Which one is the best?
Which one is the best?
They are all shit.
2 is the only good one
>Sup Forums told me 2 is good
>buy it on sale
>it's dogshit
agents of mayhem
2, no contest.
2's the only good one.
It's almost amazing how shitty the rest of Volitions output, both past and present is. I guess it was a fluke.
how do you make 2 work on pc?
Two. Every day. The rest are pretty terrible.
Wait for an xbox 360 emulator
Gentlemen of the Row.
>look mom i did it again!
You know phone anons don't appreciate this kind of shit you ass.
Nid sauce on this my senpai
I downloaded 2 after the last thread recommended me to.
Installed all the mods n shit to make it not as shit.
The controls are garbage. Why did they map the car controls to the face buttons? Why are there so many missing actions in the mapping options? Why do I end up shooting when I mapped the throttle to RT? Why is fine aim mapped to pressing the right stick and can't be changed?
To be fair I'm coming from finishing The Third so I'm used to those controls. I'll probably end up finishing the story just to know it and then uninstalling. I sure as fuck am not 100% that game. Not with the amount of bugs, glitches and broken saves.
Sauce me up.
Tough call, 2 and 4 are easily the best of the series while being polarly the opposite of each other.
While 2 had more content overall and a better story, I'd have to go with 4. Simply because it does something different than all other GTA clones, and it had some good gags.
How are people so delusional is beyond me.
2 if you buy it on a console.
4 = 2 > 3 > 1
I wish they'd kept the story and satire from 2 with the features from 4.
Kind of funny how SR4 was a better superhero game than most actual superhero games.
The weird thing is they kinda did? At least in regards to the satire. One of the big differing points between GTA and SR was the humor and satire the games had, though until the third it was mostly just background and side mission stuff.
That said, the story did kinda go entirely off the rails in kinda dumb ways. It would have been nice if they kept it somewhat in theme while still ramping things up though.
1 = Ok
2 = Great
3 = Meh
4 = Different but fun
most actual superheroes games are doomed to fail license shit for marveldrones
Don't fall for the Sup Forums contrarian meme, 2 is little more than a GTA knockoff
3 is more fun
SR1 was a clone, SR2 is a more crazy GTA, and SR4 and 4 are just balls to the walls crazy because they didn't want to compete with GTA anymore.
To be honest I miss the satire and comedy from Rockstar. GTA4 was just too grimdark, and GTA5 was too tryhard with Trevor and its shitty story.
3 or 4, others no
Doesn't help that Marvel and DC are pretty draconian with their IP's in general.
From what I've heard, they basically backseat dev for the sake of MUH LORE or some shit.
No, they backseat dev so they have to pay less.
They dont give a shit about lore. you can just make up another dimension and go from there.
I can only name three videogame series of Marvel games that turned out nicely.
>Marvel vs Capcom (Marvel nearly had no saying on this)
>Spiderman games (again, they were mostly Activision and Sony Tristar's idea)
>Hulk games (Activision)
With DC you've got Rocksteady's Batman series, there's Infamous, Scribblenauts, LEGO Batman, well... t.b.h. they don't have a lot more either.
the 3rd game is most certainly the best
Third game is my favorite because it has the wackiest humor and least content which suits me best because I have ADHD and have problems finishing what I
This is surprisingly accurate.
Lana Rain
This is surprisingly accurate.
Anyone remeber the days of 1s multiplayer? The infinite pipe bomb glitch? Major nostalgia right there.
It's hilarious how Sup Forums parrots that 3 is bad for being too different than 2, but also that 4 is better than 3 FOR BEING SO DIFFERENT.
Even with mods, 2 is a subpar game with slightly better customization and a town sandbox. 3 improves the controls, physics, stability, and co-op by leagues, and it's the only one worth playing with a buddy.
4 is honestly one of the most enjoyable super hero games I've played