Could any sherlock-fag tell me about the saga on Steam?

could any sherlock-fag tell me about the saga on Steam?

could you recomend me any of the games? i'm intrigued, fuck

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Well, I personally don't like the oldest ones (Mystery of the Mummy and Adventure of Silver Earring) because they feel clunky in comparison to the more recent ones, but they're all solid point and click adventure/puzzle games. I personally like vs Jack the Ripper the best, followed by Crimes and Punishments and The Awakened.

i will take that into account
it looks like a solid saga
thank you user


the one ones are pretty good c&p and dd

the mistery of the mummy is free to play on Steam right now

at least i can test the bad one i guess

i only played the last 2 and they are very comfy

hyped for the new one

back from testing The Mistery of the Mummy
fuck this game is pure cancer

i understand the 27% rating, fuck

while im messing around with this puzzle see what you would do

if you're one of the people who invert Y axis, don't get the games, they don't have an invert option.

so far


I haven't played Devil's Daughter yet but that would also be my assessment, pretty much.

Any games where I have to deduce, could be wrong and fail the game?

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments allows you to fail the investigation (and make moral decisions about absolving your suspect: think of The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton). I haven't played it yet but I understand Devil's Daughter also has the same feature.

I've played the first three. they're kinda mediocre, but they're getting much better at making em. Jack the Ripper is mostly kinda boring and dry, Testament starts out pretty good and then just kinda devolves into a dull point and click adventure without any actual mystery-solving, and Crimes and Punishments is actually a pretty damn good game. The stakes are never very high or exciting in the five cases but they're competent mysteries that you genuinely can feel like you're solving. It's kinda like a mid-budget LA Noire clone without the bullshit filler. None of the cases connect which is kinda weird.

I'm sure Devil's Daughter will be just more of Crimes and Punishments with an overarching storyline, so I'm probably gonna buy it.

guy who posted this here, i meant to type that i played the LATEST three, not the first three.

>finish crimes and punishment
>only get two cases right

shit game

this is from dd
it does have a terrible stealth section in it

i think i will go with crime and punishment

it looks good

thank you all for the valuable advice

Try and track down a copy of Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective.
It's a board game, but the first case is on steam. Look up some reviews, and if you do get it, look up errata since some of the cases are misprinted. It's playable with larger groups.

just found this
it looks like a nice candidate for the summer sale

I can't really speak as to the quality of the PC version, but the board game is pretty fucking fun and makes you feel a lot like Watson when Sherlock rolls up during the epilogue and tells you how he deduced the answer from 3 clues in 15 minutes, when you've spent the last 3 hours ramming your head against the wall. I think it loses something from being digitized, and it's a lot more fun with friends.

there are more packs

summer sale all the way negros

that sounds really good
thank you mate

If you have Tabletop Simulator you can get the first and second case on steam workshop
