How do I build background tiles? Also why is everything so small and the only option to zoom it zooms too much?
How do I build background tiles? Also why is everything so small and the only option to zoom it zooms too much?
>indie pixel shit
have item in hotbar, select it
to the left of screen is a box, hit front-switches to back, place item
What the hell is this game? Is it literally "Not Terraria we Swear!"
what was the game called again?
Planet Centauri
To place blocks at the front, use the box near the top left of your screenshot.
Change "Front" to "Back".
>i decided to browse on my phone and this is everyone else's problem
find a way to read filenames or fuck off
It's pretty but unfinished.
if you want to shill your game, at least made an effort
so Starbound 2?
>why is everything so small
they want the blind audience.
>the bird has insane detail
>everything else looks like crap
like i said before, Terraria is good because of the consistency in pixel art, among other things.
I don't really care about Terraria that much, but how have these guys not been sued yet?
The only thing that looks original in any of these pics is the fact that they decided to stick the fucking Sims plumbis or whatever the fuck in there.
I'd actually say a "Yes" to that. and I say that as a fan of planet centauri.
IF, and I mean IF they ever finish the game it should be good. But, yeah.... Early access and all that.
I do like the spritework though.
small....that's normal way games should look, but if your blind there is a X2 zoom option
Looked it up on steam, and yeah, they have some nice spritework.
Looks like what Starbound should have been.
Well, if this doesn't end up failing like Starbound.
never mind, that op pic is X2 zoom already
if you cant even handle that just stop gaming or sit normal distance from your monitor.
>so Starbound 2?
Does it have alien girls?
>if you cant even handle that just stop gaming or sit normal distance from your monitor.
You can also edit the config file to run at custom resolutions (but only fullscreen). If you want everything to be bigger on say, a 1920x1080 screen, then set the resolution to 1280x720.
>no alien girls
nevermind,i will stick to starbound