was pretty jarring. But just like Splinter Cell Conviction, it was still greatly enjoyable, especially if you were into speedrunning/leaderboards.

Needless to say HITMAN is fucking amazing. Remember that meme before the game was released?
>all levels after paris are gonna be shit because they don't have the incentive to make good levels!!!!11

you can buy part 1-7 as a pack

It seems odd to say it, but I genuinely believe the game works better as an episodic release, it actually gives you a chance to invest a serious amount of time in each of the levels, challenges and metric fuck ton of content rather than just powering from one to the next.

it also makes you feel like an assassin, taking a job at a time :3

It's fun, but after waiting so long for the elusive target to come and it being so disappointing after doing the first one it isn't as fun now. Not even Marrakesh was worth doing another run to unlock more gear.

The disguise system was fucked and absolutely useless. I played the game like an action game, just going from room to room killing everyone, it was honestly more fun that way than just waiting for guards to move and sneaking around.

Graphics were great though.

>and it being so disappointing
How the fuck can a person find elusive targets boring? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Well, he sorta has a point. I haven't touched the game since Sapienza came out and they took a month to release the elusive target. IIRC, they said that after the first week on launch it would be out and by the time it eventually did come out everyone was already sick of Paris, including me.

If that's what you think, then yes.

It's my GOTY so far as well. The only game I can see surpassing it is maybe Dishonored 2.

Why is he so perfect?

Could be GOTY if they fix all those bugs, shitty loading times and always online by the end of year.
Also it's pretty hard when Uncharted 4, Dark Souls 3, Deus Ex MD, FFXV come out this year too.


Is agent 47 asexual?

Was Ortmeyer even mentioned in the movie?

its implied in the first game

not according to the cast

It truly is the GOAT

>tfw IO-I are listening to our complaints and feedback and making changes
It makes me happy.

It was a decent stealth game but not a Hitman game under any metric.


Episode 3 is boring

waiting for Taiwan

You're kidding me, this guy is a thing ?

I hope they add keyhole peeping. Hopefully the holes in the walls of the school in Marrakesh that you could peep through were just them testing out the function before committing.

they're already working on suitcases and double ballers


>dual wielding
Meh. Unless you can shoot two targets at once, which you can't, dual wielding is pretty pointless.




It's a great game

I agree with this, but the disadvantage is when an episode is not particularly strong like Marrakesh

Literally the two things I want.


Paris > Marrakesh

Military Base


It's pretty good but why is the soundtrack so shit? Past hitman games always had memorable tracks.

I like the main theme, the variations on it and that orchestral music that starts playing when you killed both targets and weren't caught.

Also, the song in the flashback cinematic.

It's honestly getting better than Blood Money. To make a long story short, you can point at just about every system of gameplay in HITMAN and say it's Blood Money but better. Not to mention the Contracts and Escalation system keeping it fresh. It was the most I've ever been immersed in a Hitman game. Every moment of tension, every perfectly orchestrated kill, and every newly discovered path to the objective was satisfying, and I'd contribute that a bit to the amazing sound design and the criminally unavailable OST.

This is one of the few games I don't mind sounding like an absolute shill over because people are honestly missing out without at least indulging in the Soviet Base and Paris from the Intro Pack. It's only $5 more in the end if you buy every map at full price. Not to mention the episodic release is actually lending to better design due to feedback, so the game's only getting better.

HITMAN was a veritable oasis in the desert of shitty sequels and reboots we've been getting in recent years. With Dishonored 2 and Mankind Divided on the horizon, 2016 is looking to be a great year.

No Jesper Kyd


I can't believe neo-Sup Forums is okay with this bullshit. We used to trash games just for having it!

Marekesh level is so badly programmed. Guards letting you pass through without saying a word, then when you get passed them you're 'trespassing'. I've had some guards actually saying hi and shit before i got passed them.

Really? Weird. Guards always do the hold out hand animation and tell me to fuck off.

the music can be fine, but the engine behind it shit. music constantly getting cut out and sometimes overlapping with eachother.