Morrowind thread boys
>favourite faction
>favourite god
>favourite weapon
>favourite town
>favourite house
let's go
Morrowind thread boys
>favourite faction
>favourite god
>favourite weapon
>favourite town
>favourite house
let's go
Other urls found in this thread:
First for shit game go fuck yourself
Almalexia did nothing wrong!
>not trapping her soul and using it to create magic shoes so that you can forever step on her cheating ass for the rest of eternity
Whore ass bitch deserved it.
You need to put in more hate in order to get the special needs kids to keep this thread alive.
Post one of those webms, or how much you hate Morrowind and how Oblivion is perfection of humanity and now your life is an empty void for witnessing such perfection.
>kill her
>realise 20 minutes later I didn't trap her soul
>strongest enchants are from golden saint souls
>feel annoyed because of it for the rest of the game
>only Tribunal to die
>nothing wrong
>>only Tribunal to die
What? Isn't Vivec the only one who doesn't die by the end
>Morag Tong
>Are Daedric Princes okay too? Bloodmoon's hircine was cool
>Spear of Bitter Mercy/That enchanted ebony broadsword in Balmora/I just enchant something myself.
>Hla oad and those other fishing villages.
>Indoril even if you can't join them.
Daily reminder that in the next TES game Sotha Sil returns. It's set in Elsweyr, and he proclaims he cheated death and that he is stronger than a Daedric Prince. A lot of Khajiit follow him as a god, and you have a task to stop him by the Thalmor. You can choose to either help Sotha Sil to drive the Thalmor out or kill Sotha Sil for good.
It is later found out that he was revived by a Daedric Prince to please him
That doesn't even make any sense
>favourite faction - Legion
>favourite god - non
>favourite weapon - polearm(I call Skyrim BS for not having spears), 2h-sword
>favourite town - Balmora/Ald-ruhn/Suran
>favourite house - Redoran
I literally keep her soul as a paperweight in my house. Not my nice house either, the shitty one I got way back at the beginning of the game after you kill the murdered in Seyda Neen.
>favourite faction
Redoran, noble warriors and such.
>favourite god
Sotha Sil if he counts, otherwise Tiber Septim
>favourite weapon
Longsword, specifically Trueflame
>favourite town
Balmora. I don't give a fuck if it's Hlaalu territory, it's the first town you're supposed to visit and it feels like home.
>favourite house
Lakeside House mod, otherwise the Redoran stronghold you get at the end of their questline.
In Dragonborn you learn that because of you killing Dagoth Ur and destroying Lorkhan's heart the Tribunal's power dimished as expected (so only Vivec's) and the meteorite that Sheogorath sent to destroy Vivec crashed into the city, which caused the Red Year.
It is only safe to assume that Vivec didn't make it
Nope, you CAN kill him though
Sotha Sil Dies though, so that makes 2 already
Sotha Sil uploaded himself to the Nirn internet where he shitposts about Magnus and fixes the world.
My nigga. Crab houses beat mushroom houses.
I loved the manor you get to build as well.
I am very much confused by what CHIM means? My friend tells me it's breaking the 4th wall, realizing you're just a character in a video game and that knowing that means you achieved godhood.
Is my friend bullshiting me or what?
nah thats just a metaphor
>it's only safe to assume one of the most powerful characters in the series couldn't escape a volcano eruption he knew was going to happen.
Vivec achieved CHIM and is not fuelled by the heart of lorkhan any more.
pretty sure he didn't have CHIM any more by the events of morrowind
It is too complex to explain and no one really gets it from the explanations I've seen.
You either have people who dismiss it outright or get a half assed explanation.
The best explanation was when some user linked a book, but I forgot it's name.
It's nothing to do with video games. The player character does not achieve CHIM.
CHIM is the realisation of how the universe really works, that is, realising that you're just an imaginary concept in the dream of the real god, but instead of accepting your non-existence, defying that and demanding that you are real. At that point you can bend reality as you know it to your own will, like the dreaming godhead would.
I fucking hate the legion just because you have to wear that awful cuirass or every single Imperial guard you see will utter that line in terrifying unison at unholy decibel levels.
You can't unachieve CHIM.
the whole point of chim is that you're teetering on the razor's edge between zero-summing and being a regular citizen isnt it
Not the user you were responding to, but what the fuck does this have to do with the actual games and characters in said games?
Because it sounds like a crock of fanfic bullshit.
>there will never be a game where Sotha Sil is alive
Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong.
The Redoran stronghold is awesome. Hlaalu just make some villa on a hill in the rich area, Telvanni grow a mushroom in most remote place they can, probably so you'll fuck off there and never bother them again, but Redoran make a mini town on a dangerous pilgrimage road. It just being there probably saves loads of lives.
No. You come to the realisation and either accept that you're not real, which causes to to zero-sum and cease to exist, or you refuse to accept you are not real and achieve CHIM.
It has nothing to do with the actual games. The plots to each game are relatively mundane.
you can if the real gods say so
vampire factions are best faction, especially since it was a surprise that I could join them at the time
The closest you can get is either play ESO or get the Sotha Sil Expanded mod Trainwiz and friends made.
Fucking awesome mod by the way,
makes sense
Alright, so where does the "Vivec achieved CHIM" bullshit come from then?
Thieves Guild
Glass dagger
Well you are in so you gotta follow rules.
It was no bother to carry another armour with me anyway.
Quarra is broken though, unless one of the unofficial patches fixes it.
I remember stumbling on their headquarters when looking for the Ashlander camp. I went in with steel armour and a shit longsword and came out in full ebony and with an enchanted glass sword, it felt awesome.
or you un-realize it again and go back to dreaming
it's not like the whole thing is as easy as toking up on some skooma and going "duuude, what if the universe was, like, a dream", and poof, you're either gone or a god
the path to zero-summing alone is fucking grueling, drilling the idea into the core of your being
it's perfectly possible to lose that
in fact it requires constant effort to not lose it
From the 36 Lessons of Vivec as well as out-of-game explanations of concepts by one of Morrowind's writers
>or you refuse to accept you are not real and achieve CHIM
That's wrong.
The Tower is an ideal, which, in our world of myth and magic, means that it is so real that it becomes dangerous. It is the existence of the True Self within the Universal Self …
[The secret of the Tower is h]ow to permanently exist beyond duplexity, antithesis, or trouble. This is not an easy concept, I know. Imagine being able to feel with all of your senses the relentless alien terror that is God and your place in it, which is everywhere and therefore nowhere, and realizing that it means the total dissolution of your individuality into boundless being. Imagine that and then still being able to say “I”. The “I” is the Tower.”
What's the trade off for achieving CHIM anyway? You don't even get any godly abilities for it, just a constant danger of vanishing into nothingness.
Also, if the God generating the Elder Scrolls universe is dreaming then surely it'll wake up someday?
I wish the Dragonborn dlc didn't retcon the destruction of Morrowind to leave Redoran virtually unscathed and the mainland to be mostly inhabitable.
I enjoyed the concept that everything I loved about Morrowind was lost forever. It fit well with the direction the series was taking from the point of view of the gameplay.
you get the ability to do absolutely anything as long as it doesn't break the universe's suspension of disbelief
You mean fan-canon interpretation on reddit of vague bullshit and Michael Kirkbride, a narcissist and an asshole who was no longer even on the writing team when he gave that explanation?
Real good credentials for that theory, bro.
Nigger CHIM is literally mentioned in Mankar Camorans book in oblivion and the black books of Hermaes Mora mention the godhead
Someone get this outlander out of here.
He's been on the writing team for Oblivion and Skryim too, champ. If they didn't like what he was writing they wouldn't keep hiring him.
I'm also pretty sure the reason he doesn't work there full time is disagreements with other writers. No idea who exactly, but I'm betting Emil Pagliarulo is one of them.
What was in ESO?
He left literally during Morrowind's development. His only influence on further games is being allowed to write a few books for the newer ones, but he's not an employee. I'd hardly consider him "hired".
And yeah, the reason he left is almost certainly the fact that he's a massive asshole, you can see that in the way he lords around the elder scrolls reddit as if he's a god.
He's just an egotist who latched onto this shit because he has nothing else. He literally gets people banned if they so much as mention the fact he has no actual authority on what is and is not canon.
He peaked during the writing of Morrowind, and he can't let go, so he's delusional clinger-on.
You fucks need to stop giving him credit so he'll finally just go away, stop writing fanfiction, and move on with his life.
>this mad Kirkbride styled on him
Someone get this n/wah outta here, he's lost his composure.
>Implying c0da wasn't his peak
First time playing
>go all the way out to the middle of absolutely fucking nowhere for Fighter's Guild quest
>get in there and some goober summons a monster
>it keeps attacking me and at the end of the fight my strength and endurance are fucking 0
>decide to bite the bullet and teleport using divine intervention to get a healer for damaged attributes
>cannot move anywhere
>drop all my shit
>still cannot move fucking anywhere
What in fucks name am I supposed to do
You become a deity within the world, but you can't do anything that'd "break the rules".
Which still gives you quite a lot of freedom considering that a lot of weird, fucked up and normally impossible shit is normal in Mundus.
>Implying anyone beyond the most dedicated bootlicking autists is fully aware of what that is.
His peak being fanfiction instead of actual work he's done on a game is pretty pathetic.
I refuse to even read it because I don't want to become one have his brainwashed faggot flock who start chirping about his antics as if it has any bearing on the actual lore of this series.
For some strange reason I enjoyed playing this more on the xbox hueg than on PC.
c0da is canon, lad, which means TESO is canon, too.
Why are you so fucking mad? Seriously, you're acting like a total fucking sperg so you don't get the right to call people who enjoy this shit autists. I couldn't give less of a fuck if his work is "canon" or not, that doesn't stop it existing and it's not like this shit has ever been really crucial to the plot of TES games. I like reading them because his stuff is very unique and he has some expansive ideas on all the metaphysics.
sounds like a bug related to drain strength. I think it's supposed to go away when they die but it doesn't. Try resting for a couple hours. If not, then see if you have anything to drink that gives +strength, like any alcoholic drink. Otherwise,
Open the console with ~ and type "tgm" without quotes, walk to a shrine and restore attributes, open the console and type "tgm" again to turn it off
You should ALWAYS carry with you a custom made restoration spell that restores all attributes by like 20 for 1 second. Super useful. I think the mages' guild people in Balmora might sell some of those spells, and there's a spellmaker there. At least restore strength. Check the temple, maybe they sell the spells there. I know for a fact someone in Fort Pelagiad sells restore strength. If nothing else, carry some stoneflower petals, or craft some potions to restore strength. Someone in the Balmora temple sells the petals, or you can gather them yourself as you walk.
What is essential alchemy? What ingredients are worth stopping for?
I want to play morrowind do i need any mods to make it fun?
>Dagoth Ur
>Dagoth Ur
>Dagoth Ur
>Dagoth Ur
>Dagoth Ur
do you have any evidence or are you just pulling things out of your ass?
The reason I'm sperging out is because every time I used to hear people bring that guy's name up non-retards would just snort at them and tell them to fuck off.
Nowadays that's not happening anymore because the bulk of visitors to these threads have been replaced by you naive fresh-faced tards, and it's ridiculous. There's actual canon shit to talk about, when you yap about that manchild's work you confuse others as to what is actually true and continue the cycle of kids thinking that shit is genuine.
What is happening is people get absorbed with Elder Scrolls lore because they have an inquisitive spirit, and then they get sucked into that egotists sphere of bullshit and they come out speaking of his "le deep and philosophical metaphysics" with a smug attitude, made more annoying by the fact that what they're talking about is, as I said like three times before, literally fanfiction with no bearing.
Go start a Morrowind fanfiction thread over on /lit/ or something if you want to talk about that shit.
Alchemy is so broken in this game. Anyone has this screen when user described how he raised his STR to like bazillion and caused the game to crash by strucking Dagoth Ur with the hammer?
Yes. Sadly, the game didn't age well. Just google some tips what mods to use and you should be fine.
this is sad
Holy shit you're a retard. Who actually gives a fucking shit what Todd Howard decides is "canon" or not? How does that have any fucking bearing upon the quality of it?
The only interesting shit in the TES lore is shit like CHIM and the missing God. The rest is generic Tolkienesque crap. If this shit offends you so much then fuck off, because enjoying this shit is now the popular opinion within these threads. And if I'm honest with you, I can't even remember a period where "non-retards would just snort at them and tell them to fuck off."
>Bandwagon argumentum ad populum
>Ton of insults
>Stop liking what I don't like
>Admits to browsing reddit
>Asserting that people would become misled upon reading what Kirkbride wrote
>More assertions about "naive-fresh-faced tards".
Oh man. Who vested you with the authority to show us poor sods the way, huh? How about you take your spergtantrum and show yourself out with it in tow? What is "more annoying" or "less annoying" to you is of absolutely no bearing on consequence to anyone here. And that is not an assertion.
I know it is. It makes me fucking sad every time one of you show up in these threads with your nonsense.
Tell me, do you think it's canon?
No just sitting back and saying "B-but you're an autist!", actually tell me if you think this shit is canon and worth talking about.
I'll say this, the stuff Kirkbride talks about is interesting enough, nothing wrong with it's quality.
The sticking point for me is that people put it on a pedestal as if he has more credibility than anyone else, which is wrong.
Fucking lore *you* decide to just start making up is just as valid as his.
What he's got going for him is a cult of personality dedicated to his shit to the point they don't realize that.
now its funny
>canon and worth talking about.
How can I get this through your thick fucking skull? Nobody gives a shit if it's canon or not. Something can be not canon and worth talking about. Guess what this is? It's put on a pedestal because it's unique and has a lot of thought put into it, that's all there is to it. Fuck off.
>sotha sil
Why? He helped vivec and almalexia to kill you.
>mfw you got the savior's hide but it's too ugly
If only magical items didn't have that bloody glace on them I'd use them more.
I just wear the most good looking armor desu
Indoril armor is too good looking for me to start wearing ugly Royal Guard armor
There's a little mod for that. Can't remember the name tho
I recall MK releasing a cartoon with him burning the concepts of "Lore" and "Canon".
Shortly after that C0DA was moved to the from the lore forum to the fanfic section of the official Bethesda forum.That probably did not work as intended.
If the C0DAfags weren't such insufferable cunts they would have a place in the lore community.
Now they are relegated to teslore on reddit and TIL.
Do Russians really do dubbing for EVERYTHING? I know Germans do.
ive listened to this every day for the past week
Russians don't learn english in school. (Or anywhere, really).
the bethesda forums are a retard filled dungeon though.
not being 14 and having all gear enchanted just so it is all uniform so you look cool
But we do. And 1c localization of Morrowind was quite good. Own the CD actually, ended up buying three of them over the years because one exploded in my drive, I lost the other one and the third is the one I've used ever since then to play the game. That is until my drive died, then I just pirated it.
t. russian
What is a build to become a massive jew money hoarder
>All these barbarian swine clinging to their shitty false reality
For that all you need is the tools. Any build can acquire them. Telekinesis spell to steal from right under the NPC noses, by positioning yourself cleverly. Levitation to get the good stuff that's hidden away in daedric shrines, mark and recall, almsivi and divine intervations to travel quickly. Mysticism in general is a great school, so you could choose to major in it to save the training costs early on if getting as much dosh as possible as easily as possible is your main concern. You can also get mercantile but it's usually unnecessary, just use the Scamp or the Crab.
So it was a good thing MK got C0DA demoted there?
It used to be their sword and shield "C0DA and MKs stuff is in the OFFICIAL Forum."
Without that bit of stature the fanfic tag sticks.
People do not understand c0da
It's not fighting Bethesda Canon or anything of that sort, it if starting the obvious which is not so obvious fot some reason... That fiction is fucking made up and ultimately the largest part of interpretation of fiction is on reader, you makes the fictional world yours and the world in your mind will always be personalized. Canon is not actually a physical thing that can stop your imagination, it's just a frame of reference that writers of the game use and obviously a frame you need to consider.
All these Merrish hicks holding onto a sweet lie over a bitter truth.
Anyone who ever said c0da is canon is retarded and didn't get c0da
the point of c0da as far as i understood it is that canon doesn't really matter
That's what it is basically, and not in a
Way, but literally in the midst obvious
>Even canon is fiction
It's a statement to toxic state of community at that point more than anything