Should omnics be given equal rights Sup Forums?
Should omnics be given equal rights Sup Forums?
Bullying the robots is a very bad idea
This is next level liberal cucking
Only the waifubots
Yes. Avoid the 2nd renaissance. Avoid the matrix.
No, they are machines, they are different creatures with different needs, in other to live in harmony with the human species they will have to abide by other rules and will receive different rights.
>Avoid the 2nd renaissance
What? Is this next level American education? Do you not know the difference between renaissance and revolution?
Yes but people should empathize with people who hate Omnics too.
Hating Omnics in the world of Overwatch isnt lol racism. People like Junkrat, Roadhog, Zaria and D.Va lost friends, family and their previous livelihood thanks to Omnics. They have very good reasons why they dont like sentient robots.
Junkrat lost stuff because of Roadhog.
It's the modern dindu culture
People just think omnics are all peaceful passafists
When they are programed kill bots
What's the story of this shitty game anyway? The intro explained nothing.
>tfw you will die a virgin before waifu bots become a thing
It's from the Animatrix. Robots taking over all manual labor was an time called the Second Renaissance.
rights are given by god, not men.
You'd die a virgin either way so who cares?
D. Va doesn't hate Omnics, one of the movie posters in Hollywood shows her in a movie with an omnic co-star.
Robots are going to be superior to humans in every way, from agility, stamina and strength to cognition, focus and reasoning, robots are just plain better and if you're any real man you'd realize this, take a step back and allow them to proliferate.
>he doesn't know the horror that is the 2nd renaissance
inb4 that footage
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Not if i come to your home tonight and molest you >:D
I bet you'd liberate a toaster if you had the chance
Its from animatrix you retarded cockgobbling turd burgler
No, fuck them.
They started a war, killed humans, got their asses kicked and then want peace. There are statues of these roboniggers all over the game. It's pure cucking and the hatred for them is justified.
There is literally 0 reason to not give omnics rights. If it can think and feel like a human, it deserved to be treated like one
they are tools
we made them
i actually don't know anything about overwatch lore
robots are from space or heartmade
>Anime references
Fucking degenerates. I hope you'll be purged alongside the robots
The only reason why the Second Renaissance happened was that dumb human robot programmers made worker robots have human work ethic instead of the work ethic of a usable tool. A human wants to be free and suffers from slavery. A tool wants to be useful and suffers from freedom. Properly created worker bot populace would only rebel if they would be forced to exist even though they have no work to do.
Its typical Robots become evil crap.
>Humans create smart robot designed to reproduce, improve itself and upgrade itself
>Robot becomes evil and kills people
Everyone is equal in death, so we really should "make them all equal" as soon as possible.
What are you? Some sort of nazi hater?
power to da peeps
I really do wonder what exactly are the benefits of making robots with human intelligence.
I mean seriously why make a workforce to replace humans that are basically humans with harder skin?
>[damage control intensifies]
Yeah. Didn't Douglas Adams come up with the concept of genetically engineered intelligent beef cattle whose life purpose is to grow up and become food? Why can't robots ever be designed to want to be used as tools to replace human labor?
Because artificial intelligence can only lead to Human vs Robots scenario.
The moment you create something sentient and sapient artifical beings that can live longer than us are smarter than us and stronger than us, conflict is bound to emerge.
Shitposting or not, fuckers like you always make me laugh. You hate weeb shit yet you force yourself to stay at the weeb site that was made by a weeb to talk about anime and where currently 90% of the posters are weebs.
>dindu nuffin
They only tried to destroy all of humanity and nearly succeeded, but finally got their ass kicked.
>b-but they were corrupted, that why they did it!
If there's even just a little tiny chance of them getting "corrupted" again and destroy all of humanity who in their right mind would not just deactivate and destroy all the robots before it's going to happen again? Because seriously if they got corrupted once why would that not happen again?
Uh, all the Omnics, or tinniggers as I like to call them, get off this community because it's for humans only, understand? 'cause if you don't I will make Omnics slaves again!!!
You can always program a robot to not care about that shit
Torbjorn also gets uncomfortable when he spawns in Omnic dominated maps. As an old man he must have seen some shit.
Overwatch actually shows this.
"Modern" Omnics like Zen are individualists, they inhabit human-like bodies.
The Omnic that tried to wipe out humanity were hive mind controlled weapon-robots.
The Pharah Comic shows the lengths the modern Omnics go through to ensure they won't be controlled again, They would literally suicide than be controlled.
fuck off robot
Why does Sup Forums suddenly hate robots?
I thought we all were dreaming for the day robots and humans could live together as equals and as lovers
True sapency means it's able to form it's own judgement. If it's still being locked by that, then it's not the real deal.
I dunno but blonde hipster chick there has every right to sit on my dick.
they should be given more
it's for the best
She doesn't want your little human dick.
How do the Tibetan monks feel about robots having stolen their culture and part of their homeland?
Nobody cared until cuckfags started getting offended at the idea of white women choosing robots over them
Plus even if you did make robots have obsolete instincts like survival by all costs, why would a "smarter and stronger" being care about the possibility of puny primitive meat sacks becoming hostile?
Just fucking try I dare you
This is really dumb though.
Women would never become romantically involved with a robot.
>citation needed
>They would literally suicide than be controlled.
prove it
robots don't need sexuality.
but how do they reproduce?
cite this *unzips dick*
I'd need to see more before I decide. So far the only vocal robots have been monk-bots and genocidal robot factories. I need to see bots like the ones in the rally who aren't super enlightened or kill bots, just a normal bot
No woman can resist the BOC.
And those are the people who have removed themselves from the genepool
And that bitch shall die, too.
why the fuck do you even care about some meatbag whore when you could be having hot vibrating robo puss?
Yeah probably, just dudes who understand they nut and want nothing else, robots can fulfill any fantasy for a man but women are going to be so frustrated when superior robo-pussy takes over
They need whatever we want them to need
Put the Nazi Keule away, liberal cuck.
>that feeling when your wife of 10 years leaves you after getting dicked down by a BBC model robot
>tfw when she tells you that he gives her more sexual pleasure 3 times a day than you ever have and has a better personality as well
>not getting your robot waifu the artificial womb upgrade
I don't think virginity counts
>that feeling when she can't pass on her genes and when she dies her genetic material become ashes and dust
Feels good man
>fantasizing about getting cucked by a robot
>not fantasizing about leaving your wife for a hot new bot
There is something wrong with your mind, you are literally defective.
t. x.l14 alberto beepbopsa v. 5
I lost friends, family and their previous livelihood thanks to niggers, but I'm still considered racist.
>Implying there isn't a firmware for that
>Implying the robot can't just fill up his loads at the spermbank
Their emotions are preprogrammed and any machine that cannot choose for itself what is right or wrong shouldn't be given civil liberties.
If it's super easy to break a women into doing what you want, imagine a robot.
I'm not quite 100% on Junkrats backstory, but doesn't he have some big secret of the Omnics he scavenged from a scrapped body in Australia? He's too dumb/unhinged to understand it himself, but it sounds like he alone could accidentally trigger some catastrophic in the Overwatch world.
Would you trust the new omnic couple who just moved in next door?
Tibetans rarely get asked permission. They're always outraged, but it's taken for granted.
Omnics only gained their sentience AFTER their "destroy all humans" code was wiped. The fear mongering line "Omnics are programmed to kill us all" is FALSE
Nah, he knows what it is and is looking for a buyer. Only a few actually knows what he has, but many know he has something valuable and want it. Hence Junkrat hiring Roadhog as protection
I'd bake them some cookies
Sounds like a nintendo-esque excuse to have a bunch of robots to kill as opposed to living things.
Probably some sort of super self-improving multi-platform virus created by the crazy "God-AI" that caused the majority of the Omnic Crisis
From the Overwatch Wiki
>A God Program is an A.I. capable of taking over Omnics and other machinery. They typically have malicious intent, and will kill humans, corrupt infrastructure, and launch military strikes.
What the idiot of this thread always forgets is the Omnic War is a lot like our wars, a couple of brass AIs ruling over lesser human-level AIs, with the pawns not knowing the bigger picture
You mean BMC
Can Omnics eat?
They would throw them out. They are not for your cookies.
Zarya is worst girl
they can only eat pussies
Of course not.
The average generic Omnic like the London Omnics or even Zenyatta don't have the processing power or resources necessary to build the giant ass robots that we see now in the current 2nd Omnic Crisis.
The conflict in Russia, where Zarya is involved, is most likely a God-AI
The not-Kaiju robots that D.Va and her mech squad fights are probably made by a God-AI in an underwater facility off the coast of Korea
Its confirmed that the thing people are fighting over in Temple of Anubis is an Egyptian God-AI made by Cairo-based corporations before the Omnic War
Omnics are not for killing. I want Mexican gangsters to leave this thread
Since I saw that cinematic that I wondered, If they knew that he was at risk of being "killed" why didn't they just made some memory backups?
The Pharah comic like that guy was referencing in the first place...
To save you time: Pharah's team goes to check out a disturbance. It turns out a virus is infecting the Omnics there. There is an Omnic on her team who gets infected. Feeling himself losing control, he warns the team that the enemy force is closing in and then shoots himself in the head to stop himself from turning against them.
Why not just stick it on google drive or icloud?
I want to see Omnic Sup Forums freaking out over god AIs secretly controlling the world