E3 2016

>E3 2016
>at Rockstar Games conference
>"After the worldwide success of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption, we - at Rockstar games - are proud to announce the next next establishment in the Red Dead franchise: "
>the logo starts to fade in, as the next title is revealed, the crowd goes wild and starts applauding furiously
>"We wanted to follow a more mature approach for our next title, aren't we all tired of these revenge stories with no substance or proper development?"
>"Our next game is going to be about very important social dynamics who haven't been dealt with before."
>"This is our take on the wild west."
>A gameplay showcase starts playing on the screen and a beautiful environment is shown alongside with a spectacular physic engine, the world feels alive and active with animals wandering around and gunfights taking course in the vast prairies.
>The camera starts locking in and focusing on a peculiar individual in the middle of a shoot out.
>"As I first mentioned, we wanted to do something a little more different than the older titles, and this is why we are introducing a completely new main character, displaying the west as something else more than a club for old white boys and criminals."
>the camera angle starts going up, slowly revealing the main character, who appears to be african-american
>the croud starts applauding and cheering up, the audience is on fire

would you still play it?


Django unchained my nigga.

Sure. R* game so you know that character is going to get lynched anyway and you'll pay as someone else after it.

>african-american cowboy
this never happened

>a Rockstar django game
I can think of worse things, tbqh.

I know you're trolling, but it happened all the damn time

Cowboy is one of the jobs that free blacks could regularly get


>in the wild west

It's gonna be a Django Unchained knock-off and focus on revenge anyways right?


Blazing saddles edition