Traveling to Numbani

Traveling to Numbani

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Capture the designated street

*yeah yeah*
*hummmm hummm*

Now entering the Temple of Anubis
>prepare to Attack



Also, why does no-one realize attackers can take the left outer route to capture point A? No-one ever bothers defending it and no-one uses it to attack. Every time I get my team to take the outer route we steamroll and cap point A within the first minute.

>traveling to Volskaya Industries

holy kek


Thats kinda beautiful

>africa is the most advanced and futuristic place in the future

Sup Forums and Sup Forums completely btfo

Traveling to Poo nani





Isn't Numbani supposed to be in Africa

What am I looking at here? :0 A reflection?


fuck off back to r_eddit

Numbani is just like Dubai. It's pretty and extravagant for tourists but everything around it is a shithole. Not to mention it's probably one of the most expensive places in the world to live in

and people say the japanese aren't funny

>Pick Tracer
>Blink into two entrances instead of the regular path
Only the final capture is difficult.

>Numbani in OW
>Wakandi in Marvel Universe
>New Mombasa in Halo universe

why do they always make up new locations in future-africa to make it seem "Super advanced"

why not just say "Hey guys Johannesburg got less shitty"

I guess the inner section of the propeller rotates at rate on par with the camera's capture rate and are out of phase with each other, creating an illusion that the inner part of the blade doesn't exist.

>African shithole is now a futuristic metropolis

Oh I am laffin

Because it's tons of uncultivated and free land, unlike most other places in the world which have become completely urbanized by the future.
Also because Dubai exists

It doesn't take as much as you think to turn a city in your shit country into a nice place, at least visually. Look at Dubai.

That's the same idea, I think, except for in Halo where nigland is somehow the fucking center of human culture.

Dubai would be a shitty map

>Pick Junkrat on Numbani
>"This place is garbage! It's full of niggers!"

Holy shit, Blizzard.

For real. Chance are the place will still be a backwards hellhole even in a future not some utopia.

Most of that was from the Space Elevator, which would naturally generate that kind of city, I'd say in the same way Dubai and oil work.

>All the maps are IRL places but slightly more advanced
>Africa is so shit they have to create a fictional nation to make it seem believable

Imagine if the world united under some mega government and they not only pumped money into Africa but also sent people there who actually knew what to do with it.

Doesn't make sense if it's supposed to be some natural growth of Africa though.

I really like the Mel Gibson references they made

But a functioning space elevator would almost certainly have to be placed in the middle of the ocean.

>Pick Torbjorn here
>"This place is trash! It's full of fucking factory monkeys!"

In the lore Numbani is a city being built by Omnics and Humans working together trying to create a first world Africa. It's basically the nicest place on the entire continent.

if you cant get the capture of B by rushing straight from A before they can dig in you might as well search for a new game. Only perfectly coordinated ulties might get you in and even then the spawnpoint of them is retardedly close

That's beautiful.

It's an optical illusion caused by how the camera captures images, it scans the viewfinder downwards or upwards whatever afaik so considering how fast the blade is it warps when it is recorded. There is that dog image that has the same effect.

you're beautiful


Fuck off underage

Just played a game on Numbani with this team comp back-to-back, offense and defense.

Won both times. People just can't deal with 25 bombs every 3 seconds.

Can't actually think right off the bat what counters Junkrat that isn't McCree. 76? Hanzo? Widowmaker?

Would you fuck a robot? I am not a robot, I am asking for a friend.



Like, 5 phara 1 mercy. Or the air combat team, 3 pharah 3 mercy, you could never hit'em.

For the record, their team had two Pharahs. We still won.

They were bad.

I am a robot, I am here to take American jobs

Well, then they were pretty bad. And why not 6 Pharas then.


Reminds me of that Destiny lightshow.

Beats me. You can't counter gimmicks with good team comp unless you are actually playing well.

The only way to properly counter gimmicks is with more gimmicks.

It's not a stretch to picture China moving in and building brand new cities. They're preparing the place for expansion already.

>The only way to properly counter gimmicks is with more gimmicks.
>tfw had a match like this

Team gimmick vs team gimmick, both teams consistently switched gimmicks to counter the current gimmick

Pretty much this.

why don't defenders just roll with 6 mei and constantly block off all spawn exits?


this game is ripe with bad/frustrating game design. kinda disappointed with blizzard in this regard



>defending team mindlessly shoots at any attackers, is winning
>attackers coordinate ults and push in to win
>take out the enemy team
>shitfaced mercy afk in the spawn rushes in like a retard and presses q

Except it isn't.

Even if you're on a map where there's few enough exits to permanently block off with the cooldowns, if you shoot the walls enough they break early.

Even on a map with only one exit, a 6 person team can smash through 6 walls faster than the mei team can get them off cooldown.

fuck off globalist blue-pilled wannabe-Sup Forumsfag

what if you're playing on pub and the other team is completely retarded?

>want to play
>playing alone fucking sucks
>need to wait for my buddy everytime

why even bother uploading such a terrible fucking resolution
you cant see anything
why did you share this
fuck you

They'll eventually get frustrated enough to shoot the wall and find out it breaks if you shoot it, and then they'll break out.

I imagine Zarya could have done some good.
> Shields up as high damage bombs fly in
> Instant death laser

but you can find 5 people randomly

What counters 6 turrets in Hollywood defense?

Pharah annihilates Junkrat. He literally can't do anything to her.

anyone wants to play some games now?

6 Junkrats, all unleashing RIP-tires at the same time to take one down each

A coordinated team attacking from multiple angles.

an australian bomber


>literally can't do anything

That's just a bad attitude famalam. As long as Trashmouse gets one direct grenade hit, he can throw and detonate a mine on Pharah ezpz

>Even on a map with only one exit, a 6 person team can smash through 6 walls faster than the mei team can get them off cooldown.


Pharas have to come down, too, you know.

Dva counters them well in my opinion, Junkrats are easy as fuck to kill though not sure why so many people have trouble with them.

All junkrat has to do is bait out defense matrix and then throw a concussion mine when it runs out to put some space between you.

D.Va's now a free kill.

Seriously? Concussion is only 120 point blank and doesn't crit. Well great, you did about 100 damage to her, good job.


The point of the concussion is to put distance between you and D.Va because she has less effective range than Reinhardt.

She can't do anything to you when you're 5 meter away.

>be Junkrat
>a D.Va boosts up to me
>throw mine in her face and detonate
>we're both sent flying back
>spam grenades at her, she runs at me with defense matrix up
>boosts at me again
>throw trap and back off
>she gets stuck in the trap
>bomb her meka with grenades while still backing away
>meka dead
>throw mine again, detonate
>D.Va dead
I think we were both not great players, I killed Junkrats as D.Va, but also vice versa.

why not lose to hard bots while waiting on them?

You mean

>defending team is nailing your ass and winning
>attackers mindlessly spam supers
>kill a few guys
>try to push in
>they forgot about the mercy who puts up a perfectly timed super and wins them the game

I get the feeling you were on the attacking team user.

>Welcome to Garibaldi

So whats the best way to get rid of Torbjörn turrets?
Just pick Genji and run up to it and reflect every time someone puts up a turret?
Pick Junkrat and try to find an angle where it hits the turret without hitting you?

I mostly play Pharah and that thing instagibs me as soon as I'm in its view. Its way too fast and accurate


get better at wall peeking it

If you have a team, it can only shoot one person at a time. Also reinhart has a shield that you can shoot from behind.

If you are Pharah you shouldn't have a problem desu, you are one of the heroes that can actually deal with it with little problems. Just shoot it from afar.

Otherwise just snipe it, Hanzo eats it in 3 arrows.

underappreciated post

>friendly Mercy gets all the votes at end of match
>when I play Mercy I get none

What is the secret here?

Being good. Also sending other players whispers.

Learn to deepthroat