No cuphead thread

>no cuphead thread

Who do you guys think you are not talking about this game?

who cares

fancy mickey mouse visuals wont make a good game

Literally who.
There were so many cartoons they could have chosen, why did they go with one that no on ever heard of?

chromatic aberration to the max
so beautiful, just like God intended


do I need red/blue 3d glasses for this game?

Or what's the reason behind the CA?

>dat flower
Possible undertale reference?

Protip: When starting a thread about a specific game, it's best to ask a question to get the discussion going.

Was this exact thread up 5 minutes ago, with 70ish replies?
>something something boss rush
>something something platforming levels
>something something chromatic aberration
>something something pirate
>something something option to turn off chromatic aberration
>something something shilling


So do you guys think this will be awesome or SUPER awesome?