Pillars are off 60% on GOG right now and I was wondering - buy it or not.
Truth to be told, I heard rather disturbing opinions before - that combat is awful, devs masturbated to pictures of weighing scales and thus game is all about "MUH BALANCE", that you dont even get experience points from combat and so on.
Given that I liked Icewind Dale more than Bauldurs Gate, due to this relaxing focus on combat and dungeons clearing, I might not like the game at all.
And so, I wanted to ask you guys first for opinions.
Thank you for any reply like always.
Liam Wilson
Please respond ;_;
Jace Edwards
It's alright
Gavin Ward
I heard the same hence i never touched it. Maybe the dlc patched some fun back in but I never read the results.
Asher Price
I'd like to know too.
thanks, that's extremely helpful.
Grayson Wright
I wouldn't recommend it, if you haven't played wasteland II or shadowrun id suggest those two.
The combat is awful, the writing was decent. I didn't finish the game because of how bad the gameplay was.
Zachary Rogers
You can probably get it cheaper on G2A. I saw keys for £4/$6 not long ago.
Juan Taylor
The combat is moderately okay in the mega dungeon, everywhere else is pretty samey.
Ayden Cruz
Combat isn't awful. But it isn't great. Personally, I felt like playing Neverwinter Nights 2 or Dragon Age: Origin. Lots of filler combat where you had to drag yourself through. The game itself isn't bad though - it's mediocre at worst.
Lucas Hall
Can't post links to G2A because of the spam filter but there are GoG keys for the hero edition starting a £2.24/$3.20.
Jonathan Powell
wait till a 90% at least. Game barely worth any other price.
Luis Watson
I dont want stolen and such keys, no thanks.
I already played modern Shadowruns and Wasteland 2 (DC edition) and loved those.
Easton Perry
The combat tries to punish traditional CRPG strategies and as a result ends up being terribly shallow. Most of the classes are borderline useless and the dominant strategy is typically having more melee units than your opponent so you can get flanking bonuses. I haven't played the latest patch, but the early patches just kept making things shallower. I'd advise pirating it first, because you'll know real fast whether you'll like it or not
Eli Phillips
It's meh. From what I've heard, it could of been a lot better, but Sawyer threw a shitfit every time Avellone wanted to add or remove something.
Tyler Taylor
>I dont want stolen and such keys, no thanks. Nice memes
Wyatt Cruz
I never got too far because it wasn't my type of game, played about ten hours whilst waiting for another game. The combat seemed pretty dull to me,in general it wasn't too challenging, but with lots of real-time pausing and enemies who can kill you quite quickly if you don't pay attention, plus the lack of reward for killing them (you get exp from exploration), I found it arduous, however I know people who've really loved it, so take that with a pinch of salt.
The game shined in just about everything else though, it's incredibly verbose in a high-fantasy setting, the environments and animations are all really nice, their are these short 'choose your own adventure' style cutaways for statchecks, all in all it's probably fair to call it a 'comfy' game.
Super Bunnyhop has a pretty gushing review which goes decently in-depth if you're still not sure, but be aware that he clearly loved the game and sometimes what he construed as positive I felt was negative, but still a good place to start looking.
Hudson Parker
i mean if slow pace melee with clunky animations is your thing then yeah you can get through it.
Using magic was awful though.
Ryder Hughes
I liked it, I mean it didn't compare to either BG or ID but it was good- nothing special, worth 60% off. If you are not playing anything, then why not.
Brody Torres
What's the point of buying? Just pirate it.
Owen Diaz
They use stolen or illegally gained keys to sell for lower prices. How the hell you think they can offer much lower prices than anybody else? It is not uncommon for their users to fail to receive keys in the end in case of more shady sellers from this site.
Samuel Sanders
its 70% off on g2a and kinguin at all time.
Jayden Reyes
>They use stolen or illegally gained keys to sell for lower prices Nice memes
They buy keys from other countries and in bulk so they get them cheaper.
Jaxson Thompson
I had a lot more fun with Wasteland 2 than this. I played for about 2 hours and stopped, it was overall lackluster and forgettable.
Luke Hall
I want to play the Prince of Persia games since I only played SoT but I don't want to give Ubisoft any money
What do I do?
Christian Mitchell
Yup, especially those with regional locking.
>memes memes memes
Thats how you reply to all argumentation?
Anthony Ward
GoG is region free.
Zachary Martinez
Stop being a memelord trying to fit in on an anonymous chinese frogposting board and buy the games you want to play.
Julian Myers
Wasteland 2's garbage
Oliver Torres
It's a mediocre game. The combat sucks and story is not interesting at all. Almost non-existent NPC's outside of questgivers because they replaced them with faggot stories of backers.
Owen Nelson
Elijah Thompson
It's not a bad game. But they made some godawful design decisions, most of them related to combat. I can't really say combat is absolute dogshit either, since there are moments when it almost shines, like the bounty quests, which show that the real fuck up was the encounter design.
Also, whoever decided that it's a good idea to not give casters any utility spells, or anything that is of any use outside combat, should never be allowed to make a video game again. This is like the ultimate no fun allowed.
Sebastian Robinson
And yet they sell GOG keys for lower prices than GOG themselves. Ever wondered why?
Noah Clark
Saywer is kinda like that. This guy would gladly kill any fun-iducing elements of any RPG system, because "MUH BALANCE".
Hudson Robinson
Humble Bundle, Bundle Stars, etc. sell Steam keys for lower than Steam does.
This practice isn't unprecedented.
Jack Fisher
I thought Sawyer was mainly autistic about combat balance. Using Charm/Dominate on NPCs or casting Invisibility outside combat shouldn't trigger his balance sense.
Kayden Hill
I thought he did a good job with the jsawyer mod but yeah PoE's combat wasn't very engaging.
Justin Williams
Because they buy keys from other countries for cheaper.
Holy shit, kill yourself. Pay more from somewhere else if you are thus much of a faggot. But please stop your bitch ass crying.
Elijah Allen
Gog has regional pricing so yes people in other countries might get cheaper games. t. "third world" user
Also Age of decadence is 50% off.
Aiden Turner
>Can't post links to G2A because of the spam filter Because they literally use to spam Sup Forums with ad threads. Seriously don't buy from them, most of the keys they sell are region locked or fake.
Charles White
You clearly didnt check this regional pricing feature. Prices are the same, using more or less rounded exchange rate and GOG sometimes "gives" flat value discount on further purchases, in case of real exchange rate being much different than what they use.
HB is different case, they contact devs/publishers and arrange such bundles first. As for Bundle Stars, most games share same discounts as Steam does and in case of really cheap bundles, the games in question are largely forgotten or unpopular in first place, so devs are willing to give up keys to make at least some profit.
What countires? You dont buy GOG keys at local shop, Steam keys in case of really cheap countries are blocked from activating in different regions. You cant just buy cheap russian/polish/brazilian Steam keys and sell for everyone.
>Holy shit, kill yourself. Pay more from somewhere else if you are thus much of a faggot. But please stop your bitch ass crying.
Running out of arguments, eh?
Face it, you just defend shady sites.
Dylan Ortiz
>most of the keys they sell are region locked or fake. nice memes
I have once had a problem with any key I have bought from them.
They also offer buyer protection and replace your key or give you a refund if you have problems.
>Running out of arguments, eh? > >Face it, you just defend shady sites.
Kill yourself you whiny little bitch.
Adrian Davis
Game is alright, I actually liked the system behind it. Combat is alright, nothing spectacular, think about it as a low level adventure similar to Baldurs gate 1, where every skill has its use and items arent super powerful, rather than the magic fest of Baldurs gate 2 or Neverwinter Nights 2. Be ready to read a lot though. Also, just a pet peeve of mine, it tries to portray a bleak and somber world but it clashes with how colorful its is and how funny looking some of the races are. In any case its worth a look if you're into WRPGs that arent "cinematic"
Charles Hernandez
>Beat it on release by stacking paladin holy trap shit for mad explosions >Apparently they nerfed everything fun
Too late! Already beat it! Ha.
Christopher Turner
>Bulk buying discounts apply to digital items that have no shipping/warehousing cost
Yep that explains how they are offering overwatch keys for $10. They just bought so many that blizz decided give them a break on the price.
Levi Bell
>Kill yourself you whiny little bitch.
Just like I thought, you ran out of arguments and now just attack personally.
Go whine somewhere else, that people dont want to fall for your illegal sites.
William Perez
Its combat is not really good and the world is not super interesting but the plot progression is really well done and there is a ton of side content
It's a good story but if you're looking for quality DND dungeon clearing then it's not for you
Thomas Davis
I agree that they fucked up their mechanics. Writing is just OK, but I liked the lore a lot. there are many interesting mods to fix sawyer balance fuckup Combat are hard enough so if it's your thing, you might like it anyway. I think you should go for it, it's alright if you want more BG/IW style games
Leo Bailey
Nope. Never gonna use that shitty sjw store.
Blake Taylor
>not pirating GOG games
Jeremiah Lee
>muh arguments
Shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch, i'm not here to argue with you.
I have been using G2A for years and I have not had one single problem.
They even have buyer protection which protects you from dodgy keys. They refund you or replace your keys if you get a dodgy one.
Go cry in the corner you whiny little bitch.
Luis Morales
Not the guy you responded to but I bought like 50 games/gamecards from sites like that (not G2A because they're still expensive as fuck IMO) and I NEVER had a single issue, EVER. I know they're not endorsed by publishers but It saved me a shitload of money so yeah..can't be bothered really.
Bentley Perez
>pirating good games >not supporting the biggest anti DRM store I wouldn't pay for their repacked abandonwares though, and I try before buy
Ian Gonzalez
>Nope. Never gonna use that shitty sjw store. Why they do a good job getting retro games to work on modern systems.
Always recommend them for old games.
Nicholas Lewis
>there are many interesting mods to fix sawyer balance fuckup
Are they located at Nexus or there is better hub for that?
And what they fix, for example?
It sounds like Divinity: Original Sin and how they used to nerf everything usable for the first months, instead of delivering promised companions and such.
Whats wrong with all those devs with nerfing spree? If you feel that character having a sword is too powerful for enemies, dont replace his sword with a stick, place stronger enemies to mach his power.
Jace Russell
I remember when I played it at release there was still no limit on how many times creatures could cast an ability. There was that one cliff full of rain elementals or whatever, and all of them kept spamming lightning. I pretty much had to fight that battle blind because the entire screen was covered in blue-white light and I couldn't see shit.
That was one moment when I thought "damn, this game is awesome". Then the very next patch "fixed" it. What a shame.
Zachary Nguyen
I personally liked the game a lot. Some tips if you plan to buy. Look up which classes your companions are and then pick a class that isn't one of theirs.
Classes have buffs and abilities that Do Not Stack, so having multiple of the same classes, means you will only be auto attacking.
Amazing story, average gameplay - 7/10
Story goes full retard right at the end. I picked all the "I Don't Give A Fuck" responses and the game still threw emotional implications at me that I clearly gave no fucks about.
Divinity Original Sin is slightly better:
Great gameplay, memetastic retarded story - 8/10
Leo Nguyen
>Shut the fuck up you whiny little bitch, i'm not here to argue with you.
So edgy.
Arent you a bit too much pissed off about your lovely shady site?
Paying for "protection" in case of fake keys (I ran into such services before, it rarely really work) is hilarious enough, yet nothing compare to losing (temporary) access to your Steam account, because key you bought turned out to be bought with stolen credit card. I ran into at least one guy, who had situation like that and heard many similar stories before.
You want to take risk everytime you buy something? Fine but dont expect people to do the same.
Cooper Ramirez
I played and beat it about a year ago and don't remember a damn thing. I don't even remember what class my MC was.
Obviously didn't leave much of an impression on me.
Robert Wilson
>made the Witcher games >put a PR guy in his fucking place when he started bitching about Gamergate >sell Huniepop, Leisure Suit Larry, and fucking Lula: The Sexy Empire How exactly is GOG an SJW store?
Jack Rivera
Do you ever stop crying like a little bitch?
Holy shit, if G2A triggeres you so much then go buy from elsewhere and stop embarrassing yourself with all this bitching.
Tyler Hernandez
So far I only see somebody else throwing edgy comments about suggesting somebody to kill himself, because they dont want to buy stolen keys :3
I believe its kinda like "botnet" at Sup Forums. Generic insult.
Carter Brown
>look mom I posted an epic buzzword.
Sebastian Reed
>I-I am not mad...YOU'RE TIGGERED! Look at my totally not hiding upset reaction image
William Martinez
>buy the game, whitemarch parts too >play a little >remember why I hated infinity engine games >focus on resource management and strategic play >when every few steps you fight another enemy encounter, making you rest after every other battle and turning exploration into a tedious chore buyer's remorse thread?
Noah Turner
It's a good game if you expect an Infinity Engine game.
But it doesn't go beyond that. There's no interesting loot. It's better than Baldur's Gate 1, but worse than 2.
I bought it for 30€ at release, spent 90 hours on a playthrough. Enjoyed it, but never felt the itch to replay it.
Joseph Cox
it's shit
Nathan Morales
Based on opinions voiced in this thread, I guess I wont by it now.
Maybe if it would go to 80% off.
Logan Rivera
I enjoyed it a lot. My favorite of the recent CRPG's in this big resurgence of them.
I have no idea why it's hated so hard around these parts, it's a great CRPG and I'm looking forward to the second one.
GREAT TIER Pillars of Eternity > Underrail > Shadowrun: Dragonfall
GOOD TIER: Shadowrun: Hong Kong > Divinity: Original Sin > Lords of Xulima > Serpent in the Staglands > Wasteland 2
GARBAGE TIER: Shadowrun Returns > Age of Decadence
Juan Hall
>Isometric camera
how about no
Benjamin Hill
It's really fucking good. The people on this board who dislike it are a mystery to me, and I can only attribute its hate to people new to the website who honestly believe everyone here is just being contrarian as a joke.
Brody Martinez
It's shit. People are so desperate for a crpg that they'll eat anything up.
Matthew Wright
Lords of Xulmia should be higher.
Adrian Brown
Blake Bennett
My nigga
Levi Bennett
>you dont even get experience points from combat How is that a negative?
I always hated how fighting too much made me too strong to the point where things become too easy. The way PoE handles this is pretty much perfect actually.
You get xp the first couple of times you defeat an enemy of a certain type to signify you learned how to fight them along with a slight bonus at the end (I think) and after that you can't learn anything about that kind of foe anymore.
Jackson Ross
when is the DLC going on sale
>mfw I decided to buy this game instead of pirate
I coulda played DLC the day it came out
Zachary Price
The DLC is on sale right now.
Eli Johnson
thanks didn't know that, thought it was just the hero edition
steambabby here, can I use the expansion pass on GOG on Steam?
Carter Green
Reminder to get Toonstruck from the Interplay bundle if you want to play a great adventure game.
Leo Morgan
Hows Parkitect? Been thinking of getting the Steam version at some point for eventual workshop support.
Cameron White
For the love of God, pirate it if you must, but don't support this kind shit. They took BG2, made all that's good about it tedious to outright bad and left the few flaws as they are.
Michael Hall
plz respond
If I can buy the expansion on GOG and activate it on Steam, I'm buying it
Adrian Young
This so much.
Michael Hall
kill yourself my man
before you say "but thats not G2A", kill yourself they operate in the same fucking town in china you mongoliod fuck
Charles Richardson
are you just pretending to be retarded or?
Tyler Stewart
I thought the game was trending more towards the management-sim side, but it looks like they're settling with reddit clientele and simply going for le epic rides that can be screenshotted and shared on social media.
I just want a good management sim....
Jacob Miller
Ethan Murphy
If you liked baldur's gate you'll like PoE
I liked it enough, writing is a bit overdone sometimes but that can be fixed by spamming spacebar when I'm not in the mood
Ryan Lee
in terms of comat its too easy also pretty much like icewind dale but you can't steamroll everything with your wizard
Samuel Lee
I loved Baldur's Gate but disdain PoE. Your post is like saying >If you loved driving this oldtimer Ferrari you'll love driving this Smart
Blake Nelson
you ask advice from people who are barely even able to comprehend how to manage the combat of infinity engine games. 90% of the people who say that the combat is aweful literally don´t understand it.
Mason Butler
It's just baldur's gate but shit. Combat isn't great. The writing is very dry and feels stilted/forced in places. Wouldn't recommend it.
Grayson Murphy
But in general the statment stands, because they are basically exactly the same type of game in almost every respect. If you like BG but not PoE you don´t do it because you hate this kind of game, which is what "if you like x, you´ll like y" usually means.
Camden Jackson
cRPGs, like so many other archaic genres that are currently being resurrected on Kickstarter so they can die again, were dead for a reason.
Xavier Rodriguez
great game. better combat than bg and iwd. have whatever party you want. just strategize accordingly.
bg had better story and characters. iwd had little story and no real characters since you made your own.
the only time I ever spent more than 20 bucks on one game on gog. I bought it at release for 45. 70 hour game. i'll play it again someday. was thinking about expansion for half off but I've got too much other shit to play.
Nolan Baker
You could get in the past for like 5 bucks
Alexander Brown
>t's just baldur's gate but shit. Combat isn't great. The writing is very dry and feels stilted/forced in places. Wouldn't recommend it.
If you want to play BG, just play BG:EE and BG2:EE. Don't settle for this silly knockoff game.
Chase Thompson
What's most unfun about combat is that once it starts, you literally cannot move without getting raped to death by free attacks. Technically you can build a character that can move away from melee, but you'd waste so many level-ups doing it the character would be worthless for anything else.
Elijah Gray
There's a shitload of much better games on sale right now on GOG.
Adam Cox
Children will throw this word at everything they don't like. GoG is the best online store for games. Doesn't have the most games, but it is the best; most freedoms, most flexability, most customization, no DRM, secure, trusted, easy to use, private, none invasive, doesn't force anything onto you, lots of deals.
GOG is only missing more games, but honestly, I don't believe publishers would ever sell their games with no DRM. I kinda wish GoG would play ball to get more games on their site. I look for excuses to buy their GoG games over Steam's.