To this day this game remains one of my favourites, but its seriously aged and its a cunt to get running in 1080p with functioning mods
But it seems like there are no other space sims that scratch this itch
They're either too complicated to learn, grindfests, or cheaply made garbage.
Please help me Sup Forums I want to experience my childhood again ;_;
Space sims
Other urls found in this thread:
>inb4 StarShittizen presented by Kike Moneybags
>inb4 Elite
>>we have to be faster trent
that said, I second your motion
>"You dock first Trent"
>Docks before you can
Fucking Juni that slut
>tfw this board is so full of redditors that nobody is old enough to remember this game
feels bad desu
The entire space sim genre is complication and grinding, everything I'm gonna say assumes those traits are just endemic to the genre.
X3,Evochron and Elite Dangerous are all pretty good, you will have to learn how to fly them though. Do you want more effort put into flight model? Get Evochron. Story and world building? X3: TERRAN CONFLICT. If you played much earlier space sims then Elite Dangerous is a true HD remake of that era of space sims, and gas gazing presentation
I've been playing Rebel Galaxy and have been very pleasantly surprised. Easy to pick up but very deep in ship outfitting, almost gives you more of a chance to develop play styles than most other games would.
Why can't there be something so elegantly designed as Freelancer? All they have to do is replicate the same system
It was straight forward enough that anybody could pick it up and be at least competent at it
But it also had the depth for those who were really autistic about such things
I just wanna explore a cool as fuck galaxy without having to worry about 15 fucking fuel gauges and whether or not my dinglebuckleberry thruster wing plate thingamajigs are engaged
Freelancer was my first game on the PC and it baffled me as a kid. It it looked so good and the fact that it ran on a tin can machine. The only space sim I found even remotely close to the experience it gave me is x3(I still play it from time to time).
Most space simulators suck ass these days. take Elite dangerous for example. Also fuck Microsoft for destroying Digital Anvil.
Have they fixed X: Rebirth yet? I've heard that Home of Light made it a brand new game, but I wanted to confirm it with fellow spacefags first.
Freelancers great but I can't think of anything it did that made me go 'wow that is exceptionally better designed than other options, I think its just a competent product. Like Freespace 2 having a very small amount of bound keys for gameplay but didn't lose complexity for it.
To be honest I think you just don't understand the other games, and are making an inappropriate conclusion with very little data
My nigga
Starlancer was one of my first, and with it came a demo cd which had this on it
I played the demo for fucking years, only in the New York system lol
Then when I was old enough to buy stuff off ebay Freelancer was the very first thing I bought
Oh man I'm getting feels ;_;
Man, I fucking remember Sup Forumslancer.
Greatest time I've ever had with anyone from this place...possible exception being Tribes.
But still, it was goddamn glorious, the epic space battles, escorting convoys of frigates as fighter wings.
It will never be so good ever again.
Which is why I made this thread, to see if anybody can recommend anything similar
No need to be a dick about it user
>Here are some games you might like
>Awww I wish every space game wasn't so complicated and hard
>They're not you just don't understand them
>Fuck you user
You seriously pulling this?
I wonder what ever happened to that Sup Forumslancer server. I remember having some sanic thruster on a nomad ship. Shit was fun.
It's been like this for awhile now so it shouldn't be something new. since 2011 a lot of Sup Forumss content has gone down the shitter.
just look at the front page for example.
Can you fuck off, nigger?
Go back to RSI forums you fucking twat
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Sup Forums was never seen as a good board.
But you're absolutely right that now it's nothing but gamefaqs migrants.
Another thread with potential ruined by 12 year olds, shame. OP give X3, Evochron, or Elite another shot you might enjoy them.
it was better than what we have right now if there was a measurement of good and bad.
I'm curious as well. Can anybody comment?
He's being sincere, you spastic twat. The space genre as a whole is "complex" and there's no going around that unless you want a babby's first spaceship simulator.
Try Darkstar One, doesn't have MP, but it's good shit.
I am OP.
No he's being a rude twat for no reason
Fuck him
Sweet will give it a look user
No personal experience, but Egosoft has a reputation of always fixing their shit. X3 was a mess on launch as well.
It's pretty smooth now in terms of performance. The sound effects are annoying as fuck after awhile, i'm still playing x3 though. I just cant let go of the shit I have.
The fappening brought in a lot of redditors who migrated through Sup Forums
X3 master race
This is seriously my favorite game of all time. I still remember when I got it as a kid and literally beat it in two sessions.
I then continued to autistically explore the galaxy, sector by sector, until I had all the alien weapons and the best ship (pic related).
i sank 150 hours in it the first playthrough, and about 400 hours in total. I still play it every year.
I really dont know why I love the game so much, but I do. Its probably the atmoshphere, story, and perfectly build world.
So say I don't like steam. If I buy Evochron directly from Starwraith's official site, is there any DRM bullshit or is it all good?
I always liked the Sabre Outcast ship personally
The Corsair home system is fucking spoopy though, it was so cool
I miss the feeling of finding all those hidden systems, god damn
>the first time you find this place
Reminds me of the hyperspace sequences from this.
It was a fucking crime that Salvation Prophecy didn't get more attention
>62% rating on steam
Is it actually decent?
What the hell did you expect?
It's essentially Battlefront 2 only in real time. Meaning you and your bros will group together, assemble the fleet, and go into hyperspace when you decide it's time to attack the enemy.
Give it a torrent at least.
Well its not about which ship was the best-looking, but which had the highest armor + weapons slots. IThe best looking ships IMO are the Bretonia Crusader and Kusari Blood Dragon.
Man, that brings some memories. I think I'm gonna reinstall it, again.
>tfw escaping the system moments before a military blockade begins
Sweet I'll check that out too user
>Kusari Blood Dragon
>Cant buy it
I loved that ship too
haven't played x since X2.
terran conflict or albion prelude?
Same. Great game. Now install Discovery. The Titan is a cheap newbie ship in that mod.
AP is the most recent and up to date if you just want to sandbox.
Still play reunion and TC for the story, though.
I can't stand the roleplayers in that mod
Bunch of weirdos
Only sandbox trading/exploring/fighting space games allowed?
Playing this at the moment. Fun but way too fucking short.
Elite is a boring grindfest with no goal
LOL, dont worry, I sank way too much time into that mod. Its been a while though, are the servers still running?
The "story" in DIscovery is shit though.
>space sim
>read the OP
>We don't run this chan but we have an understanding with the people who do
Hey man, you new here?
fighters are neat and all
but othere than X series are there any games that have a bigger focus on cap ships, and arent RTS?
Only one I can think of off the top of my head. Old though.
It's active as always. Still about 120 people on the main rpg server.
The story isn't that bad, although the tactical and strategic relevance of each decision just boggles the mind and you'd think the population of Sirius is braindead. Otherwise things just progress extremely slowly.
>bigger focus on cap ships and aren't RTS
That's asking a lot. Maybe you're looking for more of a simulator/management sort of thing? In which case Planetbase is pretty recent and pretty good. Doesn't have the ayyyyy goofiness of Startopia either.
Someone is still hosting a Sup Forumslancer server, but it always crashes soon after I launch to space.
> trent the ayran protagonist
> juni the asian qt waifu
> nomads secretly (jews) take over the galaxy starting with the germans
> trent flies ships with names like patriot, valkyrie, crusader, wolfhound, legionnaire
Sup Forums the game
Yeah. You have no idea how many games have I bought in search of that Freelancer feel. None have really satisfied me. Only the game where you have just one ship that is upgradable was kinda good - cant remember the game though.
I played Elite" Dangerous for a while, but as you said, its empty as fuck, and focuses too much on "realism." Yeah, there is some alien presence, but almost none.
What the fuck do devs of today have with generated solar systems? Look at pic related. It has more atmosphere than anything in the space games of last 10 years.
I sinfully haven't gotten around to playing Homeworld but recent got the remastered collection (which includes the classic games). I tried HW1 classic but the controls are a little dated for my casual ass (everything else is great, though). Does the remastered version do anything drastic to the game or does it just change the controls to a more streamlined HW2 type?
>OP wants some good old arcade space adventures
>every fucking faggot advices him to try space autism simulators of their liking
And this is why Sup Forums is shit and we can't have nice things. Also fuck all the DCS fags who ruined arcade spacesims in autism that we have now.
Up until a few days ago it totally changed the game to HW2 style RNG combat instead of physics, formations didn't work etc. assault frigates were like flak frigates.
The patched it a few days ago so that now both HW1 and 2 remastered use physics simulation for combat and formations work.
Haven't played it enough to know the balance effects in detail but the feel is back to HW1 classic.
>anything drastic to the game
Almost nothing is changed, just improved graphics. The controls are similar, if not the same ( I really dont remember). Its good though, I recommend it.
Thanks user
I remember I asked on the RSI forums if the jewish overlords could add a third person hud and I got flamed from a thousand autists about how it would break immersion
Then a mod banned me for "starting a flame war"
Refunded my pledge right then and there
There is also this game called Starshatter: The Gathering Storm.
not flying at max speed directly at the dock and hitting the dock button right at the very last second, 1 mm from collision and skipping the whole docking cutscene and getting straight in there with no fucking about.
I laughed harder than I should have
I absolutely did this
Don't worry senpai. No man's sky is coming out :^)
Way to shit on everybody in the thread who tried to help you out, faggot.
Now go eat a dick.
lana rain
Pretty sure I've thanked most of the anons who gave me suggestions, faggot
>Starshatter: The Gathering Storm.
More like StarSHITTER.
get it? lol
I'm sorry, I haven't actually played the game. Actually I'm checking it out now. Seems cool.
A moment of silence for our fallen brethren.
I thought Sup Forumsermin were shitting on that one as well? Even if it does look amazing and has been tested extensively.
>Elite: Dangerous
ED is the most casual of spaces mentioned here
Kek thats a good one user
That's what I saw as well. Too much time on Sup Forums with everyone calling each other shitters.
Sup Forums shits on it because it's not a spreadsheet sim. It suits OP's taste well.
>procedurally generated worlds
>no central story
>"focused on exploration"
Yeah, I'm sure it isnt another Elite" Dangerous.
Please, dont.
Sorry to break it to you dad but it's true.
>spreadsheet sim
Just because you don't like X doesn't mean you need to shit on it.
You're part of the problem. NMS isn't a matter of "It looks great! Hype!". It's been tested and shown. People have seen what it is and it looks great.
I know right?, I'm swapping things with "shit" without even noticing, I have to come back and read the damn thing again almost everytime.
Its literally not you low grade shitposter and you know it
It is the exact opposite of an arcade space sim
I'm not shitting on it. Both Elite and NMS are good games for people that enjoy that kind of thing. I actually need something to do, some goal. And when I explore, I want to find strange, awesome or alien things - in procedurally generated games, you'll have seen the entire games in 5 hours. Exploration in Freelancer was sooo much more fun than in Elite.
I'm also worried for Star Citizen, they are going for a multiplayer heavy game which I dont know I¨ll enjoy. Its my most anticipated game, if it ever releases. The scope of it is just too big in my opinion.
Fampai, the combat in Freelancer is "casual." It takes much more skill to fight in Elite than in most space sim games.
>in procedurally generated games, you'll have seen the entire games in 5 hours.
It's not space, but you should give the Solaris Project a try.
Thread theme:
Explain how it isnt. Whats the difference between a blue planet with green aliens and green planet with blue aliens?
>It's been tested and shown
In controlled environment with dev team present and no more than few hours total of gameplay, if even that. That is not tested and shown, that is advertised.
>this music
oh god fuck yes
>not tested and shown
It was tested extensively. Hell, one of the reasons they went and thankfully added an offline mode was because testers named every new planet and species something related to dicks.
This has been around for a while, It's not the usual cycle of
>E3 reveal
>Show select gameplay leading up to release
I was never reddit.
I came from 9gag after the fappening
Fuck board culture, oldfags and their inflated sense of belonging is fucking retarded
it looks like shit now what happend
Does anyone remember this?
Literally the best fighting song in Freelancer.
I can top that.
Also you're also using two variants in your example. Procedurally generated games, if done right anyways, will put certain limitations and exceptions to each variable. So if your green aliens can't swim, don't expect to see them on a water planet.
This makes me sad.
>tfw you have to blow up that huge rhineland ship with your space buddies
>tfw you go outlaw and begin hijacking trade convoys
>tfw you find the wreck of the lost spanish ship
great game.
>Kharak is burning...
Soundtrack for my favorite mission.
I always liked this track, though it's not from a sim.
Now with a link.