Skyrim and Morrowind's race models don't bother me, but why are Oblivion's so damn ugly?
I wonder what the TES races will look like in the next game.
Skyrim and Morrowind's race models don't bother me, but why are Oblivion's so damn ugly?
It's very impressive that every iteration is another flavour of horrible. Bethesda should probably just fire all their character artists.
Any oblivion fag can tell me how is it even possible to prefer oblivion over skyrim ? I played oblivion 20 hours so far and I don't see a single angle where you could give oblivion the upper hand.
The game is objectively worse in every single way
>Any oblivion fag can tell me how is it even possible to prefer oblivion over skyrim ?
The quests are much, much better. Literally everything else is worse though.
Because in Oblivion it's like you're looking at them through a wide angle lens.
Oblivion may be the ugliest game ever made.
Beast races looked goofy as fuck in Morrowind
>Any oblivion fag can tell me how is it even possible to prefer oblivion over skyrim ? I played oblivion 20 hours so far and I don't see a single angle where you could give oblivion the upper hand.
Zelda cycle
Oblivion was fucking lambasted left and right when it was the newest game. Now that Skyrim came out, it's totally amazing and always was great.
It was fucking impossible to talk about Oblivion on Sup Forums pre-2011 without getting shit on, it would be like trying to make a Borderlands thread today. I liked it at the time and really hated that I could never discuss it.
It's really weird but I remember that at the time when it came out nobody had any criticism on the downs-syndrome potato people, while in hindsight it is truly horrible. Also Skyrim looked good compared to oblivion but it's still amateur hour compared to any other game that came out at the same time.
I'm sure there are uglier.
Quests aren't all just some variation of "Go to this waypoint and kill all the drauger/bandits in the cave"
>vanilla oblivion character models
You're right, Eso's races are even uglier than Oblivion's. Just when you thought it couldn't get worse than that,
Wow all of those are fucking hideous except for the Orc, but the Orc looks like it's out of LOTR.
Green orcs are best orcs.
>that khajiit
character overhaul 2
>calling those vanilla, purposefully obfuscating the discussion for no reason
I liked the customization of ESO (especially the Argonians), but I agree, a lot of the models were super ugly (all fuggo tribal tattoos...i thought those died in the 90's...blegh)
Being able to adjust your height was cool, since ES doesn't have any "dwarf" races there isn't too much disparity between the races.
What? The khajiit is the best-looking one. I installed that mod just because of how sexy it made them.
>not understanding green text in 2016
Better than Skyrim specifically?
Greater depth, better quests, more diverse world. That about sums it up.
What is the best morrowind race and why is it breton?
how is oblivion more diverse top kek. most non-diverse world ive played in a long time. no greater depth either no idea what youre talking about
Geez when you look at them all at once it's so obvious how fucking hideous the characters from like every bethesda game are. But every time a new one comes out we just compare it to the old one and go "Wow look how much better this new generation of characters looks!" (except maybe the Morrowind -> Oblivion transition)
and the only reason why i dont argue about quest is because of my mere 20h of play because so far, the quests are also worse
I loved how they looked. They actually look like beasts.
because they played oblivion when they were 14
>not even an actual race, just a failed altmer science experiment
>physically weak
>when they racemix with nords they turn into savages who wear stinking animal skins and attack you with sharp sticks
The entire world isnt just snow.
half of skyrim isnt snow. more if you include dlc
This, it might have better technical graphical fidelity, but Skyrim is just a boring samey field with some trees scattered around, obviously cashing in on the popularity of Lord of the Rings.
Compare it to the steaming jungles of Cyrodiil, or the epic sprawl of the Imperial City with its enormous bridges, so huge they actually have small cities built into them. It's unique touches like those which make Oblivion much more interesting to look at. Art direction goes a long way, which is why it was so heartwarming to see Bethesda actually take risks like they did with Morrowind and not just make Oblivion into a safe but boring Ye Olde Genericke Fantasie Kingdomme
>Skyrim just snow
Your memes are failing you.
That's what I thought it was going to be initially but nah it wasn't. There's a good amount of varity depending on what part of Skyrim you go to.