Should I grab this shit at -33% or should I wait some more

Should I grab this shit at -33% or should I wait some more

Does it still suck - I don't see anyone talking about it anymore

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I've heard Alien hunters is a shit DLC that actually bogs down the game. I don't have it myself.

>does it still suck
It never sucked, it's a great game. What the fuck gave you the idea that it sucked?

After the hyped died down the consensus is that XCOM 1 is better

Wait for Shen.

You'd better hurry. You don't have much time.

I've never really heard that. XCOM 1 was good but it was also casualized.

yes the DLC is broken as fuck because they went ridiculously overboard with making the new alien bosses hard.

they completely ignore how the turn system works -- these aliens take a turn every time you make one action with a soldier on top of having 100+ HP

so for example, the Archon DLC boss uses his rocket move, and typically you have your full turn to move your units out of the way before it lands, but instead, as soon as you move one character, it's the Archons turn again so the pinions are guaranteed to hit all but one of your characters

What about overhaul mods like old Long war? I don't saw any project

That seems retarded tbqh.

Terror from the deep is the best one

However you will never see a faithful remake. The reboot is good even if its rng over actual projectiles.

Wait for the superior version that will come out for consoles.

it's not

it's like how they heard all the complaints about how the game is too easy late game so they decided to crank it to overdrive and put in some bosses that are just crazy

What the fuck. that's not even RNG fuckery at that point, its just a full fuck you to the player.

Did they ever fix the performance issues? and I dont mean I need constant 60 fps, I mean is it at least playable.

It is***

worst case, it'll be on sale again for the summer sale in less than two weeks

i feel like 40$ is still too much for this game, why do i feel like that?

Not as good as enemy unknown but if you like the series why not.

The game runs great now on my 660ti. I much prefer this title over the first nu-XCOM too, and that means something because I thought the first one was a great game.

What about Phoenix Point? We will look he at E3, maybe he turns to be a proper Xcom reboot

Vanilla is great, better than xcom eu/ew.
Dlc is garbage, the cosmetics just get in your way with punk rock spikes everywhere so you'll constantly have to tweak soldier costumes.
Alien Hunters is evil, though it might be good if you want a stupid challenge. As others have said the new bosses blatantly break the rules but I can see how having a challenging boss show up to ruin missions could be a good thing. Late game is way too easy.

they're not that bad
the Viper King and Berserker Queen are vulnerable to the Frost Grenade, it also works on the Archon guy but only for 1 turn making it near pointless to use and when they lose a good chuck of their HP they attempt to flee thru a portal and come back on a later mission without any HP restored so sooner or later you'll gib em.

basically dont trigger the DLC mission until you atleast have Mag weapons/first armour upgrade, you can kill the Viper King in the first mission easy the others will take atleast 2 or 3 attempts to bring down.

a specalist with Guardian is pretty nuts against them

Nah they already confirmed it will use the same action system as the Firaxis reboot.

Dont get me wrong, it might still be very good, it just wont have time units

Source, please?

i think the issue with the DLC is that it doesn't fix any late game issues at all

in fact it makes late game even easier because once you wreck these aliens you get even more OP weapons

Cant be arsed to start searching. You'll see it anyways when they release more information

Buy it the christmas sale earliest. I would personally wait for the full version, as it always is with Firaxis games

Because devs release with a shit ton of bugs and take years to fix them if they even bother to address them by which point you can get the GOTYAY edition with 50 DLC packs for $10

Casuals dropped it because its too hard for them
Many people dropped it because it ran like shit for a solid month or 2 after release
The rest dropped it because the Over-world is completely different from classic Xcom. Still a great change of pace from EU

It was one of the few recent games I felt justified a $60 tag, I really enjoyed it.

It did get too easy later on though. I haven't played it on the hardest mode yet but I can't help but imagine that just makes the beginning a drag then gets really easy lategame too just like in XCOM1 and EU.

My enjoyment of the base game was somewhere between Enemy Unknown and Enemy Within. The cosmetic DLC is jarring as fuck, the added bosses felt really out of place, and they kept talking over each other for the flavor dialog in the cave so I have no idea what the substory leading up to the third DLC is.

Essentially yeah, you get a wound/death on Gatecrasher and you might as well restart since the rookies just don't work with the starting gear.

The only ones who said that were retards who couldn't deal with mission timers.
XCOM 2 is an improvement in every way.

the only thing that can fuck you up in the first 2 missions is a sectoid deciding to mind control, even with full rookies after the first mission its doable as long as the prior doesnt happen


nothing else is left to be said

Is the game still terribly unoptimized or have they fixed it?

I can play Witcher 3 with everything on Ultra but this game lags the fuck out every single time it zooms in, and I'm only playing on High.

I wanted this answered so I don't have to make my own thread. Needed to bump before thread died

Base game is too easy, all the cosmetics in the DLCs look horrible, Alien Hunters isn't very well balanced.

Pick it up for $20 with all DLCs in a year, plus good mods might actually come out by then if the mod community doesn't die.

They did fix some of the problems, but the effectiveness varied between people.

It's a great game, but it was kinda buggy and still might be. It's also the least optimized game ever created.

But at least they're adding location based targeting like I've been asking from tactics games since fucking Fallout 1.

They're planning to put MECs in their to be released DLC you should wait it out

It's a good game. Lotta mod support so you can make it as easy as you want it to be. I would still be playing it right now but during the first few weeks the game it had massive lag, loading, and stuttering issues. I had to put off playing legendary difficulty because I didn't want my save fucked up because the game was broken. By the time they fixed the issues I had already moved on.

>It's also the least optimized game ever created.
This. I'm getting better fps on GTAV.

GTA5 is hit and miss for people. It ran pretty good on my GTX 760, and then flawlessly on my 970. But I have a friend with a 960 who can't keep 60 FPS and has to cap it to 30 FPS to stop stuttering. Strange.

You never tried Saints Row II on PC, huh?

I have it, but haven't tried it. Only played it on PS3.

>It's a good game.
>When I played it, it sucked, but now it's fixed, I think.
>I haven't played it since the supposed fixes, but it's good, really.

nigga what?

Binary Domain was worse on release than SR2

Not only that but they give you super weapons to help you fight them for absolutely free which completely fucks in the ass normal stuff. Then when you kill the bosses you get stupid looking but broken armor that nothing late game can compete with. The difficulty of the game is in a ridiculous state of flux thanks to that dlc.

Easily my favorite game of the year, but I think some people on Sup Forums hate it, so do whatever you feel man.

>tfw did my gaylo run with the DLC for the first time on Classic Ironman
Fuck me, my only loses have been to those fuckers too

Just like how the XCOM EU was superior to the PC version, right?

Is this game worth it with the available mods?

The actual missions?
Nice variety and nice new enemy types and larger maps than EU/EW

Outside the missions?
It's like if the 3 Abduction missions choice in EU/EW was expanded to 10 and it's permanently there with a whack-a-mole aspect.
Completed your mission? Great here's 3 more flashing things on your map!

>Does it still suck

Long war is better :^)

I paid 80 bucks for it and feel like it was worth it pre mods, there are some really good mods out as well like an enemy variety mod

>It's a 'commander, 50 new VERY IMPORTANT events have turned up that you need to complete RIGHT NOW' episode

It'll probably go on sale in the summer sale which wont be far away. I'd wait desu

if they put it on sale right now its not going to go any lower

Get Jagged Alliance 2 for $2.50 off GOG instead.


In what other game can you kill aliens with waifus?

Xcom 1 with long war mod its like x1000 times better.
Xcom 2 its NOT even close to be like Xcom 1, a lot of shit was changed, and most of those changes weren't good.

A lot of them are just "go here and scan to get some minor reward" and can be ignored unless you need that reward. The annoying part is that it auto-stops scanning for every god damn thing.

seriously the DLC for this game has been absolute trash

OP I bought it off G2A for like $30 in spite of it being fucking $80 in canuckistan, but then some polish nigger used my cc info to buy himself some girly shoes in france and racked up a $700 bill. I think I got it cleared off as fraud with my cc company, but holy shit I'm never buying grey market ever again

XCOM 2 has a better tactical game and an atrocious global game. Of course LW is better, though.

XCOM 2 is pretty great. If you enjoyed the XCOM 2012, you'll like this.

Don't get the DLCs. So far it's been cosmetics and a few boss ayys. Not really worth it imo.

>runs like shit, this may be fixed now but at launch it was chugging at 20 FPS on high end machines
>every enemy has a stun or is otherwise capable of taking actions away from you
>whole campaign makes you feel incredibly rushed, constantly going against the clock with no break
>classes have been changed but not really fixed, eg, the ranger is useless until you get run and gun as a lieutenant, medic is always better than hacker etc.
>the whole game is more interested in being hard than being challenging and fair

I wouldn't buy it unless it's $20 or less if I were you.

Post screens of your squad in action

Let me lay this out straight:

The original xcom game. The very first one, is better.

The first xcom game firaxis made is not better. It's still good, but it is not better than xcom 2.

xcom 2 is basically an improvement in almost every way over the first game. The problem is that it's pretty much just a polished-up version of the first game, it is seriously lacking in improvements that could easily have been made and should have been made.

Like, the entire turn system of the game forces it into a binary "You kill the enemy in one turn, or else the enemy kills you" style of gameplay. It's shit. Awful. There's some mods that help fix it, but nothing's really good enough yet.

meme team

Hey man I'm doing that too.
Shit is fun as fuck.

I'm playing on an ancient as fuck 660GTX and I get a good 60fps.

I don't have max resolution, turned down shadows a little bit, but that's pretty much it.

I heard it was unoptimized as shit at launch, but right now it runs pretty fucking good considering how old my gpu is.

Don't have any good ones in action. Do have some before and after action shots, though.


The problem I have with this is:




They said they wanted to base this game around fighting a guerilla op against aliens but THERES NO FUCKING GAME DESIGN ELEMENTS THAT FUCKING SUPPORT THAT

It's literally just the first firaxis xcom game but a new coat of paint on top. I mean, that's not entirely a bad thing because the first game is pretty decent and the shiny stuff is pretty good, but ffs they could have at least put some effort into the actual gameplay design rather than just copy-pasting it.

I-Is that the Frog Soldier suit from MGS4?


I like it, but then again, I pirated it.

The first playthrough was more like a tutorial (duh), so you should learn as much as you can about the game before your 2nd play through.

I got really over powered on my 2nd playthrough and the game gets a little too easy, especially since all of the enemies are predictable.


>The false flaggers got bored
Good. Glad we can discuss XCOM again.

>literally the Halo: CE pistol

...Yea. I believe it's a mod.

I still wouldn't pay $53 for the game. Holy shit.

There's reskins for most of the weapons.

There is something called mods user, I know I know "how can consoles not have these mods things?!"
Because consoles are shit

$80 (Really more like $90 with tax) in canada, which is just fucking ridiculous.

A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.

Yes, that is the entire point of the mod.



There's a patch that came out for that. It's called gitgud 1.0 and is available everywhere.

It's shit gameplay design

We need a GITS mod

>i'm poor
>i'm bad at video games
>did I mention i'm bad at video games?
>i can't stress enough just how bad i am at video games
>this is the game's fault not mine

How about you don't group up your soldiers then