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who is the exodia of gwent?
None. there's no card like that when you complete all 5 or something you automatically win.
But if you want automatic win if tied. It's Emyhr .
Hero spies.
Fuck 'em.
Honestly they really could make a stand alone game out of this. Its just so fucking fun to play.
I like gwent more then i like Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone. Even though its unbalanced this mini game has so much potential that i can't figure out why they haven't made a separate online card game out of it yet?
Like hearthstone. they gonna make big bucks
i think its simplicity compared to other card games is a pretty big positive
They are making a real game out of it.
reveal at e3
>its an android game.
My main concern is that it'll get boring fast due to it's simplicity.
Gwent is literally just playing around Scorch and hoping you get as many spies as possible
I really dont get how this could be a standalone game, its a pve game.
Also you're not going to directly compete with heartstone and expect to do better than battleborn did against OW.
When will i able to use any deck besides Northern Kingdom?
I've played so many rounds and still haven't had enough unit cards for other factions.
I hope it doesn't just reuse the cards from the game. The balance of ingame Gwent was utter garbage.
>they rebalance scoiatael to actually be a worthwhile deck (though still not better than nilfgaard/NK)
>monster deck is still absolute trash
I sincerely wouldn't doubt it. Just look at the Skellige deck.
Skellige is not as bad as scoiatel or monsters
literally who?
The better expand the fuck out of Gwent. Seeing as how they are paying millions for that huge building painting ad I'm assuming they are going all in.
>More than 200 cards
>Expanded mechanics and more depth
>More balance
>Multiple game modes
Wizards of the Coast are too incompetent to compete with Hearthstone, maybe CDPR can do it.
Should I play witcher 1 and 2 before 3?
>paying millions for that huge building painting
here's the way to do it
>read all 7 books
>play Witcher 1
>play Witcher 2
>play Witcher 3 +expacs
that's literally the only way, if you have anything else in mind stay away and get fucked
post ideas for new cards/factions
Are all the books the original stories or something?
They're all in English? R&Right?
I don't play a lot of games like Witcher and I haven't touched Witcher in particular at all, but I love me some card games. What's the deal with Gwent? I hear about it all the time like Triple Triad (which is something else I should really look into one day)
You don't really need them for story but they introduce some reoccurring characters.
Although you really need to have read the books
Are all the cards in the vanilla version of the game?
I love games with great mini games but if It's part of a dlc I'll pass.
Other games that reserved this space in the past:
Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, GTA 5 etc.
Superior card game coming through.
Witcherbros, I need that pic of Geralt in a suit receiving his award at the game awards, for shitposting purposes not gonna lie. Any of you got it?
>Play witcher one
>get to dice poker sidquests
>drop game because RNG bullshit decided it doesn't want me to win
Isn't the balance god awful?
How is this even going to be successful?
Would answer your question but people would never learn to use Google to answer stupid questions that way
the games are set after the books, so it would be wise to read them first if you want to have any clue about anything
the first five or so have an official english translation, trash fan translation for the other two as far as I know, but I read the excellent german translation so I'm not an expert on that shit, go ask on /vg/ about it, they usually know
>not playing northern kingdoms
Is there any deck that can beat a proper northern kingdoms deck?
consider not shitposting
here you go famalam
That black witcher
zoltan isnt a witcher
5 Blue Stripes have 120 attack,but are countered by Scorch
they're most likely going to be nerfed for pvp or the other decks will be buffed
Thanks famicom
nilfgaard has a better leader and their cards are just as good
Using the weather cards can at least for a time prevent scorch being used to kill em
then they become exposed to the golden dragon guy
>those 9 spies
So is there any reason in this game why you shouldn't just side with Nilfgaard?
Is it wrong to think Witcher 3 is my favorite game of all time.
Keep in mind that i also think Deus ex, MGS3 and Age of Empires 2 are favorites of mine but the Witcher 3 is just almost perfect in my opinion.
dat Mr. T zoltan
Outside of Sup Forums where praise of witcher is either treated as bait or shilling lots of people claimed w3 is best game of all time. Its certainly objectively best at certain areas and naysayers will solely focus on where its lacking while completely ingoring the positives.
L-lesson learned...S-senpai.
Considering your other favourites are good games you have good taste. Nothing's wrong with thinking TW3 is your favourite game, it certainly hit some high peaks at times which exceeded its competitors.