Who else /inlineforzelda/ here?

Who else /inlineforzelda/ here?

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You must be quite pathetic to still care about Zelda but again, I'm on Sup Forums

go get some sunlight you bleach tan looking nigger

Will it be a open casket?

I mean, you're going to Zelda's funeral, right?

Swore that said /onlinefedora/.
Have a sage, m'fag.

Is this a reddit thing? I also like their memes op.

Who's gonna die of heat stroke?

dyslexics one hell of a drug

>phone poster
>posts in public
>lines up for Zelda
>reddit tier cringe "who else /hugefuckingfaggot/" memer

Enjoy watching this shitty game, which will be released on a shitty console and a console that's going to be shitty.

There's a new Zelda game?

I had no idea about this, now I'm super jealous.

Do they allow cameras in the demo?

What the fuck is this shit? E3 doesn't start until Tuesday. You gonna stand in line for three fucking days?

Nintendo fans, gentleman

or you could just play it on emulator

My bad. I read "June 14" and thought it meant "June 14".

You have to make an appointment in advance


Nintendo can fuck off. They've fucked over fans, franchises, and themselves too many times for me to give a damn. They go out of their way to tell their fans they are wrong which is something I would expect from EA but not Nintendo from years ago.

That being said, enjoy your demo of an inferior version of a game that won't be out for another year.

Nyc store having the line outside the store where first dozens of people get a ticket or something to play the new zelda game during e3 week. When you get the ticket/thing, youll be assigned an appointment to play it. Heard the demos are 60 to 90 mins. Check google for other sources

Why would anyone want to go to E3, or e-sport tourneys, or GDQs? Unless you're directly involved with it in some way, and not just a spectator, why would you go?
Benefits to staying home:
>Comfy, can sit in bed or at your desk or whatever and get comfy
>Not noisy as fuck when everyone starts cheering or clapping; you can even mute for those parts
>Can control the temperature of your room, rather than be stuck in a room of shared body temperatures and body odor in close proximity
>You have a perfect way of viewing what goes on, because it's right on your computer screen rather than across the room on a projector screen
>You can eat, drink, smoke, get drunk off your ass and no one will stop you; see E3 snack thread
>Gotta piss? Go piss during a break and come back to your comfy, personal spot and your snacks; you're gone and back in a minute or two with no problems
>You get to be a part of the hype (and shitposting) in specific threads or stream chats
Benefits to going to E3/tourneys/GDQs:
>You get to experience the hype in person
>You get to be a part of the clapping brigades
>You may get to meet someone important to the event, MAYBE
>You can try out some demos at E3 if you're really excited for something or just want to get a first-hand first-look experience
>Free collectable and novelty stuff
It just isn't worth going to these events in person, the way I see it.

look a this retard, fuckin kill yourself fagget

Too busy tryin to cop the new Yeezys, priorities people

>in line

it doesn't even start until tuesday

>Being desperate enough to wait in line for 3+ hours to play a demo of a game whose series has gone to shit
I thought about it but then I remember all the autists. And the disgusting smell.

Don't know about the other two, but you go to tourneys to drown in pools then go play friendlies and hang out.

I might've if I thought the game might actually be good.

Nintendo seems pretty damn confident, given those 60-90 minute demo slots.

Quality >quantity

The demo is being forced to compensate for a complete failure to show up at E3

Considering all the delays it's probably an indecisive, unfinished mess.

>complete failure to show up at E3
It's not really a failure if it was never a goal in the first place. They've clearly got their sights set on getting a jump boost on the next generation next year, rather than trying to compete with other companies this year.

Their next gen console is going to be weak and centered on gimmicks. They won't be selling at a loss and they know not to sell a system for 500 dollars. It's going to be shit, get no third party support to help fill in their long ass drought sessions between worth while releases, and nobody is going to buy the thing because the company as a whole is a joke. Let Nintendo burn. They deserve it.

Holy shit, someone else actually went there and stood in line forever.

This demo better be orgasmic as fuck.

>Weak and centered on gimmicks

Oh hey, you just described console gaming.

Are you a girl?

Their next gen console is gonna be a high power handheld with the ability to stream to a television. This alone is a concept that fucking everybody is going to like. Plus the fact that you're right off the bat gonna be able to take a console Zelda on the go and it's very likely also going to get Monster Hunter in the future is enough to make the thing a sure-fire success.

Zelda has not been good since Link To The Past.

It has. Just inconsistently.

Their next gen console is gonna be a high power handheld with the ability to stream to a television.

Wii U 2.0?


When did LttPfags become the most insufferable part of the Zelda fanbase?

Nobody cares. People have smart phones.

The wii u was an average power console with the ability to stream to a controller.

This is the other way wround.

It's the Wii n.....x.

Smartphones don't have Nintendo properties or Platinum developing AA-AAA games for them or mainline Monster Hunter.

I was there within the first 30 ppl.

>Nintendo properties
Yeah they sure love using all those franchises they have huh. All three of them.

So theres this dumb looking faggot in line taking a picture of his wrist like if its something special.

>Smartphones don't have Nintendo properties

What good are they when a core Nintendo property hasn't seen a serious Game of the Year contender since Super Mario Galaxy

>Platinum developing AA-AAA games
They develop for other systems too

>mainline Monster Hunter.
Available on 3DS. NX is not needed

Are people actually lining up to play a demo? Zelda is fun and all, but it's not worth dying of heat stroke

It's a line for a ticket to play the demo next week.

If they still give even a small ounce of a fuck about Nintendo after all these years then yeah, since that's all Nintendo has to offer for the foreseeable future.

I don't think you understand.

The NX is both the Wii U's successor AND the 3DS successor. It's a fucking handheld console. You can play on TV and on the bus. They've both hit the end of their lives, and the console/handheld divisions were merged to make the NX.

Use your brain m8.

>game of the year contender
Since when has being goty actually mattered? I mean, it's nice to see something get recognition, but a good game is still a good game, and a lot of Nintendo games, and in general games on Nintendo systems are good games, even if they tend to have a policy of glaring flaws. Captain Toad, good game. Xenoblade X, good game. Wonderful 101, good game. Bayo 2+1, good game(s). DX:HR, good game, even if not an exclusive, although it was originally advertised as being developed primarily for the Wii U. Monster Hunter 3U, good game. Then there's the shit tonne of handheld games.

A fairly common sentiment is that a lot of Nintendo's console games might feel more at home on the go, like on mobiles or on 3DS, and that a lot of the handheld games might feel more at home on the big screen. I know that a not-small portion of the western Monster Hunter fanbase would love to see it on a stronger system with a bigger screen, and that's precisely what the NX will give them, while still offering the Japanese their portable experience.

are they doing any fan thing in los angeles?

>You can play on TV and on the bus

Although this is a neat idea, i hardly think that people will care. I don't think this will be groundbreaking or anything.

We will always remember what was, and what we hope for it to be again.

This. People aren't going to care that they can play Zelda on the bus. Hell, games like Zelda are sit at home and go on an adventure sort of thing. If this new Zelda is trying to take into account playing for five minutes on the bus? It's going to be simple, casual as fuck. So congrats Nintendo, now all your franchises will be shovelware.

post feet

>NX is both handheld and home console

Nah famalam, it isn't. NX is the home console while Nintendo has another console lined up for handheld.

They will just share the same architecture/OS. Think of it like the difference between an iPhone and iPad. Two totally separate hardware devices that share the same family of software and functionality, to a degree, as it will have some obvious differences due to variance of hardware and what they aim to do.

That ain't the way they've advertised it. NX is a "third pillar" that is neither console nor handheld. The only possible way to interpret that is that either they're making their own fucking PCs, phones, or they're making a goddamn hybrid.

Either that or there's gonna be the NX Home and NX Portable, and you can swap cartridges between them.

Sup Forums: The Post

Seriously, why do so many of you write like this (shitty this shitty that shit games shit that) You'd think Sup Forums was one person. Why don't you reply with a well-constructed response for a change?