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1st for ultimate weapon.

>not this

I swear it had ammo types for everything

What's the best way to make caps?



make 10 luck build and rob the casinos


this game is shit.

true deprivation loving loosers play this game now.

>Play Old World Blues.

>Collect a ton of Proton Axes from Lobotomites.

>Repair them all into around 5-6 fully repaired Proton Axes

>Sell them all to The Sink




>walk in
>bet all my cash in the slots
>hit triple oranges
literally free money

Ok thanks

Get guns

Repair Guns

Sell Guns

High barter optional.




10 luck
caravan till you reach Vegas, then you just play blackjack in all of the casinos till you're banned from them.

>haha BOOMBOOM so cool
>technology is stoopid

My fellow energy lover.

What tag skills do you usually pick?
Unless I have an original idea for a character it's mostly Guns, Science and Repair

First I get my legs smashed, then in walks the Powder Gangers' grim fucking reaper? What the fuck have you got against us, bitch

guns speech repair/barter

>Trying to make an ENB look like it does in the pictures
I thought companies were the only ones who did bullshots.
I fucking hate this.

In a revolver mood. Best mods for revolvers?

10 luck or the gold from the Sierra Madre

Nice, I used to pick speech often but the speech checks made the game a little too easy that way.

>[weapon skill]

What ENB is that?

Yep, and best way to do it is this:
>kill elijah
>take gold
>put it all on elijah
>decapitate him
>carry head to exit
>take gold

Guns/Energy Weapons

If I'm going for maximum fun I may tag Explosives and/or Science over a utility skill, like Speech.

Fallout 4 is better, why play this garbage
>better graphics
>you need a MOD to sprint in New Vegas
>looting a body doesn't stop stop, but in New Vegas: everyone in the world waits for you to take that pencil from that metal box
>voiced protagonist
>better crafting system in fallout 4
You all are just on the hatewagon.

Is Legion the stupidest thing to happen with Fallout universe so far?
Shit on Bethesda all you want, but they didn't have the Legion

The Railroad is the stupidest, easily.

>If I'm going for maximum fun I may tag Explosives and/or Science over a utility skill, like Speech.

Isn't science a utility skill too though? Nice build anyway

Dreary ENB

Nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8/8

A capable leader unites tribals, it fits just fine into Fallout.

>stop stop
do you like like the sprinty sprint so you can go go faster?

his head slows your walking speed now
easier to just stealth past him and get him locked in

Personal favourites

Also related

Why are the legion stupid?
Did you play the game?
Are you retarded?

How would you improve F:NV if you were in charge of a complete remaster/rework of that game?


The Institute, West Coast Enclave, Railroad and BoS would all like to have a word with you.

I like how its a bastardised looking weapon that has a 20 round mag and fires in semo auto only. It's exactly what you'd expect to see from a California army.

>update textures
>add optional ENB
>some of the weapon mods per-included

That's it.

>fight through all that shit
>accidentally blow one of the bodies away

Rework collisions and smooth out the way guns shoot and a more extensive character creation, like height/weight adjustments.

I meant I would take both for mad bomber/Nuka-grenades quicker etc, and drop Repair/Medicine/Lockpick.
I just worded it badly.

The Mateba is sexy, thanks.

Don't bother fighting them

Just stealth boy in and grab the armour

reminder to ignore every FO3 post. don't fall for the bait

Ah makes sense, should try that sometime. Thanks for the idea user!

Add in all the stuff that was cut out and make the MC able to sprint

Spiriting is for fucking elderscrools memers

It should only be possible in combat.

please tell me your face and hair mods
I played 5 male runs, and want to start a female one now

Tell me what hair and face mods you're using
I can never find any good ones

Spend at least a year to include all the quests, companions, npcs, lore bits and written thing that didn't make it the first time.
Rehire Sawyer and the dudes to write more shit for it.
Make a post game DLC.
Improve EVERYTHING visually, animations, models, backgrounds, you fucking name it.
More clothing customization.
More character customization in general.
Expand the map.
Make buildings less broken down and worn.
More fauna and flora.
Add romances. And not the shitty FO4 kind.

Restore all the cut content

Integrate all the GRA stuff properly, instead of having it worked like a tacked on DLC

Fallout 4 Power Armor system.

No settlements, but each faction gives you key to a safe house or dwelling you can personally customize.

Unfuck Ulysses writing in Lonesome Road.

No worries, user.

yesterday I read about a mod called "realistic wasteland economy" or something like that. I live the scrub phase in this game, so I gotta ask: is it good?

Enemies that are actually fun to fight and bug fixes.
Add in cut content, give people the time to work out bugs.
Good animators.
More stuff in the lower half of the map

game just had more content man

>get us paint for this wall, god bless this city. Keep the wall Green

>get the paint
>oh shit.jpg paint was radioactive
>attracting ghouls
>painter bro was actually evil
>you have to stop his plan or help him


>Alt. Roleplay Start
>Great Khan, melee weapons and survival
>mfw got Knock Knock and saved up to get it repaired at Mojave Outpost w/ ranger disguise

Is there any mods that help make crafting and inventory easier to manage? I'm picking up so much misc shit and hoping I can so something with it at the bonfire/workbench. It feels like a clusterfuck, and it's especially bad with WMX.

i will gecko-back this armor someday

>Dem Graphixxx

>Fast travel away from Freeside
>In the middle of nowhere
>Ambient sound from the city still plays, can hear people talking, women screaming and bottles smashing

Alright fine Sup Forums, I'll replay the damn game.
Got any good quest mods to recommend?

>Fallout 4 power armor system

With training, please.

someguy series. all of it

just hope you like voice acting with variable quality and big fat NCR cock

don't know but ill see if i can find it


yeah, the amount of bugs in FNV creeped me out too the first time i played it

I actually love that bug.

>mfw mods

What's the mod for the smoking animation?
I had a mod that allowed you to smoke but the character just wears the cigarette in his mouth

Project Brazil, but I'd wait until the second installment is out.

What armor?

>Get some C4
>While having the C4 equipped, select to use 9mm ammo
>Throw the C4 and watch as your 9mm rounds are converted in C4 bricks that are valued at 999 caps each
>Pick up excess C4 and sell to nearby vendor


>Get exactly 33000 chips from any casino
>Drop chips and pick them up again
>Turn them in for 33000 caps
>Notice how you didn't actually lose the chips and still got 33000 caps
>Continue turning in chips for a million caps in 30 seconds

I don't think it's coming out anytime soon.


CNR is such garbage.

I remember it was impossible to find a mod for the animation, but I know that the Dust mod has the animation in it when you smoke.

fun fact: both the receiver and stock for the holorifle and grenade launcher are misaligned.

here's what it should look like. you can probably find a retexture mod someplace that fixes it.

Man, you get way too many caps in this game even with 1 luck. By the time you've reached New Vegas the game is already too easy

Also forgot to add, less loading times

The Enclave Remnants Power Armor hidden in the deathclaw sanctuary

>I'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog's
>mod changed it into a bear head
top tippety kek

I have around 6000. It's not that much

>restore cut content
>more legion content + legion territory east of the river
>integrate the dlc better in the main story
>new engines so you can actually have cutscenes and better presentation
>no post game

what's the best difficulty to play at? normal is way too fucking easy even with hardcore mode

Got More Perks mod.
What im in for?

I believe that in your first playthrough you to some extent RP yourself. Therefore it is interesting to ask: what ending did you go for and why?

Just do Arcade's questline

I can't say I like the NCR, but good content is good content regardless.

This looks amazing, definitely trying it.


Is there a way to re-fuck that to make it invincible? I am tired of making weapon repair kits, but the unofficial patch is so helpful..

A borefest. More perks makes the game way too easy, it's outright cheating.

More perks.

isn't that what arcade is for?
