So is everyone taking part in the "global reset"?

So is everyone taking part in the "global reset"?

Other urls found in this thread:



there's a community event starting yesterday where everyone makes a new DS char. it's active as fuck atm

leddit got over one hundred thousand people to sign up and begin a global reset of OG darksouls yesterday. Online should be alive for the next few days. join in the fun m8

That explains why it felt so relatively busy yesterday. I started to wonder.

>can't see a single sign or an invader
I don't understand, it's was working two weeks ago

is your internet on?

are you using DSCM?

worst timing, got finals

it looks like


The only difference maybe is that I was connected through cable back then, but everything else is the same

457 grt

You're using the steam version?

>Gonna get help with Knight Atorias soon.

Praise the sun.

>make new character
>Undead Burg
>immediately invaded and slaughtered by twink

Everybody and their mothers too
PVP is alive, PVE is alive, it's like a gift from God
Going through anal rode right now



Fuck off cunt, this is video game related more then 60% threads right now

Just bought a ps4 ds3 and bloodborne so I could play with friends. Although I still have ds1 and ds2 on 360 which I never got around too. Good timing


blizz shills getting paid to shitpost other threads now to get them closed

Don't you have some new spicy memes to post in Overwatch threads?

I'm burnt out on Souls games.


Never played the DLC so why not. rolling.

fast build pplz

Shut the fuck up and roll.


You bet your ass.



fuck it, might as well.
not like i've got anything better to do


Oh boy, here i go killing again.

>not soloing the """hero""" of Oolacile
git gud

Help helpper dint brign fodd today

>rolled a whip

are they even viable?


boom shaka laka

>mfw "SL1 dickwraith"

You're fucked


and now you are

roll (ain't gonna play tho), but let see

i'm not sure about the pve viability, but i've been having a blast invading with one in the offhand

>tfw fist bandit without master key



rolling for a new run

>participating in leddit events

yet ther aint no one at the four kings

rolly polly

is it active on pstriple?

>created a new char at restart day
>lv 50
>invading at Anor Londo the whole time
>feels good to get to invade someone very fast

You know I never once made a magic build. Think I will just roll that. Probably will be the last time I play the game.

I got invaded twice in the Undead Parish, summoned once in the Undead Burg, then stuck in shitty internet hell for a while.

It's fun shit eh

I've been doing the same with a +15 Great Club and heavy armor. The amount of salt-mail I got from two-shotting everyone was amazing

PS3 has always been fairly active, but hell yeah it's noticeable. I got ~6 failed to invades in roughly ten hours of invading the parish yesterday

I am playing right now, waiting for summon at gargoyles

Wow that's neat

Why the fuck can't I get summoned? I'm SL50 in the Way of White and I've been waiting for like 20 minutes to get summoned for O&S. Meanwhile invading as a darkwraith/Forest Hunter is perfect and I get connected to everyone instantly.


C'mon master key


have a lightning gargoyle halberd +5 & ascended pyro flame +5. additional 2 dark hands. With Flip Ring it's really funny

no worries, only thing you won't be able to do is make the dragon legs in painted world stand up


oh shit we out muh niggas, doin it live, a-trey bang-bang squad up!

roller derby

where should I dl DSCM from?

is the one on nexusmods legit?

his official site


Yesterday I played for a while and got my ass kicked several times by the same dude.

It was fun.





Rolling n strolling

Rowling for soup