I recently picked up Cave Story, Sup Forums

I recently picked up Cave Story, Sup Forums.
I'd heard of it before, and all the praise, too. I never bothered with it until now, though.
I'm stumped with one of the endings, I'll spoiler from here, but I'm pretty sure the rest of you have played this. I can't get through the Bloodstained Sanctuary, and doesn't that lead to the Sacred Grounds where you fight that brother of Jenka's? Apparently, this is the only way to save Curly Brace, and I really don't feel satisfied with the game unless I get the best ending, but I just can't.
Tl;dr I need help with this game, advice or anything.

did you save curly from drowning and pump the water out of her and restore her memory?

Are you having trouble with hell that is before you get to the rooftop

I'm pretty sure you save Curly way back at the boss in the island's core

You can after the room with the falling blocks you can heal completely by killing the cupids and going back up to make them respawn.
This should help a lot.
Btw, the Bloodstained Sanctuary and the Sacred Grounds are the same, just different translations.

>Looking up a fucking walkthrough so you can get your precious HIDDEN SECRET waifu saving ending on the first fucking playthrough
Here's a goddamn hint: It's too hard for you because you're expected to have played the game at least twice before you get there.

Holy shit modern gamers are so fucking tiresome. I bet you bought the Plus version too.

After the falling blocks just transition between segments 3 and 2 to recover all the hearts you lost

Hiding the Waifu ending behind two Git Gud dungeons was an excellent idea. It forces you to really master the game.

Yup, tow rope and all

if you are normal, and you get to the first boss the entrance to the first boss leaves a safe spot for you to farm hearts and exp

I hate unironic waifu obsess faggots so god damn much. Just take me back in time before this otaku mental disorder took over my hobbies or blast me into the distant future where everyone's fucked off from Earth and I can live alone with all the freaky plants.

Me too OP, I just beat it yesterday!
It was really fun. I guess I got the normal ending.

Those last bosses was tough though, having to do them in a row and all. Feel sorry for everyone who used their life jar before then. If I didn't have that I'd still be trying to beat it now.

What's in the plus version? I only played the original version that I had to patch myself.

ok so it's after you beat the undead core you go back to that little house where you can save and heal, there is a hole there and that's the sacred grounds. part 1 is simple but difficult if you don't manage your jet pack. at the bottom you find curlt

it's called replay value, adds more than just an extra hard mode

>I bet you bought the Plus version too
No, I didn't. It's a coat of paint for something like $15. Why would I do that when I can get the original for free?

>You're expected to have played the game at least twice before you get there.
Technically, it's my second playthrough. I restarted after fucking up, I never knew about the Spur or the Booster 2.0 until I got to the endgame. I couldn't beat the undead core with a machine gun, so I looked up some walkthroughs and got all the requirements for the bonus stages.
I finished the game and got the normal ending, but I can't get the best ending.
Just not good enough, really.

That's the kicker, I'm shit with the booster v2.0.
I barely made it out of the lost cave (hidden). Bloody critters ambusing me meant I had to keep restarting because I needed plenty of hp for that boss.

Machine Gun Lv 3 is the best. Flying all over the place better than the Lv 2 Booster. Climbing the outside wall is a breeze too.

you didn't save your health pots?
it's going to be even harder, but possible.
just so you know, there are red spikes that won't kill you instantly, use them to get some ground, you'll lose HP but you'll get through it the first part of part 1 the other part you need to use your boost almost to its fullest then fall hugging the right of the wall, there is a ledge that you can use your remaining boost to get on and a heart container to reward you then fall down and boost all the way to the right where curly is

No. Cave Story is as close to great as a game can get. I like the hidden ending.

Aww, hey that's alright if it's a little hard. Why don't you just watch a Let's Play? And then you can go onto exhentai and jerk your tiny dick to Noill art. By the way what took you so long to play a free game that was popular in goddamn 2005? Did you finally turn 14 and finish all of the Sonic games and want something new? Next you'll be saying you've never touched Baldur's Gate or God Hand or good anything good Sup Forums used to gush over.

Time your jets correctly at the beginning
Get some health at the cupids down there
Other than that, not much advice besides do it until you git gud
Also, Spur is a godsend

I know it's a great game, part of that was because of the replay value. The game itself is short, so having multiple endings is a good thing and not new at all and adds replay value.

>Here's a goddamn hint: It's too hard for you because you're expected to have played the game at least twice before you get there.
Did it in my first try

I have to say the sword is what saved me in the end when playing the final boss, I stupidly used my health pit earlier in the game, so I upgraded the sword to lvl 3 and when fighting the final boss' 2nd form, I farmed the shit out of those bats and got all my life back at the same time killing the second form.

Fuck me, I'll just have to practice. Git gud.
Gonna get a fucking aneurysm in the process, though.

I beat this game when I was 12

I'm not Asian.