>Sup Forums hates pixelshit, poorly made, buggy, unoptimised indie games
>Sup Forums loves Hotline Miami which is all of that
Sup Forums hates pixelshit, poorly made, buggy, unoptimised indie games
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Why do you think Hotline Miami is poorly made, buggy, and unoptimised, user?
and you like stupid anime crap
Wallbutt is my fetish.
user, I just want you to know that I don't like you and I really hope you have a bad day today.
is there a tag for this, think I'll fap to some girls stuck in walls
Because I've played it.
It's by far the lowest quality game I've played discounting anything on Kongregate's "Newest" page.
dude awoo lmao
I want to impregnate Momiji
I've played it too, user. I mean do you have any actual reason why? Was there anything you specifically didn't like about it?
I guess I know what I'll be doing tonight.
How did she get stuck in there?
Go back to your Atelier games, you weeaboo faggot
You can say it's poorly made if you want, opinions are opinions.
But how's it buggy? It's definitely not unoptimised because I've seen it run on toasters.
>pixel art is the same style that children use
>the biggest danger is enemies who are offscreen, even if you have the giraffe mask
>shit controls
>shit controls
Same way they get those little ships in the bottles.
Pixel art which rotates at least nowadays always has an extremely low quality:performance ratio.
Probably could run on a metaphorical toaster, but if properly made should almost run on a literal toaster.
What the fuck were they thinking with that Hospital level
Like I get if you want to make a level that plays differently for the sake of pacing but holy shit it was so awful
>it's a Sup Forums needs to be consistent in what it likes and hates episode
My total of Japanese game playing is about a minute of Final Fantasy while in a mountain cabin before I decided it was shit, plus a few in-browser games.
>tfw your favourite devs can give a level totally different mechanics and it's super fun
Idunno, user. I personally like pixel art, and didn't really have any problems with off-screen enemies through any of my playthroughs.
As for the controls, I actually felt they were really tight and responsive.
user, did you truly play Hotline Miami?
I won't be upset
Why do you dislike pixel art, user?
Yes, forget which one though, just tried it out for a bit on a friend's laptop.
And I don't mean unresponsive controls, I mean that anything other than walking or shooting didn't feel like it controlled quite right.
Hotline Miami isn't pixel art.
It's conventional sprites that are blocky.
Sup Forums dislikes low effort garbled pixel art. This is most shit. Cave Story still looks good. Terraria never looked good. The difference is very subtle but it makes the world of difference.
Own a ps4 but I'm going to buy a laptop so i can play FTL and Age of Empires HD. Any other recommendations besides these?
>people are actually falling for this bait
>obvious eye-catching picture
>baity topic that's guaranteed to get responses
C'mon guys this shit should be easy to spot, OP is probably just sitting back now watching the shitfest unfold
Well damn, user. Does this mean we can't be friends anymore.
Dunno which consoles Ring Runner works on, but I do know that it was made so that you could fly certain ships with two controllers so you and your girlfriend can play!
But what about the child?
Totally sincere.
user, don't be silly, you know I'll always be friends with the child.
>the game is not as efficient with its resources as it could possibly be, this means it's unoptimized!
Yeah okay pal, do you only play games like this ? en.wikipedia.org
I agree with him, though. It looks like a flash game, the controls are... passable but certainly not praiseworthy, and the only appeal I can see it having is to people ho are edgemasters deluxe who like the "lol ur doin contracts with drugs or whatever kill them all and everyone has ugly faces" stuff.
>Terraria never looked good.
I'm sorry, what? Can you say that again? I can't hear very well.
tou bout to get fucked
I do have a soft spot for things which are extremely efficient :3c
Not him but he's actually right, although he was probably mindlessly baiting there's truth to it since terraria barely has any sort of technique in its shading, and a lot of its textures lack shape. The palette and style overall is OK, though.
>I played a bit of a game, it looks dumb and I get killed
>why do people like this game?
That's how retarded you sound, actually play the game next time and don't make shitty threads
Poorly made is not the same as made by poor people.
i wanna fuck momiji
I mean, as long as you don't use a controller, the controls are actually fine
That's probably the most detailed, original-looking enemy in the game, and it looks alright. Just alright.
Terraria has pretty barebones levels of design and art direction.
>get to end of game
>tells me to go to theprodukkt.com
>become hungry
It's true, back in the alpha stages they said the sprite art in Terraria were place holders. The game is almost complete and they are still using the old art.
I want to spank that butt until it's bright red and then cover it with my cum
How could a cute, innocent wolf girl make you horny user?
>>Sup Forums loves Hotline Miami which is all of that
It's because Hotline Miami is a game loved by furries. Sup Forums is chock full o' fur
How did that stereotype occur?
I've never seen a fellow furry praising the game.
>momiji without those stupid trump hats
I almost forgot what it looked like
I say I want to impregnate her in every Momiji thread
I have always wondered, is it multiple people posting the same thing or one person posting the same thing?
>4 posts in a row about Momiji
At this rate the thread will be deleted.
>Sup Forums is one person
>loves Hotline Miami which is all of that
I don't, fuck off
I love Reisen!
I love Reisen buildings
I want to impregnate Momiji
i want to fuck momiji
>"I mean that anything other than walking or shooting didn't feel like it controlled quite right."
Did he had external controller plugged in the laptop? If so, the game was using settings for a controller instead of keyboard and mouse, you have to plug it off in order to fix it.
Also, go fuck yourself, Hotline Miami was great.
there are only 3 people on Sup Forums, you me and that guy who shitposts
[awoo's externally]
Sup Forums loves a good story in a video game and Hotline Miami is exactly that. If you can still speculate what happened in the game(s) that makes it a worthwhile title.
The game features a bunch of anonymous people in partial fursuits committing atrocities.
the player and other people wear animal masks at the shootings
Where is this from?
Since when masks are fursuits? Also Hotline Miami is canon to PAYDAY 2, so animal masks are a optional.
I want to do things with Momiji's butt
Someone just drew it and threw it on pixiv.
cocaine is one hell of a drug
>Since when masks are fursuits?
>people in partial fursuits
I miss that show so much. It's popular among furries as well for obvious reasons.
>partial fursuit
Yes, it's one part of the suit.
It's not like I'm agreeing with all your points, but I did encounter some annoying bugs even for a short while after release. Not sure what you mean by unoptimized, it runs on my shitty intel hd graphics (original) laptop just fine.
>it's a Sup Forums is one person episode
>rubber/latex halloween masks
>in any way related to fursuits
Fuck that guy
>please rape me
>Good, g-go away now
>people dressing up as anthropomorphic animals
>implying its not related to fursuits
>faggots reported the titties
your board is shit and gay
If you listen to the directors commentary he asks for people to cosplay McKenzie and send them pics for prizes.
Although i dont know a single furry who owns the dvd or even watched the whole series.
What got deleted?
Momiji would be the perfect wife
This is objective fact
It's almost like this is a blue board.
it was porn and the thread´s boring now when its gone.
It's the same strategy youtube shitters use because it's proven to be successful.
>Full body costume
>related to a mask
Next you're gonna tell me someone wearing doctor mouth cover is a actually a doctor.
That's a shame. Shitposting threads usually thrive a little longer with porn. Time to fuck off I guess.
who's this semen demon
My love is not a meme, please don't be rude!
>He can't see dead posts.
>this pose
It's doing it for me
>implying a highly detailed animal mask is at all the same
Even as the 3k hour fan, it kind of doesn't look good. It looks serviceable, and with time and effort you can make something that looks nice in-game but the actual quality of the visuals is lacking, and that's by-and-large simply because of the game's limitations.
what about animal in a mask?