Probably a massive re-post but.....
Gawker Media has filed for bankruptcy
GG no re
Probably a massive re-post but.....
Gawker Media has filed for bankruptcy
GG no re
Yeah, we had this all day yesterday while you were in summer school.
Fuck off, it isn't video games.
inb4 500 posts
You know that slowtaku threads have been a thing on Sup Forums since 2007 right?
I already knew but it still makes me smile to think of it.
Find the part where they are reporting on something stupid that is video game related and I'll accept this threads existence.
This is shit
it's actually Sup Forums
it's actually /lgbt/
Posting before mods delete this
I want gawker employees to leave.
There's always one of you in every thread
Why's her face melting?
>Kotaku is not videogames
It wasn't even that long ago we had slowtaku threads you faggot. Take your shitposting to /s4s/
They arnt going anywhere.
GG GamerGate your childish crusade did nothing.
I want to post more Hilda because she's the best
LoL at the reeeeeeeeeeeeeee style rage.
This is absolutely video game related, and you know exactly why. Fag.
They couldn't survive Hulkamania
Funny thing, if Kotaku goes down GG still did nothing, since Hulk Hogan doesn't know about GG.
>hulk Hogan is a cunt
>nick Denton is also a cunt
>no matter who one, I was going to enjoy them losing money
Me gusta
I like Hogan :(
How does going bankrupt by invading someones privacy and getting fucked on court relates to GG?
Was hulk hogan part of GG and i never knew?
Hogan is a cunt m8, look in to his time with WWF/E, dudes a legitimate cunt
>Liking hogan
> :(
Kill yourself
Right after Hulk left the nWo
It s sad we cant have threads like this anymore
>He thinks Hulk Hogan is GamerGate
Are you tumblrina fags capable of contemplating a world where not everything is caused by GG?
I wonder if Peter Thiel will be Hogan's escort if he comes back to WWE.
>newfag wasn't around when secondary topics were defined
ITT: Kids don't know what chapter 11 means.
One is a real American.
The other is not
>thread about game journalism site going bankrupt isn't related to video game culture
libcucks are M A D
Hogan is the messiah you insignificant speck of feculent scum!
>linking to kotaku
>unironically spouting anti-gamergate nonsense
can you stop, whether you're baiting or not, it's really silly
>Jezebel has defined modern feminist thinking. Jalopnik and Kotaku are among the web’s leading sources for news and reviews of cars and video games
Top kek
No, Hogan and Peter Thiel are doing it for their own reasons which aren't DIRECTLY related to GG.
We however, don't care why they are doing it sa long as the common enemy dies.
what are we supposed to do in threads like this? spam with hogan doing his retarded victory dance gifs? suck our e-penis?
The point is that you GGers are cheering for this like kotaku is going away. But guess what? They arnt going anywhere.
You guys got BTFO.
There are really still anti-GGs on v?
Its over.
You lost.
Go shit up co or tg some more
I dont mind kotaku its buzzfeed and those shitty sites is why gawker has to die
>posting a happy Hogan
You realise this means Hulk Hogan loses too right? Them filing bankruptcy means they don't have to pay him - their debt in the judgment will be discharged, because it's not a secured debt.
It's lose-lose for both parites, which I love since both sides are evil - Gawker goes down in flames and has to sell itself, but it files bankruptcy to make sure Hulk Hogan doesn't get a fucking dime at least.
>We will continue to try to put the best possible gaming site out there
I didn't know Kotaku did comedy articles.
Mourn the loss of a trustworthy news source dedicated to Gamers.
He'll never get back, I imagine he'll eventually buy in to TNA
I'm and I couldn't care less about a site I never visit.
If it's going away, good for GGers, if it's not good for SJWs
Discuss the topic at hand, just like any other thread. The problem is that assmad cucks shitpost and derail these threads constantly.
So is Kotaku pretending that all of their writers living off Patreon accounts is going to keep the site alive?
>Me gusta
Go back to 9gag you fucking faggot
GG did something. idiot
>trustworthy news source dedicated to Gamers.
Oh, you where baiting.
because I replied to your first post.
Gawker died, witch it's good, there's nothing to discuss there tho.
>Them filing bankruptcy means they don't have to pay him
1. Hulkster is the prime creditor, he gets first dibs on all money sold by the Chapter 11
2. I don't think he cares about the money, he and Peter Thiel wants Gawker to burn
Yeah sure.
Hulkster is sooooo evil.
>Them filing bankruptcy
How is it even possible from Denton to wiggle out of this? Don't they still have to pay with all the money and assets they have
Lol at kotaku damage control....."surely nothing will happen to us, we aren't lying out of damage control, we will just have a new owner"
"But in any case the company won’t trade hands until Gawker either beats back Thiel and Hogan or it finishes a court-approved restructuring. Because no one wants to buy an ongoing lawsuit from Peter Thiel."
A court ordered payment is not the same as an unsecured debt. Trust me I'm a debt collector.
>there's nothing to discuss there tho.
Look at the rest of the thread, faggot. You lost the argument. Back the rebbit or neofag if this thread triggers you so much.
they're kids who don't understand shit about this.
let them be.
Are you retarded? you where the one bitching about this thread being full of shit.
and I've told you that there's nothing do discuss, that's why the thread is shit.
Never said that gawker going down triggers me.
>Defending tabloid journalism that ruins people lives
I can't see how people can defend this
>But muh free speech
Free speech doesn't mean free of consequences
If they did what GG wanted why are they still being attacked?
How ignorant can one person be?
It's a court ordered settlement not a credit card, it doesn't just go away.
SJWs still won though
Gamergate lost
get fuuuuuuuuucked LOL
>Are you retarded? you where the one bitching about this thread being full of shit.
No I wasn't. You have me confused with another user.
>and I've told you that there's nothing do discuss
And I told you to look at the rest of thread, retard.
>Gawker is thinking of suing Peter Thiel
Peter Thiel is a multi-billionaire, he doesn't give a shit about anything than forcing them into bankruptcy
Read up here:
Whatever happened to the guy who posted about Japanese games and stuff on Kotaku? I think he even lived in Japan too. It seems like Japanese stuff wouldn't have a place in modern Kotaku unless it's to depict it as sexist perversion.
Because Hulk Hogan isn't the cyber terrorist known as GamerGate.
Would any lawyer even do it for Pro Bono? Even after the embarrassing testimony by one of their ex-writers?
Because no mercy. Only bankruptcy.
So is Brooke still dating Stack$?
Won what? People being more aware of their phony PC ways? Good for them.
Did Powerpuff Girls do that Gamer Gator episode yet?
Watch out OP, the mods have been deleting and banning problematic threads about the gawker destruction
>le goober gabber boogey man
Nah, even they aren't that stupid.
t. goobergator
>sjws legitimately believe gamergate has anything to do with feminism
Because ethics in games journalism was really just a front for silencing SJWs and harassing women. You should know this by now.
All your sins are forgiven, notch. Pls come back to Sup Forums.