A couple more days till we get to see this Treehouse slut again.
I can't wait.
A couple more days till we get to see this Treehouse slut again.
I can't wait.
looks like a transvestite
who is she?
well well
>more audrey and sam
>no allison at all
Who /hype/?
lmao, allison is prettier than this tranny
I don't get it
I'd rather have a pure tranny than a sleazy prostitute tbqhwyfam
Sure thing, Sessler.
i gave her a hot face
whats there to get?
Why Gretchen Wieners from Mean Girls though..?
i had it on my hdd, easy access
i didnt expect some sort of spanish inquisition
and its penny from lost in space
>no more cute alison butt
what's even the point?
go give her some money on patreon for all that white guilt user
looks whore-like, very off-putting
i hope pure maiden allison is there
>and its penny from lost in space
No, it's Princess Elise from Sonic 2006.
Have you been under a rock for the last 3 months?
I'll see myself out.
At least she manages to be a little cute in this .webm, even if she's not exaclty pretty.
This guy
no you
Don't ever change Sup Forums
AMD has their own exhibition?
have they always had one?
first one was last year
it was 3 hours and didnt really show anything
for a first PC E3 it was ok, but they need to work on it
Looks like that singer lady gaga
That's a dude isn't it.
I'm laughing here remembering that presentation.
There was one moment, where i think it was their CEO, it was some chink older woman. In the end after going off stage she does a "It's DONE!". Sound like some evil shit.
But like you said, it was alright for a first event.
>this fucking thread again