Is this game worth 4.99€?
Is this game worth 4.99€?
do you 7000 hours to play a single video game? CAUSE I SURE AS HELL DONT
Where is it for 5€? I really wanna play it!
what the shit where is this game at 5 euro
It's Titan Quest 2, it's either bland and mediocre or amazing depending on who plays it.
I've put well over 200 hours into it, and I intend to keep playing.
If you like the genre, then yeah.
OP, give link for the game for 5€
If you like ARPGs, you will like this game. If you don't like ARPGs then you won't like this game.
Also where the hell did you find this game so cheap?
I'd say yes. I've never played Titan Quest, but I've put thousands of hours to D2 and I find GD enjoyable, more so than PoE.
I thought it was okay. Good, even, which is rare in this shithole modern industry. AND it features Castle Drachenfels. So yes.
It's already pretty good but still has lots of potential so it's absolutely worth the 5 bucks.
I also want a link to the 5$ sale!
I'd pay $100 for it desu, way more fun than PoE and can only get better.
Far more challenging too.
For 5 quid? Yeah, totally worth it. I co-oped it with a friend and we had a blast. There's literally no repeatability though.
Yes, for 5 it's really a steal. But it depends on whether you like arpg's or not.
poe is better but its still an amazing arpg
i play it inbetween leagues to cooldown on poe
play tq instead
PFFFFFFFFFFFF you can't be serious
Yes, it's fun.
Act 4 is pretty shit though
I recently gave Titan Quest another try and absolutely hated it. sluggish pacing, boring items, endless tunnel... I dropped it after egypt.
Grim Dawn however has stayed a lot of fun for me, bought it for 25.- and don't regret it.
yeah right, for you sacred 3 would be better
5€ ? yes
Titan Quest is fucking terrible besides the nice graphics
ok, but when did someone asked for a wrong opinion?
first off: opinions can't be wrong. that's why they're opinions.
2ndly: if you want to use 'do' as an auxiliary verb to for the past tense then you should leave the main verb in it's base form.
>when did someone ASK
>resorting to grammar corecction
opinions can be misinformed tho
or the person having one can be medically retarded or 12 years old
OP confirmed faggot. Still hasn't posted a link. Suck a dick.
I answered his post first and then added the 2nd point as a friendly form of help
true. never said anything else.
>I answered his post first
uh... you're not exactly convincing me that your opinion is better than the others'
i realized this with
which made it obvious the latter is the case