League of Legends and Dota 2 are universally reviled by majority of Sup Forums

>League of Legends and Dota 2 are universally reviled by majority of Sup Forums
>20 Overwatch threads present at any time

Other urls found in this thread:


Give it a month, or at least a few more weeks.

>Abilities with cooldowns and large roster = Moba
When will this meme end?

>First person shooter which requires twitch skills
>MOBA which any brain dead russian retard can play effectively


Wish she'd come out of retirement. Nobody gives sloppy blowjobs as well as she did.

>A hugely succesful game was just released
>People are talking about it
Wow, this is crazy!

>requires twitch skills
top kuk
As cancerous Dotafag playing Invoker is harder on me than anything in memewatch

>MOBA which any brain dead russian retard can play effectively

You don't know what playing Dota effectively even means

>i don't like x
>waah waah stop talking about x
you must be the life of the party

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board, /lit/ is 30 boards to the right.

>He thinks Dota requires skill

Oh boy. Neo Sup Forums is real


If it doesn't require skill you should definitely get on it, winning over a million dollars should be easy and you'll be set for life

whatever you say 3k

Sasha is cute

>one million dollars
>set for life
Maybe in whatever third world country you live in. No wonder you can't afford to play real games.

Agree, the comparison is dumb. Lacking almost all other elements the term MOBA here is being used way to loosely. More than 2 maps, no shop, no items, no creeps, etc

Yeah while I'm at it I'll just become a Let's Player and make millions from that too.

Shouldn't you be at school, kid?

If I was speccing a game you were playing, I guarantee I could point out over a thousand things you doing wrong.

Overwatch doesn't have Russians yet, just really bad players
pls have you even seen pro plays like this?

Don't be upset you can't get out of the 2k bracket user.

Those were happier days. please stop ruining teams rtz

>Overwatch isn't even in the same genre
>it's not FTP
>But we should compare them anyway


>people actually use the text chat

what part of the spectrum do you think they are on? lmao they probably think people read their incessant prattling and pathetic instructions about what characters we should play, pffft hahaha

I think that Sasha is really conventionally pretty, and would actually be a fun time to hang out with and bantz...

Also League of Cancer and Defence of the Cyka are far more complex than Overwatch, it's just a recent fad, most of the posters will move on to the next hype game soon enough.

Who is this Semen Demon?

>not free to play
it might as well be

Simply, blizzdrones while beyond retarded, are also autistic enough to spam same thread for days.


is there a single video where she shuts her fucking mouth for more than two seconds

Yeah but it's not

>not even the same genre
You poor deluded fool.

One of the few true adult actresses that looked like she really enjoyed what she did.

envy tossing pld to his death

most shilled game here ever.

>says that while he plays a moba fps with dog shit hitboxes

it has guns
murricans love guns therefore they love overcuck

Isn't her ass fucked up?

More like
>consolefags shitpost games that are PC exclusive

Overwatch requires mechanical skill (movement, aim) and MOBAs don't.

murrifats are still butthurt all their teams are shit in league and dota 2 that's why they try to hype up overwatch as next e-sport

Have you ever actually played a MOBA?.

autists who think they don't belong on /vg/

It doesn't share any of the same mechanics at all. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can go full retard like that, user.

>ability like in mobas with cd
>object based gaming
>doesn't share any of the same mechanics at all

one word : Waifus.
That's all. Give it one month until the retards who are spamming the boards start to realize how incredibly boring and limited their game actually is.
Then expect a lot of threads ranting at Blizzard, of people swearing to not fall for the meme again etc.
Such is Sup Forums

So does Squad have teamfights? Can I call that a MOBA?

Having abilities in your game doesn't make it a MOBA.

The objective in a MOBA is to siege towers and destroy the enemy nexus. This is not the same as pushing a payload or playing KOTH. Does that mean that TF2 is a MOBA since it has classes and objective based gameplay?

Don't go full retard user, these connections are tenuous at best.


Does TF2 have ults does it has ability on cd? No? I don't why moba triggers you so hard but the game is a fps moba.

>Have you ever actually played a MOBA?

Lots so I know what I'm talking about. They are more about strategy.

>no creeps
>no towers
>no lanes
>no ancient
>no shops
>no levelling

Explain how it's a MOBA again?

>any of these things
>criterium for moba

Well it looks like you guys are not gonna stop hearing from it.

>Manchester United is bidding for an Overwatch Team

>PC Bangs in Korea reported than LoL has declined in play by 30% when Overwatch came out. Actually OW is nearing LoL in terms of play there.

Which means this game is big in Asia. Japan is on it too.


Sorry guys, I know you guys hate the game because it's popular, but the only way this will fail is if Blizzard fucks up so bad. Bad meaning really fucking bad.

Ok, by your logic TF2 and Tribes are moba's.

Seeing as MOBAs have completely different gameplay you can't really compare them. Abilities don't make your game a MOBA, user. is WoW a MOBA or how about any MMO? Those games are much closer to MOBAs but would you call them one?

I'm not triggered, you have legitimately bad arguments.

Might as well call the Warcraft 3 campaign a MOBA since it has heroes, abilities and team fights.

>no shop
It's Blizzard, wait for a new expansion.

The reason why people constantly bring up MOBAs is due to the group mentality needed to succeed. A couple bad players, or even a couple good players in a bad group will result in eventual losses.

they dont have ults mate and cd abilities.

Overwatch is killing fighting games too, and that wasnt the biggest community to begin with.

Game is fun and all that, but this is too much.

Shhhh.... let the hypocrites be hypocrites. It's not like vidya hasn't gone to full shit.

I should leave, too

>these threads again

Nah. Fuck Art.

>hate the game because it's popular

Personally I don't evnen hate the game itself, I just hate what people are trying to make it.
It's a super casual class based fps, nothing wrong with that casual can be fun from time to time, but people on here and around the web act like it's this ultra competitive, TF2 2.0, super serious, high skill, "moba" and the best game ever. And that's just plain wrong on every account.

>source my ass
keep shilling

Arturo would kill himself even if fighting games somehow managed to become the biggest genre.

That's retarded reasoning

>game has abilities with cooldown
>it's a moba
>nothing else matters


>people are talking about a new game
>complain about threads but make another

I would rather have 20 OW threads than 20 assfaggots threads.

Fuck off mobashitter.

I love how suddenly it's okay to have micro transactions and paying for skins is no big deal. The hypocrisy on this board is hilarious. I've seen so many threads mocking anyone that plays blizzard games, didn't matter which one. they were a dead company and you were an idiot for playing anything of theirs, now they're all suddenly gone.

Weird how that happens huh? :^)

>salty mobababbies

You are no better than LoL players by the way. You just deluded yourself into thinking that your casual assfaggots is somehow any better or less casual than the other shit game

Doturd = LuL < anything else



Not that hard to find. Just say that you wanted the links and you didn't want to find it yourself.

>as a Black man

My main is adc, I penta nearly on every game that's cos have 4 main support gurl waiting for me to pick them

It's almost like Sup Forums is made up of a large amount of different people! WOW who would have thought, right?

yes because everyone on Sup Forums has the exact same opinions, you shitter

Triggered much?
Stay in /vg/ casual scum.

But we're the current Dota world champions faggot.

I don't like any of the games you mentioned but I agree that the hypocrisy here is fucking unbelievable.

One of the reasons I get sick of this board at times.

best anal slut

What the issue is, is that THEY ALL NEED TO FUCK OFF TO /vg/.
Posting any game here which has a /vg/ topic should be a 3 day threadwide ban.

>People around him that are less accomplished than him are getting sponsored left and right.

>Meanwhile there he is, still shilling himself.

I was mad at his smugness prior to his BeastTV appearance, but now I feel a little bad.

>it's a dotards thinking their game is hard episode

You're just bad at skill heavy games (lol not included) so you shit on them. Get a life loser.

Aids is a full time job

>and he thinks being a weeaboo is better

Why do dotanigger act as if LoL was any worse?
Its exactly the same garbage.

The same reason Sup Forums hates tattoos.
It's trendy and women like it.

It's a bunch of Blizzard shills, just wait until the end of the month.

Maybe if they'd spent all that marketing money on actually making their TF2 clone good there might be more people playing it.

really nigger?

>buy a nice house for 2-300k
>live off 700k for the rest of your life with no bills except utilities maybe

I mean you wont be buying yachts but you'll be pretty well off.

Because Dotards can't handle the fact that their game is a casual piece of shit so they deluded themselves to think that doturd is an intense skill bases game while LoL is super easy no skill garbage, when their own game is basically the exact same thing.

Gotta pay property taxes, utilities, groceries and upkeep on the house.

Uhm... yes they do.

Medic Ubers
Pyro phlog
That one sniper that grants crits and unzoom
crit a cola
mad milk and jarate are basically zennyattas orbs

it's fucking Saturday you washed up neet

>literally only won because storm

>One user's opinion is suddenly the entire stance of the whole board.

Serious question, are you retarded?

>t.2k shitter
enjoy your moba fps.

Because it is lmao. Once you play a game long enough and watch a shittier braindead clone from the sidelines you tend to think its worse when you compare the two.

Exactly, I mean TF2 was just a half baked attempt to lure in commies to make an online hat store. How else can you have the thrilling gameplay of spychecking all other players.

Too bad she didnt shave often

Anything is better