Post your e3 stash

Post your e3 stash
>Shitposting on Sup Forums during conference streams is what I live for

3 types of Whiskey, Gin & Tonic, couple of grams of Benadryl.

Mine is very similar to yours, but I'm too busy playing vidya and shitposting to go take a picture.

>thousands of calories in one sitting

Not gonna make it, familia

but hes drinking diet coke dude

i hope for your sake e3 is more than one sitting.

But he's also drinking regular coke, so with them combined it's like he never had any soda to begin with.

He´s bulking dirty, bruv.

You'll feel like a piece of garbage after eating that and you know it.

In the morning you will be hung over and bloated from sodium intake, your testosterone levels will plumet, you'll feel lethargic and to top it off you'll be sporting at least 2kgs of pure fat.

God dam it will feel good eating it though but seriously dude, it's 2016.

These dagashi treats arrive just in time.
And i got them for free too.

Anyone got the timetable?


>That feel when you haven't cared about snack stashes since you were 11
>That feel when you try your hardest to care

It's like being in a failed marriage with a woman you want to love.

That said, I just bought scallops and shrimp and mussels, so I'll probably make a medley or something, idk.


Top notch. I always grab a bottle when i go grocery shopping.

Fellow britbong, do me a favour and turn off your sockets if you're not using them.

Does that guy carry a pole with him wherever he goes just so he can do that?


How else is he supposed to be "that guy"?

i am going to drink water, maybe some spearmint tea or a yogurt

Not worth getting hyped for E3.

Its been fucking lame and disappointing every year.

Kek, yeah sure.

>spearmint tea
You have my attention. What is this? Dose it taste like spearmint gum? Is it nutritious and/or dose it contain any caffeine?

Based pole guy

>Its been fucking lame and disappointing every year.

>t. PC/Xbox/Nintendo user.

I would

How pretentious do you have to be to try to police what other people get specifically for an event like this? Are you seriously expecting someone to have only the healthiest food during something that they enjoy without wanting to blow their brains out?

unless you announce mgr2 as a ps4 exclusive, im not buying your box sony

Do people actually go to the store and buy tons of shit like in op to sit in their basement and watch the catastrophic E3 every year?

Do people ACTUALLY treat E3 as some sorta event like the super bowl?

It tastes minty. It's caffeine-free; spearmint was originally used to treat indigestion. However, it also lowers testosterone. Considering that user is pairing it with hormone infested dairy products, it's safe to assume he's a low test cuck.

>it's current year

What could he have possibly meant by this?

yeah its fun

Yup, except for the fact I'm an adult and I live by myself. I like the routine of getting snacks for the various conferences. Why not?

What is this? 100kg at most? Not that hard. The hard part is those girls being still and to balance them

He probably buys as many products with as much estrogen as he possibly can.

Yes we do.

I hope you get kidney stones as large as Texas

>How pretentious do you have to be to try to police what other people get specifically for an event like this?

How defensive and fat do you have to actually be offended by my post? I didn't ask or demand OP to eat healthier, I just made an statement about how fucked up OP's body is going to feel and become after ingesting all that ''''food'''' and alcohol.

Stop being so defensive and fat.

The hard part for you would be finding girls to try it with at all.

I said people, as in human beings.


mah nigga

we stock these at work and after every shift that ends at like 1am i always chill out with one of the wild berry rekorderligs, so fucking good

>However, it also lowers testosterone

It must feel good being a low test numale neet glad

I didn't say you could reply

and three human beans answered.

Hey bros could you give me some recommendations for comfy snacks? Going to buy groceries tomorrow. Don't have a lot of cash on me so they should be economical.

Recorderlig Yeah!!!

Where does one get it from?

Some vegan food as usual :3

btw OP is a disgusting fatass with acne

E3 is like 2-3 days, why do you care if I binge and just enjoy vidya/vidya related entertainment with crappy food on a rare occasion?

Post your health food stash nigga


man, they taste like heaven but give me the runs in the morning.

hummus and veggies

Don't comment vegan you have no say. Although OP is a fatass.

And you're an insufferable baitlord.

Is there a deep-seated reason for your pretentiousness and jumping to conclusions such as say, an inferiority complex? Why do you try to make yourself feel so superior to OP and anyone who questions you as if you're anything other than an autist who is trying to feel important on Sup Forums? You will probably fit in better in reddit or facebook.

low test is the way of the future sry boys

You tried the flavour in Pic? It's what I imagine Katy Perry's pussy tastes like

You do realize you can get kidney stones from vegetables and all sorts of stuff right? There are 4 types of kidney stones. Even if you are the healthiest person on the planet you can get them.

>uhhh I only drink water and eat salat

Great, now you're going to live 3 years longer than I am because you are rejecting everything that is good.


Fuck off jew lover

Stop being so defensive nigga, I ain't a health nut, I just know from experience that stash is going to fuck your shit up for a week,

He´s still OHPing 100+kg like it´s nothing.

You don't have to lie here, fatty.

Subhumans aren't welcome.

No-one cares about your "statements" brah. Fuck off.

No. Just no. You might have little circlejerks on the corners of the internet. But nothing will beat a THICC ass girl.

how smelly do you think her farts are?

Some people take this better then others. You probably convinced yourself that you feel like shit if you don't run 2 hours per day and only eat salat. Humans are built to eat a lot of stuff, even junk food once in a while.

Next to the WKD and Bacardi Breezers. If you can't find it, ask one of the staff where they keep the alcopops.

>stash is going to fuck your shit up for a week,

Never had a problem with that happening before.

Jesus, that porky needs to lose some weight, fuck.

I'm gonna go with facebook. Even reddit is too good for this bastard.

what about a thicc ass boy

i weigh 54 kg

>big katsu
>fish pulp snack

kek fatass 'murricans triggered because some people like healthy food

BBQ wings with a side of sweet potatos and some dank beer
Feels fucking good

I get wasted with a friend of mine and we hoot and holler at the screen if/when they show games

Post your boy pussy

I book a couple days off work, go to the store in my car and buy junkfood, set up the stream on my 55" 4K tv and shitpost on Sup Forums while getting drunk and enjoying myself.

What's your problem?

oink oink oink

would you fuck that hog?

Didn't know >Rekorderlig was sold outside of Sweden.

p-post ass~

Holy fuck the fatass Sup Forums defense force is real BWAHAHA.

Protip: When I say stop being a defensive fatty, you're not supposed to become more defensive and expose yourself as a fat boy with body issues. I'd tell you to grow some thicker skin but the layer of fat between your flesh should be thick enough already.

Go guzzle more soda and fatties and let that engine cleaner nourish your intestines some more LMAO

Spotted the fats

How tall are you? 54kg is fucking nothing.

>used to have comfy E3 food threads for as long as streams/TV broadcasts for E3 were widely available on Sup Forums without baiting and smug health freaks shitting on everything people buy
>now all of this shit
Who is to blame for this? We didn't see any of this for the past what, 8-10 years? What changed this year with Sup Forums to make this happen? What kind of new group would come here to kill our fun?

I was hoping for some actual snacks.... but thanks anyway.

>eating better is now reddit and facebook


Fruity ciders are really popular here in the UK

>Everyone who's disagreeing with my idiocy must be fat

Don't be a shitposting nigger.

>Never had a problem with that happening before.

That's because you don't know what it feels like to be and haven't felt healthy for years. When you get used to feeling like shit for so long, it becomes normalcy. It's worrying.

I think you got lost on your way to reddit normie


Fuck off, racist.

What are you talking about? I've seen this almost every time someone posts food, e3 or not.
Healthfags have always been cancer here.

>it's a /fit/ versus Sup Forums episode


I personally prefer the UK ciders, less sweet.

Why do you even care? Why did you even come to Sup Forums or this thread if you're just derailing the thread? Post your shit or get the fuck out.

I'm a broad shouldered 5'11 89kg 1/4 nigga
Fight me vegcuck

Gonna enjoy my favorite meal, pic related.

>I think you got lost on your way to reddit normie

Europe. Daytime Sup Forums is infested with Europeans. I swear to God they only know how to shitpost. Wait until nighttime and try again. The "hurr murrucans" shitposting is far less rampant.

>Catfood and bananas with ketchup