Is Watch Dogs worth £9, guys?

Is Watch Dogs worth £9, guys?

I'm only considering getting it because it looks so comfy.

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Only if you have uplay already installed

Why not pirate it? You don't have to buy it at all.

Pirate and see whether it's worth shit.

Protip: it isn't.


Can't pirate games, won't detail why.

>won't detail why

Then I'll call you a shill and consider this just one of the many attempts at shilling the shitty game.

You either are 15 y old and your parents gave you a non admin account on the pc and you cant install utorrent

OR you dont know how to use a vpn.

Theres no excuse

I got it for free when I bought my graphics card and I still felt robbed.

The city is cozy but it feels like you don't get to truly experience it without playing through the painfully dull missions.

Uhh fine. I took a year off college to get surgery done and I'm living with my parents and my room can't hold a desk so I have it set up on the TV, pirating it would mean I'd have my Dad come by at some point to see me downloading it. Don't wanna risk that.

What's your dad's problem with torrents ?
You can always have it minimized and he wont anotice shit if its too "serious"

My Dad basically uses it for Netflix whenever I'm not using it. He's really big on not torrenting shit.

>don't want to risk my dad seeing me pirate games

What the fuck?

Why would he give a shit? Does he work for Ubisoft?

Put it on download at night when hes asleep. If you cant wait for it to finish make utorrent shutdown the pc from the options.

If he asks say you need utorrent to download free stuff or idk something from hublebundle ? These things offer torrents and are not "illegal"

Yes it's definitely worth £9

Holy shit why do you care so much that this guy might throw away 9 bong dollars?

Ikr lol, like what the fuck is with these autists

Anyway buy it. The game goes from 6-7/10 to 9/10 depending on what price you got it

Sounds like it should probably work. Never torrented anything before. I uninstalled the McAfee the PC came with 6 months ago. Will I just need adblock to deal with the site and make sure I pick the right file?

>my dad won't let me pirate
fucking cringiest shit read today

are you 12 years old?

>Dad can see me pirate

How do you masturbate then?

No, just live in a really sheltered family. Already regret making this thread:

Use my phone.


He probably help him

Feels like 2005

Ignore these retards. If you can't/won't pirate, whatever, it's not a fucking requirement.

Where the hell is it that cheap I'll pick it up myself.
>wanting to install ubisoft games

You can get it for £5 on a reseller like G2A

It's worth it for 9 funnydollars. It's kinda like a bad tryhard movie with an equally bad soundtrack but it's still pretty damn entertaining. Get the E3 graphics mod for it though. It looks much better and there doesn't seem to be any performance hit. It's a wonder why they bothered to scale it back so hard on PC.

Thanks, probs will. Not sure if it'll run well on a graphics mod though for my pc.

>probs will
Don't lie, you're 16 aren't you Aussie?

That's the thing. It's not a "mod". Dumbisoft accidentally left all the data for the E3 bullshot mode in the game. People found it then just rewrote the settings ini to turn all that stuff back on.

Did they ever fucking explain why they did that?

Same reason every other dev studio (and non gaming business, frankly) does it. It makes the game look nicer when you're selling it.

Are you 13?

I'd say its £9 worth of fun, but not £40 like I spent.

>price point changes the games overall score
Nigger the game is a solid 6/10 even if you got it for $0.01. Don't be a fucking idiot.

I got just cause 2 for free on gwg, still a 0/10

Honestly? Yes.

I got it cheap long after it came out after the downgrade stuff put me off. And I enjoyed it a lot.

It's flawed, vehicle physics are eh, it has a couple glitches and the missions can be repetitive, but the environment control is a new idea for the genre and the game has some really neat things like Online Tailing. If you want a GTA-like with a unique gameplay twist it's well worth £9.

I enjoyed it a lot, despite the flaws, and am cautiously optimistic for the sequel.

Thanks man.

>Stay safe on the mean streets of Chicago

anyone who wasn't at least a little in love with it at the spidertank is no friend of mine

You work in law enforcement.

Hell no

It's Assasains Creed with phones, no it isn't worth £9

underrated post