Can someone please explain how Gone Home got such critical acclaim?

Can someone please explain how Gone Home got such critical acclaim?

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It had the SJW focus that girls on tumblr like while also not being an actual game that requires engaging the player. As a result, all the girl gamers on tumblr were able to fully experience it and praise it.

because people who want games to 'grow up' shilled it to 10/10

Perfect timing and choice of subject matter. Gone Home came at the height of the moral crisis of gaming journalism: following not long after the Anita shitstorm, when the gap between gaming journalists and players became more and more obvious, and when presumably, a lot of the gaming journals had a sort of moral crisis: seeing the vitriol and the "reactionary" attitude of core gamers, many of the journalists who mostly recruited themselves from the young, "liberal" left-wing oriented social classes felt like their entire industry and job is being "morally compromised".

Cue Gone Home, a game that embodied their own desperate need for self-validation, and the fundamental value rift between the young journalist and the core gamers. A game that rejected "abelist" and elitist notions of games being primarily tests of skills, a game that focused entirely on social inequality and identity-war, a game that allowed them to combine their job - game journalism - with their moral and social sensibilities - socially progressive left wing beliefs.

They needed something that they could point at and say: "See, games aren't just a stupid murderfests played by bigots and assholes!". Gone Home served that purpose.

Several aspect:
- in same matter as FEZ, because it was hyped as indie game
- heavily promoted by sjws
- muh new approach in video games, which is blatant advertisement. The game hardly qualifies as a game.

People liked it.

here's the most simple explanation

and the right one

Those aren't people, they're liberals.

Just PC master race in action.

Should have went with #blm 2k16 instead of gone sjw

I hate just throwing SJWs and liberals around as an argument, but in this case it's 100% true

It's "pick shit up and get force fed exposition" the game

Because reviewers were friends of the developer.

That game can be done in a few seconds just by finding a key.

I just don't understand what is so revolutionary about the story that the reviews gave it.

Picking up shit and getting clues about a greater story has been done before and done better. I was reminded of the Vault 11 story in New Vegas as being more interesting.

The story of X likes Y, but then they can't be together because of Z. Then Y ignores Z to be with X has been done forever. They just added gayness and somehow reviewers seemed to think it's the Iliad

Even the 90s ascetic wasn't anything special. It could have taken place in the 80s with the exception of Nintendo cartridges.

I'm just glad I never ended up wasting money on PC getting it.

Yeah, it was a pure product of it's (really shitty) time. Nobody would have batted an eye at it was it released two years sooner, or two years later, but they really hit the absolute best possible timing with it.

Does not account of the positive reception it got from huge variety of sources.

That is hardly the main problem of the game. The fact that the story is actually pretty awful and the narrative direction is completely catastrophic should be considered much more relevant problems in this case.

The thing that really bothers me about the popularity of Gone Home is not so much it's association with certain political ideologies, or the lack of any complexity in problem-solving: the real problem of the game is that it's actually not a very competent pieces of storytelling. The story isn't very good and the way it tells it is actually abysmal. And it fucking pisses me off to no end that this game got heralded as a "Masterpiece of storytelling", coming out seven years after Pathologic and four after The Void, completely eclipsing so many games that actually did storytelling so much better.

That type of Bram Stoker type of storytelling was used in Resident Evil.
You run around that house and pick up voiceclips, reports and diary entries to find out what happened to the place.

All of that much more interesting than a gay teenager.

It's a two hour experience. So by default it's one of the few games that mainstream reviewers actually finish before reviewing. Not only that but it is focused on story which is predominantly what mainstream critics focus on. Alongside this is the fact that the story is easy to grasp and non-confrontational. Basically it's about a family fallout, and doesn't evolve beyond that, and the story content is more or less preaching to the choir. It's not controversial anywhere but here and stormfront to say "gays should be treated like people and allowed to love who they wish".

So it's a huge combination of pandering to the right crowd at the right time. Undertale had a lot of that too by coming out while the Earthbound anvil was hot and the tumblr crowd were expanding into vidya.

Gone Home is likely forgotten by most of the critics that praised it by now, because these games often tend to be flavor of the year. They hit the right crowd at the right time. Every medium has these things.

>I just don't understand what is so revolutionary about the story that the reviews gave it.
Nothing. In fact, it's quite awful. But I don't think that mattered at all at the time it was released. Again: it was a symbol of a philosophical "earthquake" happening in the industry. The game itself was irrelevant: praising the game was an act of political allegiance, a statement rather than a review.

>advertise on so called 'open minded' people
>shitpost on a chinese picture board
>picture board goes apeshit
>creates more advertisement
>people buy it in spite of shitposts
>more articles are posted due to imaginary harassment
You can honestly blame Sup Forums for it's success.

People who want video games to become a serious art form want to dumb down games to be easier and Gone Home is a by product of that. Easy to see why SJWs love it so much.


I also wonder how did "Her Story" get critical acclaim?