1 day until E3

> 1 day until E3
> literally no one cares
is gaming dead?

Other urls found in this thread:



>1 day
but in 1 day there's just EA and shit, glorious Sony is in 2 days

Go be retarded somewhere else...third thread talking about it you cunt

>caring about skylanders

Crash is not coming back to Naughty Dog and even if it did, Naughty Dog wouldn't know what to do with it.

No but E3 is no longer the world dominating stage for games it used to be. Companies aren't using it for grandoise reveals anymore, it feels like they're giving a massive presentation to the fans like they're discussimarketing.

Some strong assumptions and bitchiness coming from you friend, might want to slow down and not react hostile to everything for no reason

e3 has progressively gotten worse, if any good games get announced i will find out afterwards. i do like seeing stupid shit to laugh at like when xbox had usher doing a live show.

There is a five plus part Devil May Hype thread. What the fuck else are you missing?

>filename not "Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville"

only hope is dead

No, you have a point though, sad day when E3 is so shitty its no longer viewed as a hype-enducing grand event

why should I care? we all got our hopes up and got burned

I can still remember the music

It's alive but buried under a pile of shit.
Most games you never heard about and that are not made in san francisco are generally decent to good.
But the shittier the game, the loudest it screams.

you don't actually believe they're going to show a new crash game right?

Not him but the staff that worked on Crash, at least Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin, aren't even with Naughty Dog anymore. Some games series without their original directors can still wind up being good (e.g., Kirby) but that's the exception rather than the rule. Naughty Dog has also drastically changed its approach to games, if it does happen--which is doubtful--I simply can't see it being good, as much as I would like to.

Sony should make another mainline Ape Escape. That would have a higher chance of being good, and we're long overdue.

>caring about shit marketing campaigns
>falls into hype
>cares about bullshots and 30 second teasers
>not just waiting till game comes out, let the fuss settle down a bit and then do research and see if it warrants a purchase

It's like you enjoy being fucked in the ass.

The companies themselves already spoiled whatever they planned to show so there's no point in being excited except for the companies making fools of themselves

Sunday is fucking EA and Bethesda, there's nothing to get hyped about
Monday will give us
>Microsoft trying to shove shitty franchise entries and hololens down our throat
>Ubisoft having another bullshot loaded cringe fest
>Sony either confirming a 1.5 generation update console or not, nowhere near as good as the announcements made last year and "HOLY SHIT, VR IS DA FUTURE"
Then we have the next day with

He is though.

Remember when Naughty Dog claimed that they matured past cartoony games like that?

You are literally a faggot.

Eie Triple mattered back when developers werent doing too much of their own media. A big show with reporters covering all their shit was a huge draw.

Now it can be done anytime by anyone so devs dont really need it as much and consumers arent as reliant for it for reveals.

I can see them announcing a crowd funding for a new Crash. People will eat it up and everything too.

Well, they matured again,stopped being a edgy teen, grew into an adult, got a wife, some kids and now want to make games for the next generation?

Sony and Activision still havent explained why Activision has no mention in the Uncharted 4 credits.

Theyre pulling a ruse with the Skylanders shit to make everyone mad.

I thought it started on the 14th. Why would it start on the 12th?

"They matured up" but they're still making games for kids

let's be honest, E3 isn't the big event anymore.

Look at all the fucking games that got announced this week, some of those were big fucking games.

PAX East is pretty much the new E3.

>literally e3 countdown threads every day since the day after E32015 finished
>no one cares

user the world does not revolve around you and what you lazily glance at the front page for 2 minutes.

Considering half of Sup Forums (children / manchildren) bitches that uncharted 4 is "boring" when it is the most patrician game in the franchise and rewards adults who don't have ADHD, I'd say you're wrong.

>Genre: Jump and Run

these posts I swear to dog

Hahaha funny meme reply!

Thanks for proving my point.


>is gaming dead?
E3 certainly is.

everything already has been 'leaked' days ago by all attending companies

I used to get excited. I can't see there being a game announced this year that I'll buy.

Why do they do this?
It kills all the hype doesn't it?

Absolutely retarded marketing departments, that's why.

there has to be crash

He's right y'know. Uncharted 4 is a game for adults.

Nobody gives a shit about E3 anymore.

It's just an arbitrary date where people can gather to hear about shit. That may have been important in 2002 when most normies didn't use the internet, but nowadays basically everyone would rather just get reveals and news from fucking twitter, the only reason E3 is still alive is because the companies involved like to use it for marketing push that is getting less and less effective every year.

I'm saving this thread just to show proof Sup Forums is a bunch of casuals that don't play nor care about video games.

I have a strong feeling in my gut this E3's gonna have some big sexy surprises. Not sequels, boy. New spicy IP's right out of the oven on the level of the Horizon Zero Dawn reveal from last year.

>Nobody gives a shit about E3 anymore.
Yet all E3 game trailers are the most watched trailers. The FF7 reveal has 16 million views. Yeah, ok, little nintenyearold.

How are you so fucking stupid?

E3 isn't some magic fucking word that automatically makes the trailer get more views, dolt.

Those trailers are held back specifically for E3 even though they would get the same amount of views just going direct to YouTube.

People are realizing all E3 is nowadays is just a chance to woo investors, and actual normal people don't give a shit anymore and wish companies would stop withholding info for an event people don't care about anymore.

Fucking tard. Did you even think about what you typed before you sent it?

FF7 would have had the same number of views without E3 because, durr, gee, maybe it's a highly anticipated game? Who woulda fucking thunk that E3 actually had nothing much to do with it?

Retard, it applies to all games. Compare the views for Horizon's reveal versus the paris games week gameplay. it's a difference of like 4 million views JUST because the reveal has e3 in the title.

Crash may return, and this year may be the last chance for him to return.
Yes, i am hyped

Even the GAMEPLAY for ff7 has over 10 million less views than the reveal.

Why would the GAMEPLAY have less views??? oh yeah that's right, because the reveal has e3 in the name. Fuck off, E3 is still Christmas for gamers. It's where all companies pour out all their goodies. Just because Nintendo is fucking irrelevant now doesn't make e3 irrelevant nintoddler.

E3 is dead, why get hyped for a bunch of 30 second teasers for shitty games I will never buy.
If anything the only appeal about E3 was the memes.

>B-but my cherry picked anecdotes...
I don't give a shit about your feels, faggots.

>shitty games I will never buy.
So you're not going to buy Shenmue 3, ff7, last guardian, horizon, no man's sky, nier automata, or kingdom hearts 3 when they come out?

All these games were revealed at E3.

>I don't give a shit about your feels
You mean you refuse to believe facts, doofus.

Funny, considering Horizon is a samey generic piece of shit that nobody would give the time of day were it not an exclusive. Just like Uncharted 4, and to a lesser degree Bloodborne (in the sense that it is a great game but wouldn't be hyped anywhere near as much if it was a multiplat).

its all marketing crap, lies about how good a game will look or be.

Man, speak for yourself. I have big E3 plans. It's set up like how normies have Superbowl parties. I have some of my friends coming over and we're gonna watch the stream on my big screen

No I won't because I have become a jaded asshole like everyone else.
The only thing I would consider is last guardian but that thing has been in development hell for years, I remember reading about it in a magazine when I was like 13.

>Funny, considering Horizon is a samey generic piece of shit
Name a single game with robot dinosaurs and dynamic strategic gameplay where you can tear enemies to pieces with tethers then take the dinosaurs mounted guns and kill it with them all seamlessly with minimalistic hud.

Literally every single thing you are saying is just window dressing. At it's core, it's nothing more than slow, samey open world third person shooter mass produced shit.

I'm sure you're the kind of fucking faggot who thinks there are YUUUUUUUUUUUGE differences between Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4.

Yes, there are.

For one, there's no fucking melee in Rise. At least any good. Especially no environmental melee and no AI partners that help, respond, and interact with you like this


>Caring about anything else than Sony Nintendo Microsoft

>Caring about generic multiplat releases

E3 is all about these sweet exclusives and hardware reveal.

Nobody cares about seeing the new cinematic trailer about assassin's creed 29 or the minor features of NFL.

>not wanting to see the new battlefield 1 64 player multiplayer reveal

>not wanting to see the new star wars games

>not wanting to see mass effect

>not wanting to see For Honor

>not wanting to see ghost recon wildlands

>not wanting to see the 2 new ubisoft ip's

>same games for the 3rd time is not more
>New games are annouced before E3
Even if I know Sony will do the same shit they did last year, nothing seems interesting enough

>Nobody cares about seeing the new cinematic trailer about assassin's creed 29
This gameplay reveal was pretty hype
