>Beyond Two Souls UHD Motion Editoin
>The Last of Us Re-Remastered
>Metal Gear 5 Remastered Director's Cut
>God of War Ascension 4K Gore Platinum Edition
>Detroit Become Human Interactive Edition
>Call of Duty Infinite Warfare 4K Edition
>NioH 120fps Remastered Edition
Greatness awaits for those who waited to buy the upgrade version
>Rebuying the same game twice for nothing more than improved resolution
>After already rebuying all the "remastered" shit
Why are consolefags rebuying the same game two or three times in the same console generation?
>Why are consolefags rebuying the same game two or three times in the same console generation?
Good question. They have an obsession with Sony buying the same game 2 or 3 times
Am I supposed to be excited for these?
Are these supposed to be "leaked" PS4K titles?
but why, why would they remaster a buncha garbage and not remaster their very best games
i wouldnt buy it unless bloodborne remastered
>bloodborne remastered
Trying to make this average game a GOTY
Hey everyone! Look! Sony is releasing old games again! Oh no! That'd so different from everyone else!
How many fucking versions of cs have people purchased? How many times has nintendo sold mario on multiple consoles? One of the first games for xbone was halo collection.
Also, considering half of your list isn't even out yet, kind of retarded.
- Sony has the market lead
- House said it would be more than the current model, but never specified how much more
- PSN's 2016 lack of decent sales
When Sony has no competition, they become greedy.
Reminder to report and ignore shitposting threads.
Sony has never overpriced any of their consoles or handhelds, so no matter what, it will be a deal.