E3 in one day

>e3 in one day

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There's nothing to worry about. Sony won already.


sony will win but only because they'll reveal something everyone's waiting for

Don't warp yourself Squilliam

>another fucking dead rising game

>No NX
>No Neo
Scorpio will steal the show.

inb4 scorpio isnt even shown

Lost Odyssey 2 when?

>Another fucking DMC game

I like how a lot of these are garbage but some are actually drawn really well.

30 hours, 22 minutes.

Because its the best series Capcom has made in over ten years?

Oh I thought it wasn't til tuesday

Like every year since 2014.

>more useless manufactured hype for pre-rendered CG trailers to games of which we've seen no actual gameplay

>more console war shitposting from kids whose lives are so pathetic and lonely that they become emotionally invested in the financial success of the corporation which made their favorite toy

>more sensationalist bullshit news articles about all gamers being sexist because of what some anonymous retard typed on the internet

Why do we need another though?
Literally the only thing to do in Dead Rising is kill zombies.

The earliest live conference is tomorrow, although it's EA's and it's not even affiliated with the E3.

What does it mean?!

>they'll reveal something everyone's waiting for
Yes, Crash Bandicoot in Skylanders.

Game OONN fellow gamer

>no internet in my house
>phone has 2 GB of data left
Y-yea I'm pretty hyped...

Master Hand/Crazy Hand is the best one here.

The cries of butthurt of PCfags.

>EA's embarrassing presentation is the first

go to mcdonalds then dumb nigga

>More jaded posts like that I can laugh to every year
I love it.

>look mommy, I looked behind the curtain! Am I disillusioned yet?
Just ignore the bullshit and enjoy the ride, there's always a handful of interesting announcement.

Why do you need any new game? Its just doing something again that has already been done.

Also, last year was the worst collab.

>tfw maccas wifi in australia cant even fucking load facebook

You are the Scorpio, no?

None of those things are behind a curtain.

They're the things that Sup Forums is filled with every E3.

Also, apparently Nintendo will show up at the Doritos Pope stream for 30 minutes on monday.

>Implying E3 isn't the best time of year for PCfags

Sup Forums only cares about sony thp


>more console war shitposting from kids whose lives are so pathetic and lonely that they become emotionally invested in the financial sucess of the corporation which made their favorite toy
Holy shit, this. Fanboys lives are so sad.

>Tfw Red Orchestra 3 won't be at E3 this year
>Tfw they won't reveal an ACTUAL Far Cry game this year
>Tfw they MIGHT reveal a new Metro game

What's "behind the curtain" aren't the things themselves, but the reality behind them.
For example your "insightful" tirade is actually something that 99% of the people has already figured out since forever and learned to see past.

It's like looking at people who enjoy christmas and mumbling "heh, stupid sheeple... I bet they haven't figured out that Santa doesn't exist and this holiday has just become an excuse to enforce consumerism"

What an arousing way to die.

Post expectations

Can someone explain what squidward having a heart attack has to do with E3?


Spoil that shit, not everyone knows about Santa

Post yer cards.


Your new is showing

Man Summer came early this year

Lurk more. No really, it's days people ask the same question.

This. There is no way in hell they would've "won" last year had they not had a kickstarter, a remake, and a game that been in development for 6 years


i have zero hype for anything, can't tell if videogames are terrible now or if im finally losing interest

They will sure reveal something. Too bad it won't release for 10 years and a few cancellations.

E3 is like war. No one wins, the whole thing is a giant shitfling. If anyone is a winner, it is the people that watch it only to laugh at everything and only take interest in the good things that come out of it.

No one watches Microsoft hoping for good games.
No one watches EA hoping for a good announcement.
No one watches Sony and hopes for a game to come out in the next 5 years.
No one watches Nintendo to get excited about MarioSuperFunFriend16: NX Edition.

E3 is just funny watching them try to get people excited.

Nothing I wrote was meant to be insightful, and I didn't think I was the only one who knew about it.

I was just complaining about it.

Not everyone who complains about a thing is a fedora-wearing "I'm so much smarter than everyone else" piece of shit. Maybe you're projecting.

Same mang

The vidya industry has just been repeating itself for the past 6 years, and introducing more anti-consumer features
>always online

But then again, it can't get any worse at this point, r-right?

Video games are definitely terrible now. The old games are still good and there are plenty of nice indie/niche titles coming out soon, but e3 and the AAA-industry are both 101% trash.

>have to work on monday during the conferences

What the fuck are you faggots talking about?

On their site it says e3 starts at June 14th and ends on the 16th.

So why would it start on the 12th?

Here comes the retard


>midterm exams next week

>he hasn't dropped out yet

>finals next week

there are a couple vr games coming, looking pretty tight although Pool Nation VR has fucking takin me if you don't have it yet fucking buy it! Also Raw Data out soon, they are demoing it at e3

who VR chosenrace here?

but shitposting and laughing at people overreact to things is fun

>why do we need another shooter game
>why do we need another fighting game
>why do we need another racing game

this is you rn

I have too much debt to stop now, I'm halfway through

There won't be Soul Calibur 6.

Even if SC6 is shown, it'll never live up to expectations.

Why live

Mankind Divided looked so underwhelming
>check it out you crouch around shooting people with a silenced pistol (wow, whoa)
>you can shoot blades at people, this is the same thing as the gun lol
>you can stun people. okay. gas grenades. okay.
Looked like an expansion pack, not a new game.

The calm before the storm...

its getting worse, companies are greedier then ever

template pls


Take a drink every time you hear "virtual reality"

*user not responsible for you well-being

hopes: decent games with actual gameplay footage

expectations: overhyped shit, social media integration, gimmicks, pandering to casuals and SJW, dank memes, urge to commit soduku increasing


Ubisoft's time is fucked. Go fix it yourself.

Good job, user who put this together.

>Implying I care about Ubisoft

Yeah, but I don't want to miss another #girlwood.

What's wrong with it?

tourists in Iceland.jpg

AAAAAGH why do I always miss these threads
when did this even happen? today? yesterday?

who /onvacationandnotgivingashitaboute3/ here?

isn't E3 in more than a couple days from now? 14 June right?

The overall quality of the squillams and the background being edited by a clearly less experienced user.

everytime it gets asked people just say lurk more

in short
>why do we need a new game

Shut up nigger, VR is doing so well it's sold out everywhere and the line is literally 2 months long.

The edits were being made for a week. Yesterday a kind user decided to collect them all and do the thing.

thx ma888

>mfw console babbies will never EVER get grim dawn

keep trying to deny it, you'll have to keep it up for many years xD


I feel bad for you guys, you haven't the slightest fucking idea lol


>A non-""""""Inafune game"""""" Dead Rising
Maybe it'll be good and the story won't be complete ass.

The VR fanbase, ladies and gentleman.

Wait square already had a presser?

>Because its the best series Capcom has made in over ten years?
Yeah if you don't count DR3

>No native 4k resolution

Was it made by a consolecuck?

>no reggie
>no andrew house
Almost there